living room furniture jodhpur rajasthan

just a minute. let's go. where is rani? what's this drama? i am really tired.. why are wewalking endlessly? i don't know whywe are walking. just continue walking. we have to getto a safe place.
but we should return home. have you lost your mind? we know whathappened has to us. don't even think aboutgoing home, okay? but why don't youwant me to return home? rani,do as you are asked to, okay? no ifs and buts with pari! i am the eldest here,but pari is our leader. we have to followher commands, okay?
no one will return home. yes, we will dowhatever monu says. we have to abide bypari's commands. we have talked enough..we have to leave immediately. we just saw that fourkids get out of a vehicle which met with an accident,in the area of bandra, mumbai. they want to reach a safelocation as soon as possible. what had happened which made themso discreet in their actions?
what was the threatthey would face back home which prohibited themfrom returning home? this casewhich seemed simple turned out to be sucha complex case that the mumbai policewent through a tough time to solve this. step aside. step back.step back. make everyone step back.
he is still breathing. put him in the carand rush him to the hospital. sir, he is no more. take this man away. sir. i found alcohol bottlesin the car. they must've beendrunk while driving. check the car documents. sir!
take a look. sir, the tag onthis box suggests that this vehicle is usedto deliver furniture. it could be that they usefurniture delivery as an excuse to do illegal activities. the car documents. sir, the car is registeredin the name of shivam. he's the same person whomwe just sent to the hospital. sir,he is a resident of latur.
the one who has died,i found his driving licence. his name is manoj.he is a resident of kurla. there is a beggar here. he saw something last night. what did you see? sir, i was sleepingat that time.. then, i heard a loud sound. the vehicle had crashedinto the pavement. then i saw four kidscoming out of the vehicle.
then, a child picked a rodand they went that way. i am handicapped.hence, i couldn't follow them. did you seethe faces of those kids? it was night time, i couldn'tsee the faces properly. okay. sir, who killed this child?why was he killed? was the driverand shivam responsible for this? sir, what were thosefour kids doing in the tempo? ma'am, god knows why myfriend fainted all of a sudden..
please come and help. calm down.i'll come with you. tell me.where is your friend? what has happened to her? she hassuffered sunstroke. get up, what happened? get up.. sir, i don't knowanything about the dead child. we were on our wayfor furniture delivery.
we found a child's corpsein your vehicle and you sayyou don't know about it! sir, i am not lying. trust me. who were the four kids,who escaped from the vehicle? do you just dealin just furniture delivery or do you dealin something else as well? no, sir. manoj and i have been deliveringfurniture for four years.
we have never doneany illegal activity. but last night.. you didn't askthem anything. how could you justlet them get into the vehicle? i did ask, sir. where are your parents? sir, they are waiting for us. actually, we can't find a cab. that's whywe asked for your help.
please drop us.- sir, please drop us. where were you goingto deliver the furniture? we were delivering itto a customer who stayson the t.p. road. you must've seen the facesof the kids. you can help usget their sketches made, right? sir, i rememberthe faces vaguely. i thought they were kids and so,we didn't notice properly. you didn't pay heedbecause they were kids
or were youtoo drunk to do that? we found alcohol bottlesfrom your vehicle. they were not mine. they belonged to manoj. he was heavily drunk. that is the reason,we lost balance and crashed into the footpath. sir, this is the only mistakewe made. and this is why manojgot killed.
this is the post-mortem reportof the tempo driver, manoj and the boy, who's dead bodywe had recovered. as per this report,manoj died due to the trauma of the accident. he had a lot of alcoholin his body. and the child died due tosuffocation. but sir, there were someminor injuries on his body. did you getto know anything about the kid? no, sir. not yet.
but we will come to knowabout him very soon. circulate the photographof that kid in every police station. if the kid is missing,someone will definitely file a missing complaint.- okay sir. but i don'tunderstand how he got injured. is shivam hiding somethingfrom us? sir, i found outabout shivam and manoj. shivamwas telling us the truth.
for four years, they havebeen delivering furniture. and before this, none of themhad any criminal record. if shivam is saying the truth,what is the reason behind these injuries? did those kids hit him? but why will the kidsdo such a thing? what if the kids happen to bepart of a gang? the gang might have had somekind of a problem with this kid and thatis why they killed this kid.
we don't have any detailsof those kids and neither do we havetheir photographs. inspector shinde, interrogatethe people where the accident took place. i believe, for this case, we'llfind a lead from there itself. okay, sir. rani, what were you doing? my mother used to always prayto the goddess of the temple with the red flag, beforeevery meal.
and only after that, she ate. you are done with your prayer,right? now, hurry up and eat. i missing my mother a lot. all of us should go home. no! why is it so difficultfor you to understand? no one will go home! all of us are tired. so all ofus will rest here, after eating. yes! we will rest hereafter eating.
rani, eat fast. on one side, the policefinds out that the tempo driver manoj, and tempo owner,shivam, have no previous criminal recordsand on the other the dead body of thechild found in the tempo raised a lot of questions. why and when did the childrenenter the path of crime? what exactly did they want? did they have an idea thatthe path they had chosen
did not have any destinationand that, they could never back offfrom where they were? the police were able tosense the danger and were sincerely workingupon it. it has been two months,my child is still missing. are you guys doing anythingabout us? we are searching for your child. we will let you know assoon as we get to know anything. i have been coming here
for the past two months. you just keep sending mehere and there. my child is still missing! for god sake's, please bring memy child. please find him. hey! get up!come on, get up! come on, now!get up! get up! get out from here.this is our place! get up! stand up!- get out from here!
we will go away after restingfor a while. do you think of meas a fool? there is no place for you here.go to some other place. come on, now.come on! - hey! did i not tell you thatwe will leave in sometime? how dare you threaten me? you are standing here and..- hey! - let go! monu, leave it!- let go! come on now!go away!
go away from here! make sure we don't see youhere again. if we see you again,we will break your legs! monu, let us go. letus go and find another place. sir, the area in which thetempo met with an accident i interrogated the people around but i didn'tget to know about anything. two of our constables are stillquestioning those people. maybe,they will find something.
sir, a lady has cometo file a complaint. she claims that four kidsattacked her and snatched awayher belongings. yes, sir.first, they attacked me. and then they took awayall my belongings. can you tell us about theappearance of those kids? yes. they were four of them. two boys and two girls. four kids hadgot off from the tempo.
there was a boy.he had a dusky complexion. he must be about 16 years old. and a girl. she must beabout 14 to 15 years old. and there were two young kids,aged around 10 years. a boy and a girl. will you be able to helpin preparing their sketches? yes, sir. but sir, i couldn't see theelder kids properly. but i have seenthe younger kids closely.
i can help in preparingtheir sketches. monu, what are you looking for? let us go! the two of usshould return home. i am really not likingall of this. i don't wantto get monu angry. but why? wehave nothing to do with him. why should we listento him? sunny, don't you feel likegoing home?
rani, i don't wish to die. hey!what is going on? m-monu, it is nothing.. keep mumand keep walking! sir, these are the sketchesof those kids who had attacked kritika. sir, the descriptionof these kids matches with the height andage told by the beggar. the two girls must be around10 to 15 years of age.
and there was a small boy,about 9 or 10 years old. and the one who picked upthe rod must be 15 or 16 years old. sir, could they be them? it is possible. because kritika was attackedtoday at 8 a.m. at the hill road. and these kids had disappearedfrom turner road, yesterday. there is not much distancebetween hill road
and turner road. maybe, they are the oneswe are searching for. sir, i am not able to understandone thing. why did these kidssteal that lady's belongings? that lady had money on her. they could have stolenher purse too. the things they stole hadnothing special except eatables. they stole eatables becausethey were hungry and theydidn't have money on them.
inspector shinde, they won't beable to go much far if they don't have money. pass these sketches to allthe men on patrol near hill road and turner road. it is very importantfor us to find these kids. sir..this costs rs. 50. please buy it. by the way, sir..have you seen him? he is my son, chintu.
if you can tell me where he isi can give this to you for free. please take a look.. the police began theirsearch based on the sketches and on the informationthey could extract. they enquired aboutthem everywhere they could. and finally, they cameto a place where the kids had had a scufflewith some beggars. aren't they the same kids? yes, sir.they are the same ones.
run! run.. take care of him.. they must be heresomewhere. look around. hey, what is your name?where do you stay? and who were the otherkids who were with you? say something, dear. i know that you are hungry.should i order something? i know that you hadasked the tempo driver for lift to reach home.
the tempo met with anaccident and you got scared. there is no needto be afraid. we are here! we will take you home,to your parents. tell us your name, where youstay. say something at least.. sir, ms. kritika is here. please come. was he the one?- yes, sir. he is the one! he hasn'tspoken a word yet.. he is just pretending.
these kids arewell-trained, i tell you! he was talking somuch when he attacked me. what has happened to her?- she suffered sunstroke. tell them! whydon't you? come on! he must bearound 9-10 years old. i think he is notin a condition to speak. we can't pressurizehim now. shinde, circulate hispicture everywhere and find out who he is andwhere is he from.
his parents may have fileda missing report for him. were they the onesyou had given a lift to? i don't remember clearly,sir. it was dark and wedidn't see their faces clearly. but the sketches saythat they may be the ones. sunny was the only onewho could help the police but he wasstill tight-lipped. on the other hand,rani, monu and pari were still in hiding.
these kids could go home.but why didn't they want to? enough now. not anymore. the policeare not behind us now. but they have got sunny. what should we do?- i don't know. they must have taken himto the police station. what if we go there?- that could bring us trouble. but we have to do something!- what if they catch us as well? no.. i don't want to goto the police.
i want to go to my mother.she loves me a lot. i am sure sheprays for me every day at the templewith the red flag atop it. be quiet, rani! i cannotleave anyone alone here. and stop thinkingabout your mom, okay? family and parentsare all very vile. that's why i killed myparents. did you understand? this place seems safe. let's wait here tonight.
inform me if you getany information. sir.. the corpse we had found inthe tempo has been identified. that kid'sname is piyush patil. his parents had fileda missing complaint around two weeks ago, at theshahu nagar police station. all right. let's meethis parents and inform them. my child..he had been to school that day. but when i went tobring him back, he wasn't there.
sir, we triedlooking for him everywhere. we didn't find him.we checked with the relatives acquaintances and everyone else.he wasn't to be seen anywhere. later, we learnt that he wasseen with a 8-10 year old. sir, we don't know son was my only child. he was my only child! rani!rani.. rani! rani..
rani!rani! pari! pari, wake up!- what's the matter? rani isn't here!i don't know where she has gone. what!- we have to find her. get up! rani! - rani.. monu, did you see her?- no. she isn't here as well. i think,she has run away. hey!what are you two doing here?
get out of here.. the construction workis about to resume. sir, we had circulatedthis boy's picture. we have found out thathis missing report was filed at the kalinapolice station, 20 days ago. sir, he is the only son of hisparents. his name is sunny. he was seen with a boy,for the last time. but we don't yetknow who that boy was. shinde, is it possible
that he is the same boywho was seen with piyush. where is shanti?- there she is. shanti, you are sitting here.come on, get back to work. don't waste time. i am going.don't irritate me. your son would havecome back long time ago if he had to. you are so can at least talk good. he will surely come back.just wait and watch.
go back to work. my child! sunny, where had you been? tell me.where had you been? say something. it's been so longsince i heard from you. i don't know them. sunny, i am your father. i don't know you.
i have neverseen you before. rani is makinga grave mistake. we can't let her go. we have to thinkabout sunny. who should we search first? let's toss. we'll search rani firstif we get this. and if we get this,we'll search for sunny. we'll search for rani first.
but how will wesearch for her? i want to goto my mother. she must be offering prayers at the templewith a red flag, for me. she always talks about thetemple with a red flag. it's near her house. i am unableto recollect anything. what is sunny saying? we have beensearching for you since 20 days.
look at yourmother's condition. and you are saying thatyou don't remember anything! i said, i don'tremember anything. do you thinkwe are mad? don't yell at him.keep quiet. i wonder whatmy son has gone through. he seems fine. he is pretendingto have forgotten everything. don't force him.
he'll tell youwhen he recollects everything. on one hand,sunny was saying that he doesn'tremember anything. and he was notable to recognise his parents. on the other hand,monu and pari had left to search rani. the policeand sunny's parents did not believe that sunnyhad lost his memory. but the police hadto be polite
and find the truth out. who were those childrenwith sunny and what did theywant to do? how did sunnyget separated from his family? did he run awayfrom home willingly? there were many questions which only sunnycould have answered. but something else wasgoing on in sunny's mind. and the police weretrying their best.
sir, i don't understand what's wrong with sunny. he is talking to us as ifhe has never met us before. there were four otherchildren along with sunny. and one of themhas died. my son has nothingto do with this. i only know that he wasgoing around with a stranger. i don't know whyhe is refusing to recognise us. personally, we feelthat sunny is lying.
he might havegone through an incident. he must be lyingdue to fear. sir, give me some time. even i feelhe is pretending. find out the secretbehind this drama. what such had happened that he is refusing to recogniseyou, after coming back. we'll come back tomorrow. until then, speak to sunny
and try to findout the truth. if sunny doesn'tspeak the truth we'll have to takehim under juvenile custody. it's a matterof the murder of a child. sir, sunny may haveescaped willingly. because judgingby the way he is reacting i feel that he'll escapeagain and join the gang. sir, i think,it's risky to leave him here. shinde, we have to keepsome food in the cage
in orderto catch the mouse. deploy a constableoutside sunny's house. sunny will tryto contact his friends or his friendswill try to contact him. and who is the boywhom mohan had seen sunny with. what if the boyis the kidnapper? but sir, why would any childkidnap another child? sir, where is the templewith the red flag? the templewith a red flag?
it's in kalina. kalina? it'll take you 30 minutesto reach there. we are already tired. i won't be able to walk. we'll have to arrangefor money. how do we do that? sir, please wait here. i'll get the money.
how are you?are you all right? sharda!sharda! rani is here. thank god! you are absolutely fine. god answered your prayers. rani has come back. look at your condition. did you eatanything or not?
sharda, inform the policethat rani has come back. yes, i'll inform them. let me feedmy daughter first. she must be hungry. come in.shall i get something to eat? what will you have? why did you come back? mom, i thought,you'll be happy to see me. keep quiet.
don't shedcrocodile tears before me. did you understand? listen to me cannot stay here. did you thinkyou will come back and i will welcome you? get it? rani had reached homewith a hope that she wouldn't haveto run away from the police. but rani's mother, sharda,refused to keep her.
what was thewhole matter about? why was sharda refusingto accept her own daughter? will monu and parireach rani and succeedin taking her back? sir!he is my son, chintu. he is missing sincepast two months, sir. i want to get his photopublished in the newspaper. it'll be done.tell me the name of the boy. it's chintu.- okay.
what is his age?- nine years. nine years. what clotheswas he wearing? brown coloured shirt andblue coloured shorts. listen, i have noteddown all the details. deposit rs.1,500.- okay. you can't place an advertisementwith so little money. this advertisementcosts rs. 1,500. please publish the photograph,i'll pay you in full.
i didn't do good businesstoday, sir. the moment i do, i willsettle all your dues, sir. okay.i'll publish this advertisement. but you'll have tosettle the payment. - okay, sir. yes, sir. absolutely. i have read the papers. the moment i finish readingthe papers i'll reply to you. you are my darling son,aren't you? please, dear.- no.. - please have it.
no. - listen,how will become healthy then? you are my darling son, right?- no. i don't want to have it. tell me something. you want to becomesuperman or you do not? you'll have to eat wellto become that. dear, pleasehave just one spoonful. i don't want to eat this.i'll have kheer. unbelievable!
you remember the kheeryour mom used to make but you don'tremember your mom! why are you alwaysafter his life? why do you alwayskeep taunting him? he himself will say,when he recollects. my sweet heart! you be with him. i'll prepare somekheer for you, okay? sir, i had got a callfrom the constable.
sunny hasn't revealedanything yet. and from his neighbour,i learnt that sunny's parentsare decent people. shinde, all that is fine. but i don't get one thing. why is this sunny pretendingto have forgotten everything? okay, let's wait fora couple of days. even i know what actionto take next. - yes, sir. did you get any informationabout those kids?
no, sir.not yet. people near the red templehad told us that rani's houseis somewhere here. sir, which is rani'shouse? - that's the one. mom! mom. where is the doctor?- come with me. doctor,i am seriously injured. how did you get injured?
well, sir,i had fallen down the stairs. have you come alone?didn't anyone accompany you? sir, i am widow.i am all alone. nurse, take herto the dressing room. sir, she is that patientregarding whom i had called you. don't get up.. what happened to you? who has done all this? sir, i was sleeping in my house.
then, suddenly a manbarged into my house. his face was masked. he covered my mouthand thrashed me a lot, sir. he even took awayall my money, sir. then why did youlie to the doctor that you fell downfrom the steps? well.. sir, i am poor woman. if i get into allthese complications
i won't be ableto earn a livelihood. i won't have anymoney to survive, sir. mom, where did you go? rani.- rani. rani. ms. pari. mr. monu. rani! - seems like the voiceis coming from that direction. rani.- r-rani.
ms. pari, i am sorry.i'll never leave you alone. sorry, ms. pari. sorry, mr. monu. sunny, look here,i have got so many toys for you. will you play with them? will you? do you like it? are these exclusively for me? yes, sunny.
this one and all the othertoys are just for you.. how to play with it? let me show you. see here, we both will playtogether with the toys. did sunny reveal anything? we'll have to take sunnyunder juvenile custody. sir, listen.please, sir. sir.. - forgive us.we don't have any other option. kajal.- wait.
why are you after my sunny? can't you see thathe is so terrified? sir, you can't force sunnyto reveal any information. please leave. otherwise, i'll be compelledto call my lawyer. you may make a callto whomever you want. our duty is tofind out the truth and we'll do that any cost. kajal,take that boy along.
why are you crying,rani? don't cry. be quiet. rani, be quiet.everything will be fine. quiet. stop crying now. all right, come sit here.sit. sit here, don't goanywhere. we will be back. but, pari.. we aren't going anywhere.we are coming. stay here.
all right? come, monu. rani, you're still crying?look what i've got for you. it's a nice frock,isn't it? it will look good on you.stand up.. wear it and show us. from now on, we willtake care of each other. like a family. and sunny, where is he? you didn't find him?
we were looking for him,but before we could find him you ran away. we will find sunnyfor sure, right? yes, don't worry.all right? at least, three of usare together. we will find sunny too. is this where sharda lives? yes, sir.this is it. the day she was attacked,did any of you
see aman wearing a mask? sir, i didn'tsee a man wearing a mask but yes, i did seetwo kids leave this place. search the house. i can't see anything inthe house which points to the fact thatthere has been a robbery here. did sharda have anyenemies? no, sir.she had no enmity. sir, that poor woman'sdaughter is missing.
she returned yesterday. rani! how are you? but sharda told usnothing about it. sir, i found a girl'sphoto with sharda. who is this girl withsharda? sir,that's her daughter, rani. sir,she filed her missing report. she came backyesterday. but there was no onein the hospital with sharda.
sir, i checked itthoroughly, but rani's missing complaint hasn'tbeen filed anywhere. then why did sharda lie whenshe said that she has filed rani's missing complaint? and what if the wholeincident about the masked man visiting herplace was a lie too? sir, a case similar to ourshas been reported in bandra too. there too,a case has been registered against a few kids, whohave become a menace
for the local people there. do one thing. share the detailswe have with them about this case. hello.- patient sharda has escaped from the hospital! what! what is going on?what do these kids want? are they aboutto perpetrate a big crime? by rani's description, itseems that she is the third
member of the gang. mr. moore, first, ranireturns home of her own will. and what could be thereason for sharda's lie? what if she isinvolved in this? and her statementabout rani's fir was a lie too. and now, she is missing too. we have only sunny now who can answerour questions. sunny, we know thatyou are lying.
you remember everything. you still have time.tell us the truth. otherwise,we will keep you here. we won't let you go home. sunny. tell the truth to police. look, sunny.i'm your mother. i know you well.the day you returned i got to know that youare hiding something from me.
but, i thought that you'd tellme everything in a day or two but you didn't. you still have a chance.tell them the truth. then we will go hometogether. if you don't tell them,then i will leave you here and go home.i'll never come to meet you. all right, won't say anything? then stay here, alone. mom! please, don't go.i'll tell the truth.
please, mom. don't go. please,i'll tell the truth. sit. i was lying. i remember everythingclearly. i had run away fromthe home out of my own will. why? when i stayed at home,dad always used to scold me and beat me all the time.
he'd alwaysask me to study. when i got less marksin the first term he beat me up badly. and he even warned methat if i get less marks in the second term,he'd skin me alive. in the second term too,i scored less marks. i was scared. that's why i ran awayfrom the school. then, i met a kid.
who was he? i don't know. hey, did you see my ball?where did it go? it's there. come here and tell me.i can't find it. they kidnapped me. i hid this because hadi told you that i ran away from home, dad wouldhave beaten me a lot. that's why i did this.
what happenedafter that? they lockedme up in a room. not just me, they hadkidnapped several kids. i didn't know why theywere doing this. slowly,they'd take some kids out. that day, whenthey were transporting us the tempo metwith an accident. and we escapedfrom the tempo. we found a boy's corpsein the tempo.
how did he die? piyush was crying a lot. stop! stop the vehicle. darn it.. hey! who was screaming?who was the one banging! sir, i want to gohome. go home, it seems!you! i'll send you home!what do you think? why were you banging?
and he locked himup inside the almirah. he warned us that ifwe make noise he will kill us too. despite that, we triedto open the door but it didn't open. he was crying and slowly,his voice faded. then, it stopped.we thought that he was asleep. and after the accident,we tried to open the door again. but it didn't open.we were afraid
that someone might comethere and catch us. that's why we ran away. you ran from the tempoafter the accident. why didn't you go to yourrespective homes then? pari didn't want for usto go home. we know whathas happened to us. don't even think aboutgoing home. got it? she was our leader.monu listened to her. i'm the eldest here, butpari is our leader.
do as she says, got it? when monu told us thathe'd murdered his parents.. you remember how brutallyi killed my parents, right? then rani and igot scared of him. see, was it this girl? no, she's rani. can you help us makethe sketch of that man? no. i don't rememberhis face clearly.
shinde. this case isn't as simpleas it looks. the truth that sunnytold the police was quite shocking. what was going on? why were so manykids abducted together? was this a case ofchild trafficking? or, were certainrevelations yet to be made which were beyondour imagination?
whatever chintu did to himself,what was the reason for that? and monu and pari,why don't they want to go back home? as the case progressed,the complications increased. police thoughtthat this a part of a larger conspiracy. they were tryingto connect the dots. sir, this case startedwith a tempo accident. the tempo driver, manoj,died.
we found this boy,piyush's corpse in the tempo. the tempo owner, shivam,we didn't find anything substantial from him. sir, in this case so far,we have found only one kid. sunny who told us that a boynamed monu killed his own parents. and with him, was a girl,pari about whom,we still know nothing about.
and the other girl is rani who is the fourth memberof this gang. and her mother, sharda.she is missing too. shinde, shivam might beconnected to sharda. it could also be that raniwent to her home attacked on her mother,sharda, and escaped. or else, pariand monu went to rani's home attacked her mother, sharda,and abducted rani. and..
hello! what? sir, shivam hasrun away from the hospital. sir,this is the address. that one. this is the place whereshivam and manoj stay. it's locked. mister, come here. yes, sir. - where has shivamgone? do you know anything?
no, sir. i don'tknow anything about him. all right. shinde, shivam lied to usfirst and now, he's missing. i asked themwhere their parents were. they said theystay somewhere nearby and that,they are heading back home. we will have to findshivam as soon as possible. sir, his permanent addresson his identification card is of latur's narayanvillage.
it could bethat he is in hiding there. i don't think he hasgone to latur. he knowsthat we can reach there. but still,let's give it a try. inform the latur policeand keep an eye on his house. sir, what do we do aboutsharda now? we've noleads about her yet. fetch sharda's call recordsand find her phone's location. okay, sir. sir, i hada word with sharda's neighbours.
they say that she usedto love her daughter a lot. shinde, if that is case why did sharda lie to us? pari, are you all right? yes. pari, i'm thirsty.i want some water. i will get water.monu, give me the wallet.. mister,give me a water bottle. what happened?are you fine?
nothing. let's go. sir, we've got sharda'scall records. it's clear that she wasnot in touch with shivam but yes, there's one numbervia which she was in contact. it's registeredone a man named babban. who's babban? sir, babban works asa security guard at a private property. what's sharda's last location?
sharda's location was atbarve road's junction. it's quitea secluded place. how do you know sharda? sir, sharda and i loveeach other. i see. then i'm sure you must beknowing sharda very closely. how was sharda'srelation with her daughter? i've no idea about that. i neverasked her about that.
my interest was onlyin sharda. this is the location. search in the vicinity.- okay, sir. sir, i found this mobilephone here. there's even a sandallying there. there some piecesof bangles too. seems like all ofthese belong to sharda. and looking at the waythey are lying here seems like, somebodyhad had a fight here.
could it be that it was shardawho had had a fight here? sharda mightbe knowing a secret and it could be connectedto somebody's life. look, babban. a lot of people lie to us. but when they get caught,we don't spare them. are you thinking ofmaking the same mistake? no, sir.. sir, i know something..
sharda didn't used to likeher daughter at all. she used to treat her as ifshe's a burden on her. babban..- you got very late today. i thought you won'tcome today. babban,i've to meet you on the sly. and i don't want anyoneto know about our affair. why do you worry so much? come on. what is this?you brought her along?
what are you doing here?come here! you always followme wherever i go. i've asked you so manytimes not to spy on me. don't you understand? go back home now! i'm fed up of this girl. i've to get rid of her. sharda and i were thinkingof getting married. but before that, sharda wantedto get rid of rani.
why did she want toget rid of rani? wasn't rani her daughter? and what's the connectionbetween shivam and sharda? even i have no idea aboutthat. sharda never spokeabout him. and who's shivam? i never heard of thisname from sharda. okay, you may go. babban is very cunning.
could it be that he ismisleading us? sir, we've not got anyevidence against babban yet. we didn't even find anythingabout sharda's last location which can prove thatbabban was present there. babban says thathe's neither seen shivam nor has he heardof his name from sharda. shinde, do this. deploy a constableto spy on him and find out where babban waswhen sharda went missing.
the police was working closelyat the sharda-rani-babban angle in this case. looking at the way shardaused to behave with rani it created a doubt if raniwas actually sharda's daughter. did babban tellthe police the truth? was there anything he wasdeliberately hiding from them? on the other hand,rani, mona and pari were spending theirdays somehow. they were now wanderinglike nomads
hiding from everyone. but, for how long were theydestined to survive by doing so? and what was their motivebehind doing this? pari, i want an ice-cream.- ice-cream? the ice-cream is very good. do you want one more?- no. are you fine, pari?- yes, i'm fine. sir, these are babban's callrecords and location details. as per these reports, the daybefore yesterday at 5 p.m.
he was present near thebarve road junction. and as per sharda'scall records even herlocation was the same. that means,babban was with her. detain babban.- okay, sir. didn't i tell you..- sir, no.. didn't i tell younot to lie to us? - no.. you will have toface dire consequences now. beat him up.- no, sir..
i am tellingyou everything.. i am tellingyou everything, sir. i was present there. i thought that i wouldget into trouble. that's whyi didn't tell you the truth. babban. sharda, you! you are here! what's this?how did you get injured?
babban, we haveto escape from here. why?- i am in trouble. perhaps, the policehas got to know that i wantedto get rid of rani. and they must besearching for me. what did you do to rani that the police issearching for you? i will tellyou everything later. i want to get outof this problem.
you are coming with me, right?- i am on duty.. i have money with me.we will go very far from here. and i have met a person who will bail me outof this problem. who is that person? look here.i have so much money with me. are youcoming with me or not? i became greedy, sir.i agreed to accompany her. she took meto the junction.
that was a secludedplace. no one was there. when i returnedafter urinating a person attackedsharda all of a sudden. i got scaredand hid there. who was that person?- i was very far away. and everything happenedall of a sudden. i couldn'tsee that person. it's impossiblethat you didn't see anything. you musthave seen something.
it was ablue colour van. and i managed to seethe last two digits of its registration number,4 and 8. i couldn't seethe first two digits. there werefootball stickers on the car. babban was onthe police hit list. as per his statement sharda was carryinglots of money with her. and she wanted togo very far from there
leaving everything behind. now, the question is how come sharda was havingso much money with her? was she involvedin any wrongdoing? did babbanspeak the truth this time? the police had onlytwo numbers with them. and they had to find thatvan using those two numbers. the police was leaving nostone unturned tofind out the truth.
there were still questionsregarding monu and pari. shanti was searchingfor her son. and the police left no stoneunturned to solve this case.
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