living room furniture layout ideas with fireplace

living room furniture layout ideas with fireplace

hello, i'm jennifer from jenniferdecorates and today i'm going to show you four ways to decorate a fireplacemantel. for this design i chose a minimalistic look i found a beautifullandscape picture that i hung in the middle and beside it i'm going to placetwo tall wood candlesticks on each side of the picture and if you'll notice thecandles are a green that really pulls out the green that's in the landscapepicture. for this next fireplace decorating idea, i'm going to create aneclectic look. i've got a beautiful wreath i'm placing in the middle with abow. next i'm going to place two candlesticks with varying heightskeeping the larger taller candlestick

towards the outside. next i'm going toadd some beautiful ivory candles now i'm ready to add something to the right sideof the fireplace and i'm going to add books they need to be built up so ifound an old wood box then i placed my old books in the middle and i found someadorable bunny book ends that are gonna flank each side of the books. i love thislook, the softness of the green wreath with the wood tones looks beautiful. for this rustic farmhouse look i foundan old architectural piece that i placed on the fireplace mantel. next i'm goingto add greenery and i'm placing it in clear glass bottles, just a little bityou don't need a lot and i'm gonna do it

on both sides of this piece. what i loveabout this look is that piece is so big that you don't need a lot more on themantel but the greenery softens the entire look. next for this traditional look i chose aclock with a dark frame because it just pops off of that shiplap. next instead ofgreenery i'm going to change things up by adding a pop of color with thesebeautiful yellow forsythia branches. i also placed thin and clear glass bottleson each side of the clock but we still have a little thing missing it looks alittle empty so we're going to fix that with a long wood votive tray. make sureto center it exactly under the clock and

you have made a beautiful look.i love candlelight whether it's in the daytime or the evening i just think itmakes a room very romantic and calming. thank you for watching my video this wasactually one of the most requested videos in the comments. i read all thecomments so if you have an idea that you'd like to see a video about be sureto comment below also subscribe to my channel and i will see you next friday!

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