classic traditional living room with french accents

classic traditional living room with french accents

hey, what's up guys!?danny from danny mac's kitchen great to see you as alwaysi'm very excited today because i have put together a really awesomeclassical french side dish you're like, "uh oh! french!"here comes the butter here comes the creamwell you're wrong this recipe is 100 percent healthyand it's 100 percent vegan as well so what am i talking about?i'm talking about making a classical ratatouille so come on guys! come with me, let me showyou what you need to get started andshow you how easy this really is to do!

first up guys let's get these sliced onionsin here i have about 4 ounces of olive oilheating over medium heat add the garlicwe're going to cook this until translucent probably going to take 2 to 3 minuteslet's add the peppers give them a tosszucchini added get back here!i like to let these vegetables cook down for about 4 or 5 minutes just to createa little more room in the pot i'm going to add the eggplanti'm going to toss all of these ingredients togetherseason with fresh pepper

lots of it!some salt stir everything get it coveredwe're going to put a top on and allow this to cook forabout 25 to 30 minutes i just wanted to point out ifyou'll notice that all the vegetables are all cut roughly the same sizereally try and strive for this because all of the vegetables are going to cook uniformlylet's check on this this is looking really greatlet's give it another stir stir intermittentlywe're going to cook this for another 10 minutes or solet's take a look

beautiful!see how it's all cooked down? it's all coming togetheri'm going to add the tomatoes now and the fresh basili keep the basil leaves whole because that's my style and that's what i like todo the reason i add the tomatoes at the endis because i want them to retain their shape if i were to put these in the beginningthey would cook down into a big mush and you wouldn't even see any tomatoesso with that being said you can see all of the amazing colors in herethis basil! we're going to cook this for anadditional 2 to 3 minutes and

we're pretty much set!guys this came out positively amazing! i'm really, really happy with it!and you saw how super easy it was to do who says eating french food has to bebad all the time? right!? the french get a bad rap i'm telling you whenit comes to the culinary arts listen guys, if you enjoyed this recipeplease give us a like, a thumbs up, and a shout out on your facebook and sharethis with your friends and family because i know they're going to love itjust as much as you do until next time...great seeing you!danny from danny mac's kitchen

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