living room furniture mix and match

living room furniture mix and match

30 ikea billy bookcase hack built-in taking a piece of ikea’s simple product and making it more unique and custom withsome diy tricks to meet individual needs is an ikea hacker’s duty and dream. ikea hacks are popular not only in the unitedstates, but all around the world. today i’d like to bring you the top 10 creativeideas for ikea billy hacks. ikea billy was one of the best-known bookcasesfor its reasonable prices and a wealth of finish options. they come in various sizes and colors, andare perfect for the next generation of bookworms.

you can mix and match the different partsto create a customized book shelving system. take a look at these creative ikea billy hackswhich can add style to your home. learn how the masters make a boring boxy houselook like a 19th-century charmer. with a little effort you can also make thatpre-fabricated ikea bookcase look like it was custom-built especially for your home. diy stylish billy built-in cabinetmake budget built-ins from ikea bookshelves. love the side panels with sconces. diy billy bookcases with grytnã„s glass doorsthese bookcases are perfect for a small room because they are so narrow.

diy billy bookshleveshow to create a dream expensive looking bookshelf with the world’s most versatile bookcases. diy billy bookcases behind a couchanother great example of a well styled bookcase is a long, low bookcase separating the livingand dining rooms without obstructing the sight lines. diy billy bookcases with height extensionsand glass doors gorgeous bookcase made with ikea billy bookcases,glass doors and an ikea lighting system. arranging bookshelves in a corner is a cleverway to maximize storage space. and what’s cozier and more satisfying thansitting in a room lined with books.

diy customized billy built-inslibrary wall made to look built in complete with ikea billy bookcases. love this huge wall of book shelving. diy kitchen islandthis kitchen island is composed of an ikea butcher block and three billy bookcases. you can also give the island a more customlook with moulding and beadboard on the side. diy library wallyou will need four billy bookcases, good hardware and quality wood to make this gorgeous librarywall at home. another creative example of build-in bookcase

diy pantry made with two ikea billy bookshelves mudroom lockersorganize your mudroom with ikea bookcases. make getting out the door in the morning thatmuch easier! add a billy bookshelf to the baby crib create a custom closet with billy bookshelves place the billy bookcase on top of the chestof drawers then secure them to the wall to this customand beautiful furniture that provides tons of storage. tutorial to add beveled crown molding on billybookcase (ikea)

this is an excellent storage solution fora’s bedroom. besides the crown molding, the custom backpanel allows you to pull in other colors or patterns. this takes a little bit more work, but itwill make your bookcases look built in. built-in bookcaseshere is one more example of built-in bookcases. it not only adds a ton of extra characterand storage to the house, but they really can make a small house feel so much bigger! beautiful ikea billy bookcases for kidsgood transformation by painting the backs in green and adding molding for the plainbilly bookcase.

bookcases with glass doorsthese x motif custom designed glass doors along with library lighting give these bookcasesan inimitable look. it is a simple way to ensure that your interiorsstand out from the crowd. diy custom built-ins with crown molding anda sliding library ladder create expensive-looking custom built-insin your living room by mixing together billy with crown molding and a sliding library ladder. diy dollhouse with billy bookcaseby adding a roof, chimney, wooden details, paint, fences, walls and even windows, thebilly bookcase becomes a chic dollhouse for your little one.

diy arched bookshelves diy gorgeous home bar built from billy bookcases entertainment stand in living roomturn 3 billy bookcases from ikea into an entertainment stand in the living room. ikea billy bookshelves transformationsimple and clever transformation of the ikea billy bookshelves by modifing and adding trimand lighting. get a custom look for the living room. built in bookshelves with window-seati love this clever design. it provides us more comfy with the windowseats alone with the bookcase.

castle bed with upper play deckcastle bed with upper play deck using an ikea kura bed and two billy bookcases. the convertible billy princess row housea perfect hack idea for your daughter’s room. built-in bookshelf wall in living roomcreate a built-in bookshelf wall in your living room by mixing and matching together ikeabilly bookcases and besta tv unit. billy bookcase as kitchen cupboardsa good solution to make your kitchen stuffs organized. use a billy bookshelf to build an ikea arcadegame based on the tutorial, it wasn’t easy, butthe result is awesome and worth.

clever shoe storage with ikea billy bookcaseget a more shoe storage by adding some billy extra shelves to the simple bookcase. mini mudroomcreate this mini mudroom from ikea billy bookcases and a bit of beadboard and trim. it costs not much and looks like custom built-ins! a super inexpensive diy project.

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