vintage miniature living room

hi guys! today i’m going to show you how to makea miniature imac in 1:12 scale. this little guy is so cute and fits perfectlyon top of the mini ikea desk we built in the last video. let’s get started. the first thing i do is google the image thati want on the imac screen. here i’m just typing in ‘mac screen flipclock’to get a screensaver image of the popular flipclock application. copy it into a word document and shrink itdown to 2 inches in width and 1.25 inches
in height. i do the same thing to get an image of anapple keyboard. shrink that down to 1.25 inches in width. if you choose to sell any of your miniaturecreations, just be mindful of the copyright restrictions with them. print that out. i just print everything in black and white. cut out the screen image. for the monitor, i grab a piece of craft plywood.
i draw a 2 inch by 1.50 inch rectangle. cut that out. i cut it with my xacto knife on both sidesand break off the piece i need. sand it until it’s smooth. file down all 4 corners to round them out a bit. i’m just using a nail file to do this. then i get some metallic silver acrylic paint. paint a quarter inch strip on one side, allthe edges, and the entirety of the other side. now let’s attach the image to the wood.
with some mod podge, i paint the bare areaof the wood. then place the image onto it and flatten itout to make sure there are no air bubbles. cut off any excess paper. for a mini apple logo, i take a dotting tooland dip it in black paint. make a dot in the center of the silver section. with a tiny dotting tool, i make a littledash above the big dot. to make the bite, dot on some silver paint. super easy. and how cute is that?
to create the look of glass, i cut out someclear plastic packaging. take some polyacrylic varnish and apply itto the plastic. you want to do this quickly before the varnishdries. here you can see on the left where i waitedtoo long and that caused some air bubbles under the plastic. not pretty. this one looks much better. for the base of the monitor, i soak a popsiclestick in boiling under it’s bendable. for more details on this process, check outmy mini guitar tutorial.
i just bend this into a v shape. then bend one of the sides backward. this creates a sort of s shape. cut off the excess about a quarter of an inchaway from that bend. apply some wood glue and stick it onto theback of the monitor. cut off the excess from the base. looking good. okay, let’s add a cord hole into the base. i use a mini hand drill to create a tiny holeand then spin my xacto knife in that hole
to make it bigger. paint the base silver as well. then as a final touch, add that apple logoto the back. i love how this turned out! to make the keyboard, i take a coffee stirrerand split it in half. glue those pieces together to create a panel. once that’s dry, paint one side silver. then cut out your keyboard printout leavingabout a quarter inch strip of paper on top of the keyboard.
glue that to the bare side of the coffee stirrerpanel. cut off the excess wood. on the back, i glue a toothpickabove the keyboard and roll the extra paper around it. this creates the battery compartment of theiconic apple keyboard. cut off the excess toothpick. then just paint the sides and back with silveracrylic paint. so tiny and cute! we’re almost there guys.
last step. let’s make the mouse. i take a quarter inch coffee stirrer witha rounded end. draw a curve on one end so it creates an oval. this is the shape of your mouse. cut it out. use a file to sand out the hard edges. you want the mouse to have a nice dome look on the top. there, that’s what you want.
paint it white. then add some silver paint to the sides andthe bottom. that’s it!! so easy! i love modern miniatures that capture ourworld today. i hope you liked this tutorial. give it a thumbs up if you did and make sureto subscribe for more! i have 2 new videos every single week. i’ll see you next time.
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