contemporary living room paint

contemporary living room paint

hello, my name is grady johnson and i'm aprofessional painter and today i represent expert now, i'm going to talka little bit about taping but before you do any taping be sure you take your duster anddust it all down real good. now, you always want to dust but especially with taping becausea little bit of dirt and this tapes not going to stick. so go ahead and get your tape, andi just use the yellow, i recommend you use the blue especially if you're new to workingwith it because it doesn't leave any glue behind and you don't have to be as carefulwith it. you can use the yellow if you're experienced with it, but remember, if you'regoing to leave that tape on there a long time don't use yellow, use blue. i never had muchtrouble with the yellow just because i don't

try to stick it down to hard so if you areusing the yellow don't press is down real, real hard or it might leave a little gluebehind. if you just put a light touch on there it'll do the trick and when we get to thepainting i'm going to give you a few tips to keep you from making a mess with it. solets go ahead and run our tape down and you can see this ripped off so we'll use a shortpiece in the corners to get it started. and we just want to dub our line. you can seethere's a line here, you see where the old line is, i'm just going to go over that andeven that out. we're pretty happy with that. also, i know i'm going to put some moldingon that later, i know that, but i'm not doing this job as if that's going to happen. i'massuming i'm not going to do that at all.

so i put a line here that will cover the existingpaint and make a nice straight new line as well. now i'm going to go ahead and bringit over the top. as you can see this is a ragged end on this so i want to even thatout. just straighten that out a little bit, pull it off straight. once i have that offstraight then i'm going to go ahead and just pull out a little bit to work with. i'll juststart working that top line. you see, i'm just working that top edge and working thatup in there. once that's in place pull it on around and you're going to shove that upinto the edge here so that we get all of this covered. and when you get to the end justtear it off. now, i'm going to go ahead and bring it on around when i move my ladder andwhen i take it on down. but these are a few

basic tips you need to remember whenever you'retaping off a room.

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