vintage living room photos

welcome to top10archive! there was once atime when the act of taking a family photo with a deceased loved one was normal, thoughthese days, it’s more-so a thing of the past. for this solemn installment, we’retaking you, our beloved archivers, on a morbid journey through time for ten of the creepiestvictorian post-mortem pictures. warning! the following video may not be suitablefor all audiences. viewer discretion is advised. 10. the burn victimwe start this list off with what could be a controversial photo. what looks like burnt,discolored flesh covers a majority of the subject’s face, her right eye seeminglywithout a defined upper lid and a drooping lower one. unlike most post mortem photos,this one seems to tell a story of this poor
girl’s tragic end, without the comfort offamily or friends. her eyes are vacant, staring blankly at whatever sits in front of her asif lost in a distant world. though her story is truly unknown, this picture tells us it'sone she likely wouldn't want told over and over again.9. angels and toys as the two allegedly deceased children layon the ground, a rather odd scene is unfolding around them. we're lead to believe the thirdchild in the picture is alive, dressed as an angel looking over her siblings. what'seven weirder is the collection of toys surrounding the decedents, from dolls to a rocking horse.that rocking horse, for some reason, being the cherry on top of an already unsettlingscene. we half expect that it started moving
not long after the photo was taken as thechild came back to enjoy one last playtime with their siblings.8. angry father starting with the living in this picture,we're already off to a terrible start. the man's grimace, which borders between a littlesaddened and angry, is not the norm for these victorian photos as the living subject typicallyshows no expression. moving to the deceased child, they seem to share the same sentiments.squinted eyes look at the camera suspiciously as if planning something, giving a spooky,animated look to a child who is so dead that their head and body need to be propped uprather coldly. 7. the familythey're all laid out so peacefully, as if
taking an afternoon nap together; but there'sa sinister indication in this photo that this is far from a light sleep. the bruising coveringthe faces of these five cadavers leads us to believe that possibly not long before thisportrait, they could have been suffering from what wound up a deadly tragedy. it's difficultto tell what could have happened, but we're going to amp up the creep factor with a theory.this photo is the work of the family's murderer, a crazed person that beat them to death thendressed them and laid them out perfectly for this portrait. too creepy? what's your theory?6. a little too alive this is another photo that we have to do adouble-take to ensure we're not being shafted. she looks very much alive, with her arm bentin just a way that would lead one to believe
she's holding it there. disturbingly enough,it could just be rigor mortis, but what makes it even worse - beyond the angelic dress,cross, and rosaries - is that even her eyes look alive. her gaze looks of one of intent,as if she knew exactly where to look. at further inspection, there is an oddness to them thatlead us to believe they may be painted onto her eyelids, but we're not entirely sure ifthat makes it any better. 5. looking the wrong waywhile scouring through the unending list of victorian death pictures, we came across thisone and immediately got chills. we've stared at it for far too long, wondering when hereyes are going to come alive and blink at us. there's a freaky quality in how she'sjust standing there, staring into our souls…
oh… you thought we were talking about thedeceased woman at the center of the photograph? no, not at all. we're more concerned withcurly-q right in front, who is the only visible person staring directly at us. frankly wedon't like it and we'd like her to stop. though, it may be worse if she did.4. the angelic princess the photographer for this picture took nosteps to give this girl any life, sprawling her on a set of pillows and letting her limplegs dangle over the edge. what's really striking in this picture is the girl's eyes, whichlook to have rolled with the position of her head. it's an odd choice of position for thistype of photo, seeing as how unnatural everything looks, leaving the viewer with no questionas to whether the angelic lass with the flower
halo is alive or not.3. the doll sometimes it's not the subject of the photothat puts it in a creepy light, but rather something that was likely added as an innocentaccompaniment. for this young girl's post mortem photo, we can't help but forget she'stheir entirely as we're distracted by the largest doll, sitting upright and ogling us.that the doll looks like it has more life in it than the deceased girl definitely doeshelp tone down the overt eeriness of this post mortem photograph. it also doesn't helpthat two of the smaller counterparts have that same, vacant look in their eyes as theylook right into the camera. 2. the childrenseveral generations of children are lined
up, posing for a portrait that's likely tobe handed down to them as they grow older. they all look intentionally expressionless,as if to try and mask their fifth sibling, who seems to be strung up like a stiff unnatural cock in her neck, the unusual positioning of her hands, and her closed eyesmostly give away that the youngest of this quintet is no longer among the living. atquick glance, it's easy to miss, which means the more you stare at the photo, the moreyou realize you're looking at a deceased girl. how does that make you feel?1. the hand that holds the baby we're not 100% on the credibility of thisphoto, but if it's real, it could be one of the most frightening things to come out ofthe victorian age. here we have a peaceful
looking doll, taken far too early from thisworld. though a device was commonly used to prop up the deceased for these photos, itlooks like there may be another person in this photo - or at least that's what the outstretchedhand would have one believe. while it wasn't uncommon for mothers to hide themselves inphotos of their children, something about this spooky arm looks off, but that doesn'tchange how creeped out we are.
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