vintage living room tumblr

vintage living room tumblr

hey guys! so if you guys have been following me on socialmedia, you guys know that i recently did a room re-arrangement plus a little bit of anupdate to my room. so i'm gonna be doing a new updated room tourof 2018. in terms of furniture, nothing has changedsince my last apartment tour video but the main change is the arrangement of the furniture. if you guys remember from the last tour video,the bed used to be right in front of the door when you walk in and the room didn’t reallyhave a great flow. i moved the bed over to the middle of theroom so now there is a nice walking path when

you enter the room let’s start the tour by talking about mybed. the bed and the headboard is from ikea brimnescollection and something that i love about this collection is that they have a ton ofstorage. so here on the headboard, there are thesebuilt-in shelves where i keep some of my favorite books from novels, to japanese interior designbooks, to music books and workout books on the bottom. as for the storage under the bed, there are4 relatively large sized drawers. i keep my extra bedding, winter clothing,and bags in these and i love that they keep

bulky items out of sight which is really importantin small city apartments. as for these drawer handles, these are somethingi saw from pinterest that i thought looked really good- so instead of using the basicwhite handles the bed comes with, i got these extra handles from ikea, i believe they’recalled lansa, and i basically spray painted them gold to match a lot of the white andgold color scheme i have going on in my room. the duvet cover is from target’s shabbychic collection from years ago. the pillow cases are custom made with fabricsmy mom and i picked out in korea- we got them made by a seamstress. the center cushion cover is from west elmand i have a teddy bear from build-a-bear.

next, there are few things i have on top ofthe headboard of the bed. i have the love print and the keep calm andcarry on print that are framed. i also added a succulent planter and a vintage-styleradio that used to be in my living room. moving on to the side of the bed that’snot so visible from the door- i have some knick-knacks that aren’t so pretty to lookat so they’re all hidden here on this side. i have my glasses cases, an eye mask for sleeping,and a bunch of random items. next to the bed on this side, i have a littlecharging station. this charging device is great because it usesup only one outlet but has a bunch of usb ports so you can charge all your devices hereat once.

next let’s move on to the dresser. these are actually two dressers from ikeamalm collection that are next to each other. i have a glass top also from malm collectionthat keep them together. another bit of customization i did with thesedressers is with the knobs. normally these dressers don’t come withany handles but i purchased these round gold knobs and got them installed on each of thedrawers. this was another idea from pinterest thatworked out really well. in these dressers i have most of my foldableclothes including jeans, sweaters, sweatshirts, workout clothes, intimates, and socks.

i've been on the hunt forever for the perfectpineapple lamps so it was totally worth the multiple target trips to get these. i’ve been on the hunt forever for the perfectpineapple lamps so it was totally worth the multiple target trips it took to get these. i also have a marble tray from target whichholds some of my candles and essential oils that i use at night. the main item on top of the dresser is mymarshall speaker which looks and sounds amazing. next to that i have a photo of me and my boyfriendfrom when we were in prague together. behind the picture frame i have the amazonecho dot hiding- and i use this device to

control most of the lights in my bedroom aswell as setting alarms and asking for weather in the morning. moving on to the corner next to the dresser,i have a new addition to the room, which is this meyer lemon tree that i got from online. one of the things i wanted to do when i rearrangedmy room was to add a bit more color. as you can probably tell i’m a little commitment-phobewhen it comes to adding color in my room but i thought plants were a great way to add color. this tree actually came with a bunch of younglemons already attached so i can’t wait to watch it grow and harvest them at somepoint in the future.

on the window sill, i have another small succulentplanter which i got from whole foods. next to the windows i have my shoe storageunit which is from container store. i bought them in two different sizes so ihave the taller heels and booties on top and flats and shorter heels on the bottom. on top of the shoe storage unit, i have myjewelry box which is also from container store. it’s by a brand called stackers- and i lovethis brand because they have these trays in different sizes and configurations so youcan really customize your jewelry box exactly the way you need it. so i have a tray for glasses storage, a trayfor small earrings and necklaces, and finally

a tray for watch and ring storage. next i have another piece of furniture that’snew to this room, which is the billy bookcase from ikea. this bookcase used to be in the living roombut when i rearranged my room i saw that i had a lot more space than before so i wasable to move in this bookcase from outside. the bookcase holds some of my textbooks, currentbooks i’m reading, and my document binders. on top of the bookcase, i have my favoritealarm clock, the sunrise alarm clock which i use everyday-- and the youtube silver buttonfor the strivetofit channel! last but not least, i have my closet.

nothing much has changed with my closet exceptfor the fact that i donated a lot of clothes that i hadn’t worn in over a year. same as before, i have all my tops organizedmore or less from light colors to darks and all my light jackets, pants, and dresses onthe right. i have my purses organized on this shelf--as you can see i’m a big fan of black purses. and finally i have my boots and my weightscale at the bottom of the closet. so that concludes my room tour video. hope you guys enjoyed it! if you liked it give it a thumbs up and iwill see you guys in the next video!


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