sims 4 vintage living room

[typing] lgr: no... what have they done? i won't stand for this! we can rebuild him. we have the technology. we can make him better than he was. [electric guitar] in a world of endless stuff packs,
one man stands against the odds... killing him only makes him stronger... [gunshot] suffering from post-traumatic stress from yet another stuff pack. arggh! here we are again! the latest upchuck for the sims 4 is here, taking the vacuous form ofthe sims 4: vintage glamour stuff,
the 75th stuff pack for the sims 4. or the ninth stuff pack, same difference. is it any good? glamour life stuff begins with... wait... did i do it again? i keep calling it glamour life stuff because i swear reviewingthese packs is melting my brain– [tone] [clears throat] vintage glamour stuff
starts off with an assortmentof wearables for your sims, mostly for adults, with only one ortwo little things for younger sims that are so forgettable they may as well not exist. but yeah, hairstyles, accessories andclothing are on offer, as you might expect, all of which have a decidedly vintage feel. i'm surprised how few items there are,though, especially in terms of hairstyles. i don't know about you,but when i think "vintage glamour," i think fantastic bobs, curlsand waves in terms of hairstyles, not to mention immaculately crafted beardage.
but nope! just a couple basic hairdos and not a beard in sight. what a sham. it's the build mode where thebulk of this pack's content lies. like these lamps, but not just these lamps, because there's other things, like these two beds, which seem to be happily taking part insome kind of human revolution cosplay. there are also these two armoires,
a selection of tables with surfaces of varying reflectivity, a pair of uninspiring rugs and two vanities which let you apply temporary makeovers, a couch, an ottoman, and two lonely chairs, a... grid... monolith... eh... some wallpaper that has a nice sheen to it, depending on the angle you look at it,
some doors... and windows, just in case you didn't have any of those yet, a new fireplace and an assortment of clutter objects, most of which i can't tell fromthe ones already in the game, some items that plop onto walls, including curtains, a painting,a clock and some mirrors, and one of those cool globes that opens upand lets you pour yourself some dranks! i've always wanted one of these in real life, so that is probably my favoritething in the pack, to be honest.
oh, yeah, and the other big thing you get here is the return of the butler. and in case you haven't played... pppfft, uh, any of thesepast sims expansions, i guess, the butler is an op npc that combines the abilities ofpractically every service on offer. they're a cook, a gardener, a nanny,a repairman, a musician, a mixologist, a maid, and a total jerk, depending on the luck of the draw and the traits that they get.
the first one i hired stole a lamp their first day. hey, though you were sneaky? i saw that! fired that one, got another one, and they just kept spraying my computers. fired that one too, and eventually i got a butlerthat i was happy to let live in my sims' house. although i never gave them a bed,so they just kept passing out, but you know, they gotta earn their keep first. yeah, they'll so practically anything for you at any time,
so if your sims are rich and lazy, this is an awesome option indeed. great for those times when the blues are the only thing that couldmake your meal of hot dogs any better. sim [rings bell]:ho ho ho, "broonter," [blues on acoustic guitar] lgr:and yeah, that's pretty much it for this pack. it costs 10 bucks as usual, and i guess you could say i'm not a fan,
'cause i'm not. but having butlers back is nice for those moments when you're tired of taking careof household chores yourself. and i really do like that drink globe. 'cause i just want one, man. i want one in my house! but the rest of the stuff just doesn't do anything for me, and i think they really missed an opportunity to add some super-cool clothing, hairstyles and accessories that fit the whole idea of vintage glamour aesthetic.
or at least my idea of know, like 1920s, '30s. so i've pretty much just acceptedthat these kinds of packs are not made with players like me in mindthat are looking for a more substantial game. and that's fine. you know why? [explosion] [electric guitar music] [jazzy xylophone music] and if you enjoyed this video, then...
cool... look at some of these... new videos every monday and friday, so subscribe if you want to, unless youtube unsubscribes you,and then who cares anymore? and as always, thank you very much for watching.
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