vintage living room clocks

lace be honest; these are’s time for 32 completely charming home diy projects that use laceby ashley mcgetrick 16.craft this floral and lace jewelry doubles as a wall art 17.make your own make doily wall art.i found colored doilies in the $1 bin at michaels. then i found a perfect paper to match in thescrapbooking aisle. next, my doily art was born.well, it's easier said than done obviously. or try this three little clouds for your littlesweetheart. this was one of those flowing i lay my head back down, my thoughts turned to what i should hang up over the crib (obviouslybecause that is a very important thought to
have at 2 am) and what came to me was clouds, with doilies. 18. lace your favorite or memorable lightingfixtures this weekend. 19. lace a rug for your living room. 20. spiced up your walls with lace wallpaper like this. 21. or do some lace print, fabric furniture makeovers and at the same time make a newbond with your mother or daughter. 22. doily wall clocks .i gave the clock a couple of coats of aqua spray paint and then applied a white vinyldoily that i cut out with my silhouette craft
cutter,the best part about using vinyl is that it will easily peel off if i decide that i wantto try a different style at another time. the corkboard for this clock is actually anikea cork hot pad or heat trivet as ikea calls it.they come in packs of three and here what i did with the other two. more ideas: 23. try this shabby chic bedding before mondayknocks your door. 24. lace your ceiling. 25. or your floor with a stencil and annie
sloan chalk paint.26. or your window. direction:apply a strip of masking tape along each edge of the pane where it meets the frame.stencil the pattern across the glass and over the tape. for this project, use stencil no:ott20 from the ottoman collection at the stencil library. 27. still have a bunch of doilies on hand?all you need is a balloon to create your own doily disco ball that lights up the entireroom. perfect for kids’ bedrooms, maybe the diningroom, or anywhere else that can use a little dazzling mood lighting.1. i used one of those giant punching bag
balloons that i found at the dollar store.2. i used a regular old elmer's school glue, that i watered down a bit.3. i simply placed the doilies on the balloon and painted them with the glue until theywere completely saturated. the glue seemed to have just enough tack to hold them in placeand i didn't have any problems with them falling off before they were dry.4. i let it dry for about 24 hours and then went back and touched up some areas that didn'tfeel quite stiff enough (if your doilies seem too pliable, just increase your glue to waterratio). 5. then i let this dry for another day.6. i used $5 ikea hema lighting kit to hang it upand there you go! it was incredibly simple,
and it only cost me around $10.four for the lighting kit and i probably used about six doilies (thrifted at about $1 each)to cover the balloon 28. dress up your garden & don’t have to keep lace inside! in fact, doilies make perfect little planter holders— as demonstrated by these great hanging planters on homedit. similarly, a beautiful mess shows you howto dress up some boring old planters with lace design to give them more of a decorative,refined look. direction:brush glue all over your pot. adhere lace and then brush an extra layerof glue over the top to seal.
andallow your new pots to dry completely before you use them. 29. why stop there?have a look at these tin kitchen supplies that have been decorated with lace and givena whole new look. 30. exquisitely stenciled far, most of these examples have proven that you can put lace on almost anything else,so why not your beloved furniture too? lace stencils and paint will be your bestfriend for this type of project, and the best part is that you don’t need much talentto get the job done! have a look at this amazing dresser with lace stenciled on the drawersfrom uniquely chic mosaics.
direction:the drawer fronts were done by laying a piece of lace fabric over them and then spray painting.i taped off the edge of the drawers first because i wanted to keep them white. i usedrustoleum aluminum in a matte finish and sprayed the pulls as well.make sure to use a fresh piece of lace for each part you me on this! could even opt for a super simple lacedesign, and add bolder colors to make them stand out. this plain chair from my vintageverve gets a nice upgraded look with just a simple golden streak of lace. 32. what better way to spice up a bland table ?
turn the tabletop into something that’smuch more pleasing to the eye with a large piece of lace stencil and the paint colorof your choice. bonus..invest view hours to adorned your pillows with some vintage lace like this. and last one... that's it.. before you click one or view pasted linksinside info, press like or share button to help youtubedelivers this video to more people. comment it, to express your thought or love,and
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