vintage living room end tables

vintage living room end tables

you know who totally got snubbed at the oscars this year? microjig. maker of the grr-ripper. work safer. work smarter. this video is also sponsored by harry's. i'm using a combination of inexpensive pine boards and plywood for thisproject first i'll cut down the pine boards to theirwidths. to cut the decorative tapers on the bottomof each leg,

i'm using my microdial, no wait, microdialtapering jig. as always, it's a good idea to cut all thepieces that are the same size at the same time so you don't have to adjust your setup. i can glue and tack the side pieces together. two of them only get a rail on one side. now i can attach the legs to those pieces, keeping in mind that the taper goes outside. whenever i use pocket screws, i like to use

glue on the joint also. to make sure this lower piece is positioned in the same spot on each side, i've cut out a scrap that i'll use as a spacer. and once again, my poor spacial awarenesskicked in and i've got the pocket holes on the wrongside of this piece, but it's already glued up so i'm just going to fill those in. and once these are sanded down,

i'll paint right over them. i'll prepare the two back pieces the sameway. i'm going to glue and screw these into justone side. i'm notching out the corners in the lowershelf. before i assemble anything i'm going to glue on these drawer runners which are just square pieces of solid wood. i'm sanding the tops of these runners downnow with 220 grit sandpaper because once thisis assembled,

it's going to be really hard to get my handin there to sand it. this part's going to be a little tricky, i need to set this shelf in place before i put this together. and again, i'm using glue and pocket screws. now i can glue this shelf into place. i can't get my nailer to fit inside of thisgap so i'm just going to clamp this into place. the drawers are just simple boxes made outof plywood.

i'm using a rabbeting bit on my router to make a ledge for the drawer bottoms todrop into. i cut these two thin pieces of hardboard to use as the bottoms of the drawers. the rabbeting bit leaves these rounded corners so i need to cut these corners to match. then glue and tack them into place. i don't want the drawer going all the wayback. i want it to stop right about here

so i've cut out some little stop blocks that i'll glue and tack into the back. this piece of plywood is going to be the top. i'm covering up the edges with iron-on edgebanding. {visit and use promo code: woodworking!} well the paint's all dry and i've moved itinside. it was just too blindingly white out in thesunlight and i couldn't see anything. i want the drawers to slide in and out reallysmoothly.

the key to doing that on wooden runners isto polish them using a paste wax. i'm going to use this wax sent to me by myfriend linn. she makes her own using linseed oil and beeswax. i'll include a link down in the description if you'd like to check it out yourself. it even smells good. let me show you how it works. using a rag, i'll just wipe this onto thoserails.

you can even put it on the paint. and i'll put it on the bottom of the drawerstoo. once it's dried for about 5 or 10 minutes, you can start buffing it with a clean rag. having drawers slide that easily is very satisfying. i'd really like to take a moment to thankyou for choosing to spend a few moments of your day with me in my workshop here at woodworking for mere mortals.

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head over to the woodworking for mere mortalsweb site at where you can post pictures of your own projects, interact with others in the community, and download free plans. what do you think? is it an end table or a night stand? i think it's an end table because nightstands usually come in pairs, right?

although i'm going to use this as a nightstand next to our new murphy bed in the guest room. thanks again for watching, everyone. i'll see you next week!

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