euro living modern furniture orlando

euro living modern furniture orlando

we're going live live live we're goinglive live we're going laughs hey we're live everybody how you doing what do youthink of this traveling with bruce is out in the air welcome to the show gotone of my new t-shirts on here today how about that the red bubble shipmentarrived safe and sound and good old crests in british columbia little tinytown of 5000 people in the interior british columbia tracking number andeverything it just they i got an email this morning in my phone it just poppedin there said your your t-shirts have been diverted i'm going delivered noknock on the door here well i don't have at home mail delivery it's just a blockor so away here and it for the whole

community in this area of town so whatpopped over there and sure enough there was a package waiting for me and i madea video of it today you guys can check it out the unveiling the unboxing theunpackaging of red bubble t-shirts for traveling with bruce i ordered doubleextra-large t-shirts as you can tell look how baggy this is i love them niceand loose like this because i find that when i like to wear t-shirts on a cruiseor in palm desert i like him loose i don't like a tightfitting shirt because it's hot and could be muggy could be very warm anyway ijust love this and i know that after a wash or two even though you're supposedto wash with cold water and i will you

know there's gonna be just you know alittle more shrinkage so i'm sure but still very happy with the look of theshirts i'm very pleased they came in like a same very quickly i have here theothers here's another one that i brought in thewhite one in the in the wave logo that's kind of nice and then let's see herehere we go we've got the flag logo right here traveling with bruce the flag logoshirt you know gonna gray and then here we got the circular traveling with brucelogo on a green shirt nice and then i've gotthis is the st. thomas the photo that i took from the top of the of the cablecar ride and explore the seas there

which is the ship jen and i were on andthe shirts themselves there there in in my case these are classic t-shirtsnothing fancy as far as material goes they're made by gildan here in canadaguild and they're known for a good quality product very heavy very heavyshirts got an extra ring here of a reinforcement same along with seams hereon see very nice these are great shirts when i was in the sports biz doing mydoing my sports logos and and that type of thing we would offer t-shirts forsale of course from all the various sports teams and it was not uncommon fornational hockey league shirts to arrive at our store with this brand of shirt tovery good quality and these shirts would

retail for you know 25 30 bucks apiecewith nhl logos or whatever logos on them but very happy the only thing is thatthe camera here on my on my computer it's more for a headshot so that you seeme talking to you it's not designed for my my merch if i actually did this youjust see the shirt all the time and then i you know you just see my chin waggingaway here that might actually be a better look for the channel more than ithink about it because the i wouldn't put you guys off with the ugly face thati have but that way you could just you know see my hands and my gestures and icould show off the shirt all the time and you know not show off me but anywayi have too much fun here today i just

glad that they're here i got i've got toorder some more because i keep coming up with new logos i got one of my viewershelping me with the logo design and they're just coming fast and furious ithink we've added oh gosh it's gotta be six new logo since these came out thiswas the newest logo when i ordered it so i can't keep up with my own merch andjust so you know folks today i got an email from redbubble saying everythingall coffee mugs travel mugs and all what do they call it home decoration sothat means the tote bags the pillows scarfs telephones of you-know-whats mccall it'sall 25% off so if you go to my store

today and order some merchandise to helpout my channel you're getting 25% off the cost of all the everything but theclothing basically so it's because every couple of days they bring out a littlespecial and if you go to red bubble and keep an eye on me keep an eye on my onmy channel there on my store you'll find you know you'll find occasional dealsand today it's 25% off coffee mugs travel mugs cellphone holders and allkinds of other merch so check it out if you can and yeah you know i was justsaying that 25% i've just just saying that purse anyway there you go sofantastic anyway thanks for all of you guys supporting me to date on the storessuccess i'm hearing good reviews from

everybody on on their merchandise i'mreally happy about that of course and now i got my own teas i start wearinghim on the air and doing my videos so i'm excited about thatthe channel yesterday i was at 2030 subscriptions were just three days agowe hit 2,000 subs right now 2048 we've got 48 more subs and two and a half daysabsolutely thanks hostak i did get a shout out from the good folks at lolitalucca they they were doing in her live telecast the other night and i poppedover and said hi because they've been here to say hi occasion and i just sayhi are you guys doing what's going on and they immediately put a shout out totheir viewers about hey you should check

bruce out on traveling with prison i goti think i got some of your subscribers are watching me as well so thatfantastic strengthen numbers i love it and i welcome any creator who's outthere wants to say hi to me please say hi on-air i'm happy to give you a shoutout have a problem but i'd love that just reciprocate your way i'll be greati love to trying to figure a way to get to do some interaction and i'm kind ofthinking that i'm what i want to try is if i can get a guest on my show that'llbe on the telephone i'll be talking to them live like i'm talking to myselfhere and then i can just read questions and comments from you guys for theguests and that might be one you know

cheap way to do it it's like a larryking you know on the phone from pa we have you know something like that idon't have any under numbering like that yeah i'm still trying to figure out somesetups here i know on the software front i can set up a scenario where you see meover here on this side of the screen and then over a year there'll be anotherperson alive on the screen was a guest of mine and then they'll be in themiddle that the dialogue that we're sharing and i haven't figured thatsoftware out yet because i'm old i'm intimidated by i just when it says dothis do that do this then do that then click here and then go to settings andproperties and i just go ha ha i lose it

it's kind of like too much ice cream youknow an ice cream cone you try to eat an ice cream cone too fast to get the brainfreeze i get the software freeze and it's just over you just get just oneclick you know works but i go old school i'm thinking we'll just do what larryking did you said you know me as a host then you get people on the phone youknow i'll just try to handle it that way but i'm a one-man crew so anyway i'mworking on it i don't know if you guys noticed today but jim zim did a videotoday on the bliss he's in he's in iraq i was in mazatlã¡n mazatlan mexico hereleased a video about the about the haven the haven club and he walkedaround the haven with his camera and he

was doing a voiceover and all everybodyon shipping it was gone they're all in mazatlan there's only a handful ofpeople there so perfect time to film it and it looks really nice it looks reallynice i'm sure a number of you folks who are thinking of booking the haven you'regonna like it so that looked pretty good i saw thatvideo today so i recommend you check that one out love to get jim zim on myshow even on a telephone call forward we just i can just talk to him on the phoneyou'll hear his voice then we can ask him questions i'll askhim questions you guys ask questions i'll read them to him and that'd begreat you know if he doesn't want to be

on that on the air live that's cool justbe on the phone and then be like a phone call would be great anyway he's on thishe's on this trip right now so gotta wait for jim to get home and he's gotvideo when he gets home oh has he got video about the bliss he'll be releasingvideos like crazy for weeks which is my future i'll be doing that too so we'llsee how that works out got some news today about hurricane season that startsnext week so i've got some information there and another thing i was going tomention them the vision of the seas that's the royal caribbean ship that italked about was it yesterday that's the ship that lost power in themediterranean night before last perhaps

it was dead in the water for about tenminutes and they had to reboot their entire electronics and mechanicals andgot everything up and running again and they worked their way into santorinigreece at about seven knots an hour and then they worked their way to maltathat's where they were today now this is five o'clock eastern time it's now about11:00 the midnight-ish in mediterranean so they've already left malta and areheaded now for barcelona i've heard nothing about any kind of delays forthis the next cruise that they're on once they get to barcelona there'd be adeep they'll be at sea tomorrow for hulsey day tomorrow then barcelona thenext morning excuse me so that should be

um what's today this is now coming intofriday this thursday here friday is a seed asaturday they get the barcelona and then they're supposed to leave barcelona thatthat evening on their next cruise haven't heard about a delay nothing likethat so everything seems to be moving forward so perhaps the the issue isnothing nothing serious let's hope so we'll see how that kind ofworks out but i did see an article little news article today about maltahow the valletta that area they want to be come much busier than they are nowright now malta handles i think a 700,000 up cruise passengers a year andthere are a few ships where you can

board a cruise from maltathat use malta sort of a home port and kind of interesting to watch how maltawill go forward i think they want to increase their business dramatically andentice more cruise lines to come on by for a visit and or try to get some shipsto homeport out of valletta will be seen to see how this sort ofplays itself out i know that that lisbon is just celebrating the opening of abrand new terminal for its cruise ship passengers and they're therei think they just spent twenty million dollars on a brand new terminal there sothey've got big plans to expand their home porting affairs from lisbonportugal so this cruise business

it's an expanding business it's amoneymaker home porting is what it's about if your city can attract cruiseships to base themselves from your city jobs and opportunity because you've gota feed 4,000 people for a week to ten to twelve days from your home town that's alot of food and services and supplies to bring to that cruise ship once a week orevery 10 days or 12 days over often these cruise ships come through if youcan get several cruise ships using your port as a whole port that builds upbusiness big-time because of course you have people coming into town to get ontothe ship yeah people leave in town once they getoff the ship and of course you as a home

port or trying to convince these folksto come a few days early and stay a few days longer and hang out with some ofthe hotels restaurants bars and sites and spend money so yeah big business andyou don't need to build any smokestacks and factories to house these folks it'sa clean business get them in get them out the cabbies are happy the airlinesare happy the bus lines are happy the tour operators are happy you know it'sit's good stuff let's see who's here today anyone who's watching for thefirst time welcome to my channel welcome to my show if you've never been herebefore we talk about cruise ships cruise ship vacations if you haven't figuredout already that's what i'm talking

about cruise shipping we love talkingabout going on holidays say hi to me tell me where you'rewatching me from what's your high temperature today i'mkristan british columbia canada three miles north of the idaho border we'vehad absolutely gorgeous weather this past week hitting the high in the 80stoday i think we're going to be in the high 70s we got a bit of an overcastsituation out here and i heard thunder about 20 minutes ago for the first timea little rumble so we might have on the left new thunder shower coming throughhere today being thursday i'm on the air five o'clock eastern where which isright now and i'm on tonight and 8

o'clock eastern for my second showtonight we got trivia i got some trivia questions for you guys no cheating nogoogling one answer at a time and i'm ready for you guys we'll have some funtonight with some thursday night primetime trivia i'll be on tomorrow at5 o'clock eastern and saturday at 2 o'clock eastern and i'm taking sundayoff so stop on by and say hi and enjoy the show today i'm gonna read right nowwho's here and say hi to those folks are saying how to meet charles jordan poppedin and said good evening bruce it's 82 and partly cloudy here and i am a southcarolina charles welcome back pal joseph hollifield hello bruce it is 75fahrenheit in cloudy and bostic north

carolina welcome back joseph to the showwhat do you think of this shit what do you think mighty i love these a peterhekima hi bruce 91 degrees and beautiful here in tarpon springs won't last muchlonger as there's a tropical disturbance in the gulf of mexico that should makeus lots of rain over the holiday weekend and you guys don't need any more rain ithink you've had enough lately but yeah it's that time of year and these systemsare coming through and the hurricane systems are starting up it's that timeof season we gotta watch for that peters also sayinghurricane season started june first but we usually don't see too much as far ashurricanes till august as that is the

peak of the season cross our fingersthis year pamela jordan hi bruce and everyone hi pamelapeter hekima i want to know why you didn't order t-shirts for jen jen wantedto find out what the quality of the material was so i'm the guinea pig shewants to see the quality of this now she kind of knows although i think jen hasan idea of probably ordering a little higher quality material than what iwould wear i'm just just an old guy wearing t-shirts you know i'm notanything particular about finnick aniki but i think jan being you know thehigh-end model that she is you know the high-end star with millions of hundredsof millions of followers i'm sure ya got

a yeah you know gotta be finicky aboutthat so we're working on it let's see hererandy lucas popped in and says greetings bruce and all from paradise californiawhere it is a high of 75 degrees congrats bruce on getting your much-muchyour merch delivered it looks great randy for a big-ass rv guy you know thisis a nice little shirt to wear behind your big-ass rv steering wheel don't youthink i love it tracy dunlop hi bruce and all 76fahrenheit 91 degrees humidity so still feel spot even though overcast andraining off and on today in naples cs every six fahrenheit that's easy to takebut 91 degree relative humidity ooh

that's hot and sticky that's that ismiserable in ontario where i grew up as a kid where we had basements or evenhere ya head for the basement the summer time certainly in the 60s before we hadair conditioning as standard fare we all headed to the basement during theafternoons to survive it jim thomas hey bruce love your shirt thanks jim jcdunlop t-shirt looks great bruce thank you tracy gregory heartland ki hey brucenice shirt man 88 and partly cloudy here into havocthank you gregory paul louis hey bruce and all 80 and sunny here in virginialove the shirts i think's bald but as he wagnerhi bruce it's 84 and humid today and

chicagoland that it's getting up theresaw the in boxing video or the unboxing video the shirts look great that was funi do in that thing i want to do that with you guys so you can see what itlooked like thomas henry i have the st. thomas shirt and dolphin with with lovebruce fantastic i got those i now have the propeller shirt i got the mash styleshirts i've got the anchor twb sure man they just keep coming there it'sincredible i'm having trouble keeping up i gregor hartman sorry i missed lastnight's show i was at game seven and it was an amazing go cats go wow what agame the cats won six game six game seventampa bay is out caps are going to the

finals against the las vegas goldenknights who woulda thought that possible unbelievableshe loves to travel hi i was watching your t-shirt video what do you thinkabout that what do you think of these shirts i'm happy happy happy westmorrison hi bruce in night here in new braunfels texas sawyerunveiling video very nice i hope to buy on something before my river cruise innovember right answer that's great west gregory hartman keepit rockin bruce good on you man dave 96 and sunny here in minnesota daveare you new dave i don't recall just a dave here before this could be the firsttime dave saying hi to us if it is

welcome to the channel welcome to theshow glad you're here if you've been here before and i've forgotten all aboutyou because i'm old glad to have you buddy fantastic 96 inminnesota that's the hottest day of the year for you i think wow tracy dunlopthank you bruce for the info on the last show of our girl care being mariner ofthe seas going out of miami already planned and booked our annual girlsweekend for september on this ship right on instead of the usual ncl sky yes ifyou're gonna be on a three four-day cruise out of out of miami why go on aon a norwegian sun or sky when you can go on the mariner of the seas it's beingrear no right now reed refurbished it's

a thousand 50 feet less huge it's gotits own ice-skating rink in there um they're rented we're renovating andrefurbishing it to the tune of about a 100 million bucks for a month right nowthat ships gonna be fantastic when it's done and it's a three four-day yeah dealplus unlike norwegian cruise lines they're offering their cruises out ofmiami fort lauderdale and and also port canaveral with a mandatory drink dealit's it's a it's a their booze cruises they're they're offering the booze youknow all you can drink card as part of the cruise and it's a mandatory $20 pernight tipping charge no discussion on top of that by the way i forgot tomention that yesterday we're with our cc

l was royal caribbean you can book athree four-day cruise on mariner of the seas to the bahamas which includes cokeokay you don't have to buy a drink card as anautomatic you can choose that if you want you don't have to so the deathforcing you to buy that norwegian it's an automatic add-on that's why it's 200something a night for a 3-4 night cruise you're talking eight hundred dollars fora four cruise on a norwegian cruise ship thatwas built in 2000 when you can go on the mariner of the seas with way moreamenities for certainly a lot less than that and you choose whether you want todo a drink package or not i i think that

makes sense tracy thank you for yourcomment today that's great debbie emanuel nice shirtvideo looks great on you thank you debbie i'm glad you caught that i knewyou would catch that video zookeeper hi bruce and all 84 fair net in the shadehere and here in the shade a very damn slight breeze still enjoyable we'reexpecting a tropical storm this weekend not worried thumbs up and nice merchcongrats what do you see keeper isn't this great stuff man i gotta love theselogos they're just awesome i'm telling it's fantastic debbie man you upsunshine and a tea so far i think in chico gregory hartman heavy rain allweekend betsy layne in hamilton 29

celsius and hamilton we're getting up to80 here in hamilton thomas henry 86 in richmond virginia again warmer peoplenina frank hi bruce and all full summer in sweden right now 30 degrees celsiushey bruce nice t-shirt thank you nina it's getting hot in sweden - fantasticsee keeper i for one could live with the idea of sealing on the new ijen blissyeah that sounds good bring it on but no haven from there you know and it'sraining outside i hear rain coming down and yet it's sunny looking outside wehave a thundershower happening right as we speak i don't you'll hear that onthis broadcast if you can hear that so unless they get lightning then you'llknow i see keeper doesn't need the haven

but he'll be happy being on the list youbet you i enjoy all the amenities without pain that topped all right hereyeah my friend from tokyo tokyo is here x.x alexis pugh ex la spooky good ronniebruce it'll be 27 today in tokyo i managed to catch a live stream at leastfor a little while before i have to go and leave for work welcome to the show igot your emails or your messages earlier today and welcome back tommy hello bruceand seventeen and all 79 and partly cloudy in jacksonville florida thomashenry how about some polos with callers would love thoughyeah i too would love those but they're not offered through red bubble there maycome a time though where they might do

it the trick of it is i think thoughthomas is uh you mean the costing might be so high that that they might be theymight have looked into it and they're just not able to find a decent price armand that the markups it might take them to an astronomical level and then theywon't sell on a numerical volume basis i don't know we'll have to see but iwouldn't mind having some followers myself even if they have like stitchedembroidered logos i'd really like that but time will tell these are early dayswendy thompson hi everyone i'm nice shirt bruce sunny about 85 in blandmissouri last year we renewed the passports to get get to change theaddress on them soon then we can go off

on the cruise port once where we'removed can't wait to fantastic wendy days if you're cruising days are coming seethe inside of the cruise ship again yes joseph hollyfield t-shirts look awesomethanks joseph i need a frank you can go down one size i know but i also winningfleece to be washed and then just see how they do and with the costco icecream i'm eating you know i might all equal out you know cuz now i got alittle room for a biscuit or two just like miss like you know likes thesteamer and i got some room for biscuit we shall see seek deeper the propellerdesign looks great i may order myself a paper a paperweight for my desk you knownot a bad idea bob hollis 84 and sunny

in atlanta richard see like the t-shirtbruce a john b hi bruce 74 in potsdam new york nice ad nice and sunny alrighton john be nice and sunny john b is different from john who was on earlieri've got a john and i got a john b welcome to both of you if you're bothbrand new fantastic a peter hekima thomas yes polo shirts will be greatwith a small logo yeah something up here you know like alittle embroidered thing up here would be kind of cool there whichever saysomething to consider i'm always the scheming but right now i'm just tryingto get my get my early day act together and put out as many logos as possiblesee what logos are selling which ones

people ignore and it will kind of gofrom there and just keep and way what what hats you know it'sjust no end to it just no end to it love to do fridge magnets i'd love to dosomething like keychains there's just you know there's a ton of ways to playthis so time will tell joseph hollywood i have a question do you like disneycruise or have you ever been on it joseph i haven't personally been ondisney however everything i hear everything i see all the comments i gethere virtually 100% pure satisfaction about disney except for the pricethey're not cheap but we're talking five or five and a half star quality linegreat if you're going with children

absolutely i even read a an article inthe new york times travel section oh month ago now and it was a an editora travel editor who went on a i believe was a four or a five day cruise with hiswife and 12 year old i think it was 12 year old child young young lady they hada blast they loved it and the thing that he wanted to let everyone in on was justbecause we were on a disney cruise it wasn't just children's cruise only therewas alone time for mom and dad because the youngster would be participating inall of these events and activities onboard the ship that were going on foryoungsters only mom and dad not allowed and so mom and dad would have their uptheir pool time or they would have sun

tanning time or they'd be in theirbalcony room reading a book on the balcony time or whatever happens inbalcony rooms when the kids aren't around whatever that is and then theyhad the the restaurants in the evening they would they would wait for theirmain supper later and they would go to a nicer restaurant you know from mom anddad and they loved it they really enjoyed it but it was pricey but the thewriter basically equated the trip as a 5-star disney experienceexperiencing the disneyland disneyworld ambience in a five-star setting and sothumbs ups there it's it's a deal you you can look on vacations to go calm forthe best deal if you want try to find a

deal it's hard to come across a bargaindeal on on disney they're just they just aren't any they're at 102 104 percentaverage capacity for a cruise ship they they sell out all the time i know thatlast year during hurricane season i think disney had to cancel cruises anew new cruises for almost sent five or six days almost a week and that causedall kinds of heartache there were all kinds of adults and children who youknow thousands of them who now couldn't go on a cruise because the cruise wascanceled and then those of course who were on the cruise they're on theseships they got the goal they got the standardships a little longer because the ship

couldn't come back to port because ofthe weather so some winners and losers but yeahthey're a busy now they've got four ships going right now they've got theygot three or four on order coming starting in 2020 21 22 23 one a yeareach ship at full capacity 4,000 passengers per ship on order being builtone right after the other after the other so yeah disney will be expandingdramatically they'll be going much more global they will not only be out offlorida they'll be out of la probably not a ship permanently out of losangeles because there's disneyland over there and you got 30 millioncalifornians got a ton of options there

they're probably gonna a base the shipout of the orient maybe out of shanghai maybe out of hong kong maybe out ofsomewhere you know somewhere along because somewhere in asia and thenthere's europe the european market i think they'd like to have a ship out ofeurope as well because euro disney and you know so they're going they're goingout i don't think they're gonna stop at seven ships i think they're gonna go inlike 15 eventually but yeah recommend me it's a chance to go mr. xfrom tokyo joseph i've been on several with them without small children ourparty it is really enjoyable they have a lot to do for everyone everyone you youcan you can definitely join yourself

that's a good comment see keeper acollared shirt with an embroidered pocket would be awesome right on seedeeper we're on the same page here sylvia is here hi bruce nice shirtsylvia greensboro north carolina the fellow who fell jumped from the carnivalship was from greensboro north carolina yeah unfortunately things two years 50years old 85 and sunny right now over there they gave up the search coastguardthen ship the ship went i know how many hours but the coast guard went 24 and nosign of this individual peter hekima joseph disney is wonderfulfirst-class but you have to be you have to like to be with a lot of kids butthey do have sections just for adults

right done all right there mr. x intokyo says go off to areas without children allowed but all the staff therereally good yes they are and the staff love their jobs i think very happy folkson board disney from what i'm from what i gather these comments just verify whati was kind of speculating on richard c bruce any thoughts on virgin cruiselines and the new ships they are building yes i have thoughts i haveinteresting thoughts or adult only cruise line is what they want to go withi get it i think they want to go 18 and overmaybe 25 and over but they definitely want to go you know let's say age ofmajority and over is their thought

process the ships are i think 24 2500capacity so they're not like mega they're not like the mega mega cruiseships they're going to be sort of like holland america size princess size thatkind of thing i've seen a lot of imagery i've seen alot of renderings computer renderings of the ships so far what they're doing whatthey're teasing they want to be i think a cruise line that is going to offer alot of activities this is going to be an action-packed kindtruce though they will have secluded adult areas at all areas secluded areaswhere you can you know it'll be quieter and you can unwind and not participatein daily activities it's not like

they're gonna have a belly flop contestin every pool on the ship every day that's not their idea of activity ithink they're gonna do a lot of medium-sized ports because the shipsaren't 6,000 people large because they're in the 2000 ranges they're gonnahit port cities and port areas a little quieter perhaps they'll probably want todo a lot of eco eco tourism there might be there might be islands where they'llgo scuba diving or snorkeling a lot of that there might be treks into therainforests in some of the central america areas i think it's gonna beinteresting i really do it's it's going to be different than the cookie cuttercruise formula that everyone else not

everyone else but a lot of those cruiselines are using of course we love the cookie cutter formula i mean there's areason 27 million people aren't cruising we love to eat too much we like to drinktoo much and we like the rest too much and gain too much weight love to do butif you're after that twenty to thirty five forty five-year-old crowd has a bigcontingent of your your passengers and then you're gonna have the 50 60 70 yearolds kind of added in there you're gonna want to offer something for everyone andunlike say viking which will have which does have cruise ships right now withnine hundred and sixty-five passengers no one under 18 allowed and a very calmserene and quiet atmosphere throughout

the whole ship i think no virgins gonnabe far more active now i won't call them a booze cruise operator i don't thinkthat's what they're after either there i don't think they're looking to to makeit so that you want to have that you have a hangover every day i think theywant to have a scenario where you're exhausted at the end of the day and thenext you're gonna get a good night's sleep and the nextwe're gonna have more fun and more activities on shore and bicycle rentalszipline adventures or obstacle rope course adventures here and there justall kinds of activity type of destinations and tours and that kind ofthing so it's gonna be interesting to

see how this plays out it won't be cheapthey're not going to be the cheapest crews either there they're looking to gofour and a half five star so they want to be kind of up there and you'll payfor the experience but i think you're gonna get an experience so i'm veryopen-minded about this cruise line i think they've ordered three ships ifi've got my bearings straight and i think they're talking seven to eighthundred million per ship approximately so about a two billion dollar investmentthe first ship is being built as we speak and so it'll be a scene to seewhen it comes out we're gonna hear nothing but more advanced press more prfor the next year a year and a half

before that first ship even launches sothere's gonna be a lot of press about this cruise line and their affairsactivities and we'll learn a lot more going forward so yeah i'm kind ofcurious about what virgin will end up doing silvia a friend booked is travelto jamaica last year and is trying to get travel insurance through hisinsurance but they told him he booked too early and the only book a year inadvance what does he do isn't that isn't that something i guess i suppose youwait the you know i was just talking to jen about this earlier today i wastalking about jamaica that the island of jamaica but country of jamaica has beenon state of emergency for i think five

or six years is still i think they'restill curfews in place in the evenings because the government just cannotguarantee the safety of its citizens and any visitors to jamaica after a certaintime of the day is in the evenings it's too unruly and the police cannot protectyou and so getting travel insurance to jamaica might be a bit of an issue andthe reason the insurance company is saying we can't give you insurance untilleast a year you know within a year is because you want to keep an eye onthings in the meantime if jimmy key becomes very unstable they may pull allinsurance and not offer any or the insurance they offer will be soexpensive that you may reconsider the

trip or not get it i don't know sosoviet that's my guess as to what's happening and why this is happening andi'm gonna i'm gonna have to say the only advice i can give this individuals justwait wait for your wait for the you know and try to get travel insurance closerinto the trip and see what what it's about that's all i knowwell we'll just the renderings i have seen for the new virgin ships look veryhuge like oversized yachts very modern looking yes paul i agreeyou know these artist renderings are always you know they're perfect then yousee the actual thing i saw rendering a computer rendering of the two-story roomthat royal caribbean has on the symphony

of the seas that's that family suitethat has that tubular slide from the second floor coming down to the livingroom and the imagery of that room makes it look just massive but in real lifewhat i found was i saw a picture of that room from someone with a with a handheldvideo camera might have been a cell phone and the kid coming down the slidethe slide is three inches away from the glass window the the ceiling to floorglass window that that suite has the slide comes right up to it and so it's atight fit they put that slide in and then they installed the window later ithink to get that thing in there so when you see the real deal you realize wellokay it kind of looks like the are

renditions but the rendition sure madeit look luxurious and open spaced and so on yeah it'll be interesting paul whenthat ship you know comes out we'll see what it really does look like on boardbut there's a lot of unique features to it that i'm sure will appeal to acertain demographic scott batchly hi everybody cloudytoday mnsure and i sure craze thanks scott what do you say hey and see keeperi like quiet areas in the shade get a mild buzz going but i'm not a fan ofhangovers i got one once a heavy duty hangovernever again once is it up i hear you there on the t-shirts by the way justjust quickly mention that i did mention

on the video this one here is designedfor a dark colored background shirt this logo but this logo is available forwhite shirts or a very light-colored shirts where the twb would be in blacksaid up in white and so i've done that with a lumber of my logos if you go tothe red bubble story you'll see that so just look around and see what you thinkyou may find that you like a the blue shirt with the black lettering twbversus the white lettering pick the one you want it's up to you i make it aseasy as possible and enjoy and thanks again for your support of my channelrichard see our february princess cruise cancelled and to make a stop forsecurity reasons last year yes this is

not that uncommon and i give i givejamaica kudos there they're attempting as best they can to to stabilize thingsthey are investing heavily in port facilities for cruise ships they areinvesting in security brand-new brand new docks new piers security staffamenities tourism safety because their their strategy is simple if they can getmore cruise lines to make more stops in jamaica and passengers come off theships and do a tour and enjoy themselves they're dropping cash there tons of itand you're employing jamaicans you're employing jamaicans at the pier at thedock for the coast guard for you name it and now for the tourist side of thingsfor the restaurants the transportation

cab drivers bus drivers and touroperators you're creating of an industry and enginecase if they can get more people working rather than cry mning that works outbecause people who have steady jobs know they have spent steady paychecks theycan make plans like buy some furniture uh having a second child buying newwhatever getting a new tv new clothing at a new car whatever it is and thecountry is trying to economically improve itself and building enhancedport facilities for cruise ships is a pretty smart move to make because it isa fairly clean business when you compare it to say oh i don't knowcreating factories to make you know

something that belches pollutants out ofa smokestack i mean you know if you can get employed thousands and thousands ofjamaicans in the tourism sector that's just a positive thing if he can calm thecountry down and get people employed more resorts will be built in jamaicaincluding the all-inclusive and that would be good for jamaica and fortourists because there are a ton of folks down there who are ready to helpus enjoy ourselves it's a beautiful place but unfortunately the populationis such that there are a high number of jamaicans in dire straits and that is acountry halfway to the third world and the western world and the countrygovernment leadership is trying their

darkness to get that country out of thethird world area and more into the western side of things if possibledominica is doing it st. quas done it of course there st. thomas in mar 10 youknow all the other islands in the caribbean that have desperately shiftedyou know quickly shift as hard as they can to serve as saying tourists becausetourists leave behind cash and they don't leave behind you know a lot oftoxic chemicals from paint mixture or anything else i mean it's it's a cleanbusiness comparatively speaking and so jamaica is trying to try to getthere anyway cancellation so do happen to steam youmean the shirt looks great

love the colors thanks steamer i hopeyou checked out that video i made today eleni aha lonnie is here i would say theinsurance thing is because you can get a full refund still up to a certain timeframe before the cruise good point on that too you know i can imagine that youbought insurance and then all of a sudden there's race riots or somethinglike why you want to cancel your trip you want to cancel everything and youcancel insurance and you walk away unscathed i hear you there let me also iwould think also with the insurance that if you're buying travel insurance andyour cruise is canceled six months before it even happens the insurancecompanies kept paying out all these

dollars on a cruise that you know wasn'tgonna happen they don't want to get caught with that either they only wantto pay out when it's an emergency cancellation like a bad weather orsomething mechanical or whatever but yeah there's all kinds of reasons herebut good point there steven beam greetings everyoneas steamer welcome silvia he is flying over and staying on a resort so theseflying lee's flying into jamaica staying at a resort trying to get insurance seethere you go richard c steaming late to the party today actually think steamerkind of rives at this time school just got out yeah my class introduce us toyour crazy five fifth graders the folks

that drive you to drink hey let's getthose kids to buy some of these t-shirts and then all day long you'll be lookingat these logos staring back at you in the classroom that'll drive you batty ithink so i'll drive you nuts mister x11 loud steamin you finish andget ready to head off fantastic all right well my story today my news todaythat that i kind of was i put some info about hurricane season i thought i wouldupdate everybody whoever's watching live and whoever follows my channel later ontonight some more next week the islands and the areas of the caribbean that werehit heavily it i thought an update everybody on how they're doing what'sgoing on how they've recovered how

they're not recoveringthe the the season starts on june the first that's in the next a week or sohurricane season officially begins until the end of november last year septemberto october were just terrible months for the caribbean and here are some islandsand and how they're doing i'm and willa anguilla still not back to 100% lookingto receive passengers in december of this year they are not able to receivecruise ships even now may six months later they still can't receivepassengers it's december and that is assuming they don't hit get hit againthis fall if they don't get hit they'll continue to recover and rebuild andwe'll be able to accept passengers in

december barbuda barbara had 1800 peopleliving on the island 95% of the structures were heavily damaged orcompletely destroyed the government basically government of antigua andbarbuda they took all 1800 folks off the island they could not guarantee theirsafety could not give them the basics of life water electricity food source andsecurity could not offer it they had to evacuate all 1800 folks off the islandand then start to rebuild the island in sections and it would be governmentbuildings first infrastructure and so on all at the same time and then privatehousing the 1,800 folks are off they were off since november of last yearthey've all been housed in antigua

except for those of course who are nowin work gangs working on the island probably being housed by contractors intemporary housing and they're there looking to get all 1800 back theearliest that they are expecting any cruises back to barbuda is this novemberso at least another five six months before the first tourists will show upby then a huge number of the 1800 will be back so it's a entire year for somefolks not on their home island before they can return to their island it'sit's devastating i am certain that the insurance claimsare a nightmare i'm sure there are disputes between insurance companies andproperty owners resorts getting rebuilt

from scratch it's a major undertaking itis a mess and it takes time it just does you can't drive to houston and get getlumber and bring it back you got a ship at all in or flying in and that's bigmoney and that's that's the issue of course and labor to build cuba theysuffered flooding in november coastal cities including some in havana that allwas looked after within the first two weeks they they had that lake fast it'sback to normal since december cuba has been back to normal since december 2017and they're expanding their cruise itineraries we keep talking about ithere we hear about it carnival norwegian royal caribbean they're all increasingtheir calls to the island as our other

lines and they'll continue to do so socuba's open for business but then again cuba is susceptible tohurricanes like any caribbean area nation and so we have to watch it but inthe case of cuba the size of the island and the number of folks who live therethey do have the manpower and resources to rebuild relatively fast and to getback up and running so that's one thing cuba does seem to have going for itwe'll see how it goes this year dominica dominica was heavily damaged lastnovember they will receive carnival shifts starting this july they'll befinally receiving carnival ships in july celebrity hall in america princess royalcaribbean seabourn have all indicated

that through the summer into the fallthey will be returning to dominica as beforeso it's coming back almost a year for dominica florida keys they were heavilydamaged as we know a number of homes were totally destroyed condo complexesresorts toll terrible damage in the keys the keys asfar as cruising is concerned the port facilities up and running they're backas you they expect a regular winter season thiswinter all is gonna be back to normal for the cruising end of it for propertyowners it's a one-off situation depends on you know whether it was a home thatwas damaged a condo complex a resort

business that you know some folks havestarted some haven't even begun some have given up others have alreadyrebuilt so the keys are a mixed bag puerto rico lots of news on puerto ricoas i've shared with you on numerous occasions suffice to say the power gridis the big mystery it's the one that was in the worst shape before the hurricanescame the the puerto rican power grid was on duct tape being held together inpatches and was very unreliable all hospitals government buildings almostany resort of renown most private condo complexes especially high-rise buildingsthey all have their own generator system because they can't count on their ownnational power grid for reliable power

the entire system was devastated anddestroyed to a great extent it took months to get even 25% of the islandback up into a power position other than those folks running generators and ofcourse right after the hurricanes they were running out of diesel to power thegenerators it was just terrible but a lot of puerto rico as a quite a numberof spots in porto rico have gone solar they've decided to take the opportunityof a rebuild to install solar systems and get off the darn grid and not evenbother with it if at all possible or really reduce the reliance on the gridand we've heard stories from time to time where people who are working onthese power lines and power towers and

whatever and they have accidents peoplegetting killed trying to repair this system and then the the the powercompany gets to the point where they're about to announce 95% is back we're upand right and then the day after they have a an accident or a power surge andthe entire grid is off again and it takes too- - slowly but surely get each section back up online again and so they'restill struggling to this day puerto rico is with their power systemnow the island as far as infrastructure goes roadways have been generallyrepaired but there are still sections in the interior that are a mess of the damthat we were watching a huge water dam

that was in trouble i don't know whatthe status of that is i'm sure it's being you know worked on iknow they had the the marine corps of engineers looking at it trying to figureout the extent of the damage i could go on and on about puerto rico for hourssuffice to say on the cruising end of things they're up and running the porthas been running since last december true ships are coming in and coming outof there but we had heard for a few months after the hurricane the nightmarestories of passengers not able to get in to get onto their cruise in time and notable to get out with their flights because of cancellations and all kindsof issues the airport was also being

held together by duct tape it just goeson and on and on hopefully they won't get hit this year and they can keeprebuilding all this winter and keep servicing people and bring in some cashflow because god knows they need it so puerto rico is quite a story st. barthsst. bart's got nailed badly that's the island that richard branson was on he isin his own estate and he rode out the hurricanes on his own property he had tobasically rebuild a big chunk of his own property the island got devastatedgovernment buildings badly hit but so far only small cruise lines havereturned to st. barths mainly the boutique cruise lines those six starlines which are like the giant yachts

that hold 200 400 people at a time thelarge cruise ships have not returned to st. barths they're not ready they'restill rebuilding gonna be a while yet st. john's which is a u.s. virgin islandterritory this is an island that you can get to from my beliefs st. thomas by viaa ferry or st. maarten via ferry they are will not be up and runningfully until march 2019 there they're not able to take day visitors even to thisday they have a national park there and they're just not ready they're stillrebuilding a lot of infrastructure damages same r10 and saint-martin bothhalves of the island badly hit the dutch half the french half badly damaged butthey were able to get cruise ships back

on the island in january or so within amonth or two they opened their ports again they put in millions millions andthousands of workers to get their island up and running for cruise ships we'vehad a number of folks on this channel tell us that they went to st. maartenand they would tell us that the ports fine but walking from the port to thebeach downtown they would still see destruction or block behind the mainbeach where the secondary houses are apartment buildings were the work werethey yet where the locals live full-time devastation months after still tons ofdevastation a lot of rebuilding had to go on and it's still happening to thisday so st. maarten has recovered a lot

but not yet fully recovered because ofthe absolute devastation that they suffered same with saint thomas the u.s.territory the island st. thomas was also heavily damaged but the ports are up andrunning again they tried to as quickly as possible get the cruise ships backthey got the the cable car ride running again so the folks can go up the cablecar and like i say they want the business back badly they need it and alot of dough went in there but there is still a lot of private damage to berepaired to be completed and a number of resorts are still not open it'll takemonths yet it might take another six eight months for a number of resorts tobe back online

that's the st. thomas tour to tortolawas damaged last november but there they're back onagain they're up and running and turks and caicos they were damagedbut they too are back up and running as well they were able to repair quicklyand these are only the the islands and areas of the caribbean that hadsignificant damage that i mentioned any island or territory i didn't manage itdidn't mention there probably okay i don't sink why i didn't mention itspecifically but saint quoi had significant damage but they got a lot ofrepairs done rather quickly and are you know kind of backup i'm running sothere's a brief recap there of the of

the hurricane damage and what's beengoing on let's see what's going on thomas henry's wondering what time zoneare you and steamer thomas henry everyone's saying goodbyeto mr. x in tokyo it's got to go steamer laughs alone one of my kids the otherday asked me if the cruise ship escape was going to pick pick me up here insandy bay saskatchewan on the churchill river yeah no that's a big river outthere why just ship them down through the north's and then come and pick youup which are running take you under ollie that'd be pretty pretty damn nicecruise rather convenient wouldn't you say man i'd be something steamer mr. x ihave another 15 minutes for sign-off

fantasticks thomas henry steaming couldintroduce a cruise okay carolien circulate i can't pronounce thatcruising's holidays i'm thinking about going to port villa next year in junewould you know if the weather would be okay port port villa going to port villawhere is port villa please tell the cruising holidays where are you welcometo the show i see a little picture there your avatar looks like sydney's operahouse if i could see that welcome to the shownice to have you here steaming bean we just stu survived a fire thank godabsolutely thomas henry that would make a true steamed green i guesswell like that's maybe not a natural

fire the three planes and a couple ofhelicopters had to fight that with steaming beam but it's out thankgoodness love to trouble my computer just shuts down then i got to start allover again that is frustrating not good thomas henry must have been the catwalking over the buttons there they remember they remember your pussycatsdebbie man you all happy to here safe from the fire beanravens here hi how hi everybody how's everyone doing okay here thanksramon for coming back nice to see you again loves to travel no cat she's noteven in the room so it's not yeah steven bean who has given bruce a fonzietoday who's given bruce a thumbs up is

the question how many begat four thumbsups today i got 26 thumbs ups i'm not so bad thank you everybody anybody canspare a thumbs ups today please shoot them over that would be terrific s q issaying hi bruce its excuse under b ontario it's 17 celsius sunny coolbreeze but nice here today how's everyone doing tracy dunlap can'tbelieve hurricane season starts again in a few days and even here in naples somany blue tarps still on the roofs still working on repairs to our house -absolutely these same time even bleeding twice plus 26 celcius in sandy basisgautreaux and that's getting nice and hot loves to travel i still i stillcan't decide where and when to go on my

cruise rayvon how you been we're doinggreat raymond we're just talking about the hurricane season that starts nextweek talking about cruises out there all kinds of news steam and being loves totravel when are you looking like what when are you looking like summer maybelove's travel i don't know i usually go around october can't decidesteamin being lucky to go when cruising is cheap the steam you mean have youever considered the summer to cruise she says i usually go around october 13 cuzthat's my birthday loves to travel last june i took the norway cruise steamer iam bermuda bound on the escape july 15th rayvon saying hi thomas henry um st.thomas i was there over thanksgiving

last year didn't even get to see thedestruction i did assuming and snorkeling tour the beaches were goodright on so that was thanks to that was novembervery good to avoid that downtown area loves to travel i would love to do thenorway cruise again and thomas hi rayvin where is home for you he's in the uk atthomas henry cheers a raymont jim thomas bin beam fire didn't burn your biscuitsi hope biscuits are fine the biscuits are good all sheltered all as well wellnot too bad not too bad there yeah you know you've got to decide where to go ona cruise to go on an october cruise do you do whatever cruiseyou're gonna take a cruise in november

caribbean all these cruise ships arecoming back on a repositioning cruise from europe back to north america andthose first months the november's most of december good chunk of january thecaribbean is is priced right and this year we can add the symphony of the seasmore accommodation more more more space we can add the bliss we can add carnivalhorizon these are cruise ships that are going to be added to the caribbean whichmeans that you know thousands of rooms available on a weekly basis additionallyto the season even if they take a two thousand passenger ship and move itelsewhere but they're bringing in a four thousand passenger ship you're addingtwo thousand rooms to the caribbean you

multiply this out over a number ofcruise lines and the competition will be a hot nanny to get you to commit studiovlog channel port vila is in vanuatu aa studio you know studio port a channel icannot give you a personal opinion on port villains that i haven't been thereif anyone out there has by all means let us know i would recommend studio vlog ifyou're not familiar with it yourself you may want to just check our old youtubechannel here and see if you can find some videos on port vila in vanuatu andfind out if other cruisers have been there and when and that'll give you ahandle on what kind of weather to expect what the amenities are like what theport is like a lot of folks will post

their own video i would love to a postedone for you but i haven't been there so i can't can't help you there but that'smy that's my you know that's my i thought right therestephen bean i was cool too it was cool to watch another channel live yesterdayand bruce pops up among the viewers you're talking about lolita loca yeah iwas i popped in there to say are those guysthey've been here from time to time they watch me but they need something theydon't tell me they're watching they just kind of watching keep an eye on me andif you're watching guys how are you it's great to have you back thomas henry ihave never heard of any wet

where is it vanuatu is in the pacificbetween australia and fiji new caledonia area and it's a beautiful area gorgeousand a lot of a lot of tourists from the australia area in new zealand they willhead up there for a bit of tropical holiday during their winter timeabsolutely richer see also in the winter you have all the cruises from the westcoast to hawaii and check they'll have a flow they have great prices for a 15 daycruise must-do trip lots of trouble when i go on a cruise i say to myself how canall these people afford to come on the cruise laughs a lot yeah you know youforget or 50 million americans 35 million canadians 300 million peoplefrom europe there's a billion right

there almost a billion oil not quitemaybe 78 under mille and there's this room for how many folks a week on thesecruises fifty sixty thousand the week 70,000 a week whatever the number isyeah it's it the numbers are stunning they're absolutely stunningcruising holidays port vila is in vanuatu and i'm thinking about flyingthere this time right on yeah i would chrissa qualities i would check outyoutube videos i would do a search on youtube just you know port vila vanuatuand see what pops up i think you'll find all kinds of videos about that area andthat might give you a bunch of it you know intelligentsia you want to help youout figure out what's going on thomas

henry l2l loves to traveli wonder how much they spent in the casino to get comped cruises yeah that'sright how much they what they lost in the casino to get comped cruises yeahyeah i get i get brochures all the time from princess they would love to have mecome back to their casino as i like to play the slots of time to time i end upbut i only get room credit so you know 200 bucks 300 bucks that kind of thingand it's on a deal that they're offering me i can get a vacation to go dealthat's so much cheaper forget the cops you guys i'll just go what i want to goyour comps are worthless to me they're you know let's go give me a free cruisethey're not offering me a free cruise

richard see if you look at a cruisevacation is reasonable or 100 200 hours perperson per day including food it is a reasonable vacation a richer see icouldn't agree more i totally get you with that if you gotfive-star accommodation you know on a haul in america ship a celebrity shipyou're in one of the brand-new royal caribbean vessels or one of the giantnorwegian cruises the new horizon for carnival you know if you can be in abalcony room for a hundred bucks a night or less for a seven-day cruise man perperson even with tips and port charges it doesn't matter you can't get thatkind of a deal at a beachfront resort

anywhere in the united states you're notgonna get that in the cayman islands you're not gonna get that in nassaubahamas you're talking to 300 a night for the room plus the local taxes thenyou gotta eat you might get breakfast thrown in but not the rest of itwhat about renting a car you gotta you know you want to get around of miami ororlando or or tabla in orlando is even beachfrontyou know you want to be on the on the on the ocean oceanfront something you'regonna pay dearly through serious money west coast san diego beachfront losangeles in between the - up - up - oh my goodness just north of los angeles uhyou know oxnard and north of oxnard you

want to go up a beachfront oh you talkfor honor tonight serious money plus plus you gotta eatone haven't you talked five six hundred a night a cruise is such a bargaincompared to this such a deal and the service and the shows and the the viewsa different you know they're taking you aroundthey're moving you're 3,000 miles 1,500 miles whatever the mileage is over aweek fantastic absolutely wonderful bargain i love it lots of travel i neverspend money in casinos even when i went to las vegas mr. x well i'm off toproctor midterms have a good rest of your day everyone thanks for popping byout of tokyo have a great day today and

thanks for seeing us always loved havingto come by i loved your comments very muchthomas henry make sure there is no cheating tonight on trivia we're on at8:00 o'clock tonight that's in two hours less than two hours we're back onstephen beam bruce are you booked no i'm not booked yet uh we're getting closerand closer we're not booked yet i'm still looking i got some more at leastto get i got this channel to keep building up and i got to keep workingthe magic here one by one but i will be on a cruise and then i'm looking in thenew year for several i'll keep you guys posted as soon as i know you'll know ifyou could pop in and say hi to me great

if not maybe the next one maybe the nextone but there will be meet and greets for sureanyway i think i'm gonna pack this show up right now i want to thank everybodyfor the thumbs ups today we're now at 32 thumbs ups thank you everybodyif anyone can spare a thumbs up that would be terrific before you go eighto'clock two hours i'm on with trivia tonight no cheatingdon't be googling on me and we'll have some fun stephen be the white beast jimthomas will see it all and round two thanks for your support of my channelthrough super chats and through pay pal thanks you guys for all that always andthank you for picking up items from my

store the patreon you patrons out therethank you as well i'm still unmonitored with youtube waiting to get back on whoknows when that's gonna happen peter jicama is just right in here wejust had friends from vaughn tree all they wanted to rent a condo for threemonths january february the cheapest they could find was 16,000 bucks forthree months yeah you want to go to cruz i think so debbie manuel so sad we'll bemissing trivia tonight but we'll be thinking of how much fun everyone willhave oh wait tokyo she said tokyo is an answer thomas henry bye everybody stevenbean i will get ready for trivia steam and being adios blowing kisses thankstimur thanks debbie thanks peter that's

a great comment peter i know when ilived in palm desert people would want to come down for the winter for januaryfebruary march and april it's 4,000 a month minimum for a condo on a monthlybasis and they want 16 grand and they'd want an upfront minimum and the othersix with like two months to go otherwise get out because they could get it thatget it it's unbelievable it's like 100 a night 120 a night plus you gotta feedyourself you need a car oh expensive cruising he imagine doingit back to back to back to back because like you know two or three months ofcruising out of the caribbean out of a florida for the entire winter all ofjanuary february march he'll get great

deals in january couple deals with febmaybe not so many in march but it all averages out and i don't think he'd bespending that kind of money i just don't think so and well better have double xlshirts if you're getting on a cruise for three or four months straight you got towatch your waistline but i think it'll all even sell though at the end we shallsee thank you everybody coming on come on guys thumbs up for bruce steamersthen okay trivia in two hours and i think that's it i'm gonna say mygood-byes right now and get a little bit of rest get a little nibble in and getready for my show tonight thank you for watching this show today this is brucewith traveling with bruce may the 24th

2018 that day bruce's shirts arrivedsaying thanks for watching me today see you tonight at eight o'clock for triviaand i will catch you later okay see you guys bye for now

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