modern living room shelves

this is the expand modular shelving & storagesystem. multiple panels can be connected to each otherthrough l joins, t joins and x joins. through this you can create shelving or storagecubes or a variation of both you can change the direction or orientation;you can make a cube shelf to hang on the wall or as a free standing object for storage it can withstand 89kg or almost 195 lbs ofweight as a cube extremely strong and durable with extra structuresupport built inside the walls it’s very stain resistant and easy to clean
you won’t have to worry about little spillsas it’s completely water proof. you can even use this in the bathroom or shower. it’s also very resistant to bacteria andfungus, non-toxic and formaldehyde free and kid safe. comes in 3 panel options, 475mm or 18.7 inches, 300mm or 11.8 inches , 210mm or 8.25 inches as well as the various joins which are about3.5 cm or 1.4 inches you secure you build with the pin joins, theysnap in place easily to support the structure. they are
simple to take out or add in. if you want to mount it to a wall, add inthe wall shelf hardware where the pin joins would go. it’s a very simple system to create andit’s easy to install. you can also install wall hardware upsidedown so you can have a more hidden look. screwing directly into drywall will easilysupport books and most items, as well you can screw into a stud for a higherweight capacity you can adapt and make your own creative designsfrom existing items. for example a rectangular cube
can turn into a u shaped bookshelf and a monitorstand. the smaller monitor stand can also be usedas a wall mounted simple shelf. you can mount it in either direction and you can switch the orientationof the l joins to make an interesting design. it’s very simple to modify your design,that’s the beauty of the modular system. you can change your design with your lifestyle. add to it, makeit smaller or reshape it into something completely new. for example a simple cube can be transformedinto a step shelf ladder or 4 mini “lâ€
shaped shelves. or with a variety of panels you can make somemore complicated items like a running man shelf it makes for useful storage on the wall forbooks, toys or other items for your children it also works in the bathroom as it’s waterproof in the living room it can be used for morethan just shelving and storage. they make great slim line tv stands and entertainment centers.
they can be good for plant holders, collectibles,office bookshelves, side tables and more. there are so many different variations andideas you can make with the expand modular system you can always add to it and make your ownunique designs to fit your space for more information visit
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