classic silver behr living room

classic silver behr living room

are you delivering teadoor to door? - yes. will you come in the afternoon?- let's see. no, you must come! taxi.- i can't go now. listen.. the meter is up. it's down somewhere else. if i get out in the afternoon,my sister-in-law scolds me. meaning? just because youwork you're not her slave! i'm slave only to one person.

not slave, but mistress! listen, come before noon.- why? we'll go to see the new movie. no! we can't keep champa herefor long. - why, sister-in-law? why! the future in-laws said thatthey couldn't rely on him. wait a minute. do you not trust me? of course i do. it is better forthe hunter not to stalk the prey. in that case we should ask mrs.ghosh if mr. ghosh is.. ..the prey or not.

i don't need to know that. buti know very well what you are. brother, what is sister-in-lawsaying? she doesn't know my name is nitish.what does it mean? you tell me.- see, she doesn't know. nitish means niti and ish,which is ethics and god. when champa returns oneday with her stomach.. ..sticking out, you'll know. champa with a big stomach? a villain dies abroad anda local woman is widowed!

indeed! just because i'm good,you take advantage. i'll see who wins! one person works, pays moneyand washes his hands off! and the other is onlylooking for work! very good, very good!i know everything! sit at home and wastetea and cigarettes! all day just ha-ha and laughter! such laughter! darn it!this too is useless! you rotten rascal! aren'tyou ashamed of laughing?

you're laughing atyour sister-in-law? i'm not laughing at sister-in-law,i'm laughing at your words. i'm laughing at what mywife says, so what! how dare you laugh too!you disrespect elders! here is her highness, at last! took time for the fish. what fish did you get? shilum.- again? younger brother likes it.

don't go on about youngerbrother. i don't like it! get the vegetables out. why are you laughing so much? the ladyfingers! the ladyfingers?- yes. you know haru? oh dear,you don't know haru. who is haru? he works at the nadu's tea stall. do you know what he was saying?

he was saying that the englishcall it lady's fingers. a woman's fingers! i'll give you a tight slap andgive you lady's fingers.. ..on your cheek! lady'sfingers, indeed! go have your tea and snacksand cut the fish. it is cut already. khocha, khocha! where are you? here is a letter for your is the final interview. all thanks to you.

don't get nervous whenyou see the big boss. why would he be nervous? brother-in-law, will you benervous? oh no, he'll be fine. please give me your blessings,so that i can do it. - let go. say it like an actor,in a quivering voice! oh great mother! i go forth forvictory, for the state, for.. ..our esteem! let me not getdelayed in my speedy victory! oh dear! what's this inyounger brother's hair? a feather? i thoughtit was a butterfly!

really? why couldn'tyou just say it? did you've to touch him? and don't go seeing butterfliesall over the place. i don't like it.- why are you hitting her? champa, go and make arrangementsfor younger..'s bath. go. sister-in-law. sister-in-law. get me a cigarette frombrother's pack. please sister-in-law.

what if you don't smoke? you won't understand that. my father and brothers don't smoke. they're all gods. please getme one, sister-in-law. i beg at your feet.- let go. only see one's own needs,others can go to hell! what do i do? it's an addiction. why do you take to somethingthat's addictive? why can't you say this to brother?

as if i can't. i've throwncigarettes out of his mouth.. many times. i'm sorry. you don't haveto get me a cigarette. okay! no need to sulk! promise to take me tothe theatre for a play? i promise i'll take you,i swear upon god. give me the list of playsyou want to see. you wrote the list last time. will you remember this time?- positively.

wait, i'll get one.- okay. come, my queen! what will people say if they hear? they will say.- what? that motor is driven by pachuand pachu is driven by a siren! you don't even feel ashamed. you know, it looks so nicewhen people are in love.. ..and look bashful. naughty!

what movie are we going for? taxi's a very good movie. will we return by 3 o'clock? sure, come on. don't say sure. i've to return by 3! i don't like this. limits on love.- what? you know the honey from thebeehive will dry and only.. ..beeswax will remain. come on.

good morning!- good morning! take your seat.- thank you! darn! i've never heard a callbell as ugly as this one! sorry sister-in-law,i disturbed your siesta. no, i wasn't sleeping.i thought that humbug has.. ..come to disturb usin the afternoon. what's the news? what news indeed! i'm so unlucky,what do you think? brother-in-law, what happened?

i got the job. got the job? why the long face? you aren't unwell, i hope. i'm fine. but as soon as igot the job, i'm doomed. did you get a bad job?- no. then? my place of work is 70miles away from here. 70 miles? do you've to go everyday?

no, the condition is thati've to stay there. why? they gave you a job,they haven't bought you.. ..whole and soul! something like that. you don't need to cut a ridiculousjob like that! you're right, sister-in-law. howcan i live away from both of you? true. but, i won't get afine job like this. as soon as they give you a fatsalary, does it become a good job?

did you see how you look? to go so far and live alone. no! here she comes after herafternoon fun time! my word, dressed up to the nines! shut the door! champa, may i've a cup of tea? i'll get it right away. what'sthe matter, sister-in-law? what's it to you? go do whatyou've been asked to do. i got a job.

really? is that so, younger brother? i'm so happy, sister-in-law! watch out, you may fall downfrom sheer happiness! giggling away all the time,i don't like all this! i deserve a sari for youngerbrother's job. yes you do, but i won't livein kolkata. i've to leave. will you leave from here?- yes. here you are! so the news camefrom the horse's mouth.. ..himself! heard the good news!

i too took the day off from workand came with food et al. now i'm in festive mood! champa,get my slippers. the shoes surely pinch.oh dear. hey, go! why are all of you standinghere like owls? if not like an owlwhat do you expect? that he look like goddess laxmi?- why? champa, take these. make tea. here i thought we'd celebratewith eats and all. decent folk don't takeon jobs like this!

what are you saying? khocha, what happened? the place of work is70 miles from here. so what? so many people travela 1 00 miles daily to.. ..reach their place of work. from a 1 00 miles? oh yes! that mr. nandofrom our office. he comes in to the office dailyat 1 0 a.m. from nabadwip. what are you saying?- what a relief!

each night he returns home atmidnight going through dirt.. ..and grime. then he has a good meal,has a thorough.. ..bath and falls asleep. why? he saves time you see. hehas to get up very early. so he has his bath almostwhile going to sleep. but at this place i'veto be at work at 6 a.m. i can't travel to andfro here daily.

oh. that means you've to stay there. i didn't think of this earlier. brother-in-law won'tstay with us anymore. why are you crying?what is there to cry? how will you understand? sendme to my parents' house. you two brothers can workto your hearts' content! now how do i convince her? he'll visit us once a week. sister-in-law, how cani not come?

champa, why are you crying? younger brother will go away. why is she crying? askher to stop crying! khocha is the root causeof all evil here! you got a job! you should'vecome home dancing! you come with a long face!- i mean.. what the heck! mother, your sister-in-lawand this champa have made.. totally useless!- what about you?

stop, stop. look khochahas a life of his own. he needs to stand on his own feet. do you want to keep him tied toyour apron strings all his life? and champa will wait on himhand and foot! painful! am i only his sister-in-law?i'm like his mother. i've brought him up sincehe was a little boy. a new place, no friends, howcan i send him alone there? why do you worry so much? his boss, chaudhary, isa good friend of mine.

the doctor there, dr. gupta,is my classmate. i'll talk to them. everythingwill be fine. who will look afterhim if i'm not there? i can go with younger brother. you'll go? yes, she can go. she can go?- yes. this imbecile and go withbrother-in-law?! - yes. who will look afterhim if i don't go?

who will look after him indeed!get out, get out! sister-in-law, she didn't sayanything wrong, you know. keep quiet! you're a carefreeboy, you don't care about.. or rules. and this no-goodgirl will go with you? look how far she has gonewith all your indulgence! i indulged or you did? you'rethe one who indulged her.. ..from childhood and broughther up like a daughter. very good, i'll do more. then why do you object to her going?

okay, let her go.let her go forever! look at that now. you, you'rethe root of all problems! if you weren't my brother,i'd have called you an ass. brother, you call yourbrother an ass? yes i did. i'll do itagain if necessary. and you're that type of animal only. or why would you make your lovelysister-in-law cry after.. ..getting a fine job like that?hey, i'm just acting! listen, sister-in-law isa mother to all of you.

you've to listen towhatever she says. from now on, everything in thishouse will be as per her.. ..wishes. got that? will all this food just lie here?go, please call your sister-in-law. if she doesn't come, ticklethe soles of her feet. go. sister-in-law, come thetea is getting cold. i'm leaving tomorrow, let'shave tea together today. brother has brought so many snacks. it's a joyous day for you eat, i don't want any.

is our joyous day a sad day for you? if you don't eat we won't too. my head is paining, don't troubleme, i don't want to eat! don't get upset, sister-in-law,please, i beg at your feet. no, no! don't tickle my, i'll die, don't! don't, i'll die.- no, i won't let go. i'm dead, help, help me! let go, let go. hey khocha. why areyou holding her feet?

see him, look what he is doing! i'll come, let go my feet. first ask her to have tea with us. fine, i'll look into it. go now. go, scram. what a naughty boy! what are you looking at? you look great now! oh dear! i warn you,don't act funny!

i tell you, i can't control myself. no way! ''next time i'll be astrand of thread.'' ''i'll take birth ina weaver's house.'' ''i'll be a bordered sariand stick to your waist!'' ''you may say what you want.'' ''next time i'll be earth.'' ''i'll take birth ata potter's house.'' ''i'll be a pitcher and restjauntily on your waist!''

''i'll be a silver ring.'' ''i'll be a silver ring ormy life won't be worth it.'' ''wife, you'll know what painthere is in that ring.'' ''don't be upset, dear heart.'' ''do you want me to die, sweetheart?'' ''i'll become kohl and staydeep in your eyes.'' here. do you want work today?- yes sir! go to number 4.

shyamprasad.- yes sir. show me your pass. excuse me.- ramlal! - yes sir. excuse me.- no, your number isn't here. 570. can you tell me where thelabour officer's room is? i won't go! move away. go to number 3. ramprasad!- yes sir.

i work in the labour office.won't i be able to tell you.. go to number 3. ..where the labourofficer's room is? go to cabin number 3.- yes sir. what work do you've with thelabour officer? may i know? no. i'll tell the labourofficer that. go straight, the room to yourright. it says 'labour officer'! go there!- thank you! what?- thanks to you.

come in! greetings! mr. roy, i wantto meet the manager.. chaudhary. why?- it's about a job. - no hope. pardon?- no vacancies. it's not what you think. that certificate won't help. so many candidates who've donetheir b.a. and m.a. are.. ..keen on working in thislabour department.

what can i do? this is an appointment letter. sit, please sit. so you're mr.roy, what a surprise! shitesh roy, right?- yes sir. you're quite young. a job likethis at your age. brilliant! shitesh roy, right? which roy, brahmin,kayastha or buddhist? brahmin. wonderful. what sort of brahmin?

radi, barandana or vedic? radi.- amazing! only a radi boy canbe so impressive! what clan? kashyap clan. kashyap? but of course, of course! i'm d.a. ghoshal. i meandakhin anando ghoshal. means nad ghoshal! i like you, see i got familiaragain. i like you a lot.

give me the manager. yes. call mr. chitta, please. yes, good morning, sir.ghoshal speaking. mr. s.k. roy of kolkata is here. he is the new overseer. he is here.yes, i'll send him right away. he is waiting for you. he is the new overseer, takehim straight to the manager. go, hurry up, go. if there is anything you need,just let ghoshal know.

what are you waiting for? no,i'm telling him, not you. bye. those are the quarters.this is the factory. and these are part timers, get it? that one over there, is thebatching department. come. no way can i speak any untruth. sir, are you a brahmin?- yes. brahmin! wonderful!just what i thought. which clan?- radi.

wow. sir, don't worry,don't worry at all. i'll take all your responsibilities. there is the manager'soffice. go in. gokul, take him in. take him. good! may i come in?- yes. ah welcome, welcome. you'renitesh's brother. sit. thank you, sir. he knows me very well. niteshused to address me.. brother.

really? he said he'd call you. naturally. oh no, there is noneed to see this. you've finished all your interviews. the only problem isyour accommodation. send talukdar of batching. lokhikanto, please come to my room. everything will be fine, ifyou get a local guy. - i see. or it can be very difficult.

may i come in, sir?- yes. this is our head clerk, mr.lokhikanto chakravarty. he is the new overseer of batching. good morning, sir!- greetings! take mr. roy's appointment letter. is there any area here,i mean a decent area? yes. jagatpada, chaturjopada. look for a good accommodation there. mr. roy will live there.the rent shouldn't be high.

i'll look for it today, sir. have lunch with me can rest a bit too. if you need mr. roy's signature,take it after lunch. yes sir. oh, please take this file. he is mr. roy i think,our new colleague. how did you know?- i heard it from ghoshal. i'm glad to meet you.- thank you! i'm talukdar. we're together.

mr. sen, the assistantmanager of our mill. the problem is where mr. roywill stay. he is a bachelor. contact dr. gupta. can't hestay in the room upstairs? sir, i think, it won't beconvenient at dr. gupta's. why, what is the problem? is it true then? sir, everyone has seen know what it is. will he get married? that is not sure. shecomes late every night.

who? who is this lady? that boy who died at mednipore.his widow. forget it, we don't want all that. no point in living in a viciousatmosphere like that. don't worry, something will come up. talukdar, take him tothe department. - okay. get him here before lunch.- yes sir! come sir.- bye. ''if your head spins,or your heart sinks.''

''come to me, why fear,why get scared?'' harder, chandan! make it soft! ''this massage has many qualities.'' hey, why did you stop? it properly. sure. here. not so hard, it hurts! so what? i'll kill you today! sir you?- your angel of death! what's all this?

sir, i swear, it's dengue! sincea few days, my body.. shut up! next time i'll skin you! dengue, indeed! why don'tyou take leave and go home? ask your wife to give you a massage. i've no leave, sir. it's all over. i know all your tricks! kallu, are you here to workor give him a massage? forgive me, sir. you do this everyday. cheat!

i'll serve you a charge sheet!- no, you're like a parent! if you're my child,i'd hang myself! go to your department! go! what happened? what's the matter? what do you mean, what's the matter? where are all of you? why? i was working at themachine in the south . i saw that.- why? what happened? what can happen? do you knowwhat this rascal did?

what have you done?- what else? what he does everyday! he asked kallu to give a massage. do you want to eat my key?all this when there is a.. ..senior supervisor like you around. shame on you, salil. this is yourplace of work, not your.. ..massage parlour. at your age, we worked ever so hard. i remember once a properenglish gentleman.. ..was so impressed withmy sincere work.

not only did he embrace me.. he also kissed you.- no! - no kiss? no. he invited me to dinnerat his quarters. our time was the british rule. i beg of you, please don't starton that, please don't. he is new, he might get scared! he doesn't know you fully well!what if he gets nervous? who is he? - let me introduce you. he is your new overseer,mr. s.k. roy.

he is the famous orator,mr. sudhimoy bannerji. shift senior supervisor. andhe is the junior supervisor. mr. salil maitro. good morning, sir! it is our greatfortune that you've come. great fortune indeed! elsehow will you torment him! why would i do that? how did such a handsome childof god land up here? god's child? did you see his forehead,mr. talukdar? - yes.

look at its effective reach!- yes. and those eyes? gleaming aren't they?- no. how deep looking. intense indeed. did you see those ears?- ears? these are all signs of good fortune. if i had the time i wouldcheck your palm right now. let it be! don't touchhim with greasy hands.

are you a brahmin?- yes. no need to be formal. you'rean overseer. my superior. when i was with netaji. you mean netaji subhashchandrabose? - yes. he means netaji subhashchandra bose.- when he was under house arrest,.. ..he used to call me and say, shuku. he was very fond of him. okay, i'll show himaround and return. sir. i'll tell youabout netaji later.

that's better. tell him in leisure. but let me tell you, in 1922,jawaharlal said to me.. jawaharlal ganguly.- no! jawaharlal nehru. oh, you mean nehru?- yes. he means respectable mr. nehru.- yes. he wanted to send me to meet lenin! he didn't go becauserussia is so cold. he had immense faith in keep the same faith in me.

he'll do that! whatchoice does he have? where will he get sucha big object of trust? brother! don't exaggerate. come in. that mr. salil is an absolutework-shirker! and that bannerji, sit, isan extreme tale spinner. i mean the father ofall tale spinners! he got totally carried away.

imagine, netaji usedto call him shuku?! and jawaharlal nehru wantedto send him to meet lenin. just think about it, is it possible? the so and so, got into thisfactory even before he was.. ..shaving, how could he do all this? you're laughing. not at you. i was laughing atthe way that salil maitro was.. ..touching his feet! he is the one to watch out for!you'll know him in detail later.

he comes in very quietly butleaves behind a lot of pain! but one thing, mister. noneof them is harmful! at heart, they're allvery nice people. come in, shitesh. hey jhontu, dhuntu, no school today? it's off for the day. dhuntu, what are you doing here? we're playing, daddy. play quietly. don't make a noise.

shitesh sit here, i'llbe back in a moment. sit down. stand up.- why? there is a scorpion under your seat. a joke, simply a joke!simply a joke! what are your names? jhontu chaudhary. dhuntu chaudhary.what is your name? shitesh roy. shutesh? is shutesh a name?

do you've threads over your body?- may be. let's see.- let me see too. you've a nice nose! look at his hair! it's justlike rajesh khanna's! such brats! what did you say? i was thinking of the scorpion. we know why father has broughtyou here. - why? you're here to meet sister.

to meet sister? yes. people do meet theirprospective spouses before.. ..marriage, you've cometo meet her for that. what! no! no! as if we don't know! silly. hey dhuntu, what's going on? out! meet my wife and my daughtersleena and meena. shitesh you all know. sit down, shitesh.

i'm so happy to see you.what will you have? i'll have a quick shower.i need to do it. sit, i'll join you soon. i heard everything from him. the environment here is lousy. or we could've kept shiteshin our cottage. that would be great! but thisplace is too narrow minded! true! what if we don't givea damn to what people say? we could do that, but we won'tbe able to mix around.

if shitesh was our relative, then? then there would be no problem! he can become our relative.what say, mr. shitesh. what? relative? nimu, don't address shiteshformally. it hurts the ear. instead call him elder brother.that's better, isn't it, shitesh? okay, it's fine. you girls talk to shitesh. shitesh,don't feel awkward.. bit, consider ityour own home, okay?

i'll see you, okay? well then, you'remy brother shitesh. what should i call you? you decide it with him. that'sbetter, isn't it? - yes. may i smoke? of course! are you very formal? no, but still.. you didn't offer us?- here. why are you listening to her?she is very brash!

so, i'm brash! i'll leave.i won't disturb you. you may take off yourjacket and tie. i love to tie the tie. a cow.- what? a cow? gardener! shoo the cow away. thank goodness! the cow couldn'teat anything from the tree! please sit. what's this? you'reso formal with me.

please, use the familiarform of address. please.- i'll do it later. no, you've to do it now. please. i can't do it now.- no! hello. yes. who's speaking?nitish roy? from calcutta? my brother! you want to talk to mr. chaudhary? okay, hold on please. please inform mr. chaudhary,i'll speak to him.

hello, hello! mr. chaudhary! good morning!i'm nitish speaking. brother, this is khochahere. khocha! what khocha?!- yes brother. why do you sound funny?do you've a cold? i'll go home and tell you. why tell me at home? is thereany problem with your work? no, that's's something else. i mean, i mean..

what 'i mean' is this? why are you at mr. chaudhary'squarters? he brought me here for lunch. why are you nervous about that,you idiot! it's good! no, it's deadly! is it your brother? yes, it's my brother. brother,he is here, speak to him. hello. it's okay, no needto introduce yourself. i expected your call.

mr. chaudhary, if you couldget khocha, i mean shitesh.. accommodation there.. oh yes, we've already thoughtabout your brother's comfort. my wife said, as long as hedoesn't have a house or.. ..servant, he should havehis lunch with us. that's great! i don't know whatwords to thank you with. don't say that. it's my duty. thank you, mr. chaudhary!my brother is a little shy. please understand him. heis very young you see.

yes, we're all fine. yes, he is my only brother. do you've a sister? she's married already? that's good. your parents are bothalive? wonderful! don't worry about your brotherat all. he'll eat here, relax.. and then go. great! i'm so relieved. i'm not saying it because he ismy brother, but you'll see he.. a jewel! yes, we'll visit him sometime.okay brother, i'll hang up now. okay, bye! hello, did you call atbrother-in-law's place? yes madam. your brother-in-lawlives in style! he is taking lunchat the chaudharys. really? hope he has no problems. no, not at all. scorpions! asses!

hi shitesh, would you like to dance? your father has bought shitesh! go make your parents dance! dance, do on, enjoy! go on. is everyone like that over there?- yes. is everyone a radi brahmin?- yes. and chaudhary's entire familyis coming on to me! how old is she?- i don't know. much older than me.- now what?

what else? they'll marry himoff with the older woman! no, no! - no point saying no.chaudhary is his boss. if he doesn't marry his daughter.. ..he won't get promoted. i can't do a think about it! do something, brother. let me think. khocha, you seem to have landedin the tiger's den! what's the solution?

something sound. think! where are you going?- i'll be back. here, take it, don'tfeel shy, go on. at present just smoke awaychaudhary's daughter, then.. ..we'll see! what! you gave him a cigarette! my, my! as if he wouldn'tsmoke if i didn't give him. that's beside the point. you'rethe elder brother and.. offer him a cigarette!

he is working now, an adult. moreover, we'll be discussingsomething and he'll keep.. ..going out every nowand then for a puff. better, i give him permissionat the very outset. but you're an elder brother!aren't you ashamed? ashamed? how about when yousit in front of him and.. ..g.a.o. i mean gossip about others! don't you feel ashamed then? all shame is only reservedfor smoking!

here, khocha, light up! i'm feeling shy. feeling shy! silly! here, take! i have never seen an elderbrother like this ever! can you deny that you givekhocha cigarettes on the.. ..sly from my packet. so what! i'm his sister-in-law,it's my privilege and right! i'll give him, a 1 00 times over. sure, a 1 000 times over. youmay give him cigarettes!

i'm his sister-in-law, allindulgence goes through me. not from you.- how come? how? when brother-in-law choosesa girl for marriage.. ..will he tell you or tell me? obviously he'll tell you. well then, how can a youngerbrother take a cigarette from.. ..his elder brother and.. look at that! what happened? what happened?- water!

get water, she is in trouble! you aren't used to it, why even try? the top of my head please!- here? what happened? my head is spinning.- obviously. why did you smoke on thecigarette so deeply? shocking! how is it spinning? clockwiseor counter clockwise? stop joking, i don't like it!

here, drink water. here, gobble it! don't letthis nice thing go waste! i don't like it!- quiet! she's right you know. why wastean expensive thing like this? khocha, come let's book a tableat a restaurant tonight. brother, chaudhary will againdrag me for lunch to his place. what do i tell him? what will you say? you tell him.

i've an upset tummy. what! acidity or diarrhoea?- both. what both! oh no! how canyou work in this condition? you've to eat something. i can't eat anything in this state. no, you must eat! by the by, my head clerk hasfound a place for you. stay there. put me on to my quarters.

minu, give it to your mother.oh you're close by. listen, shitesh has a stomach upset. oh! shall i make some stew for him? send him here, no needfor him to work today. let him rest here. what, you're sending him todr. gupta? that's good. tell him to come directly hereafter visiting dr. gupta. okay? show me your tongue. become a goddess kali.

nothing to worry. justa slight fever. i'll give some medicine. oh, what about your elderdaughter's marriage, binoy? i haven't fixed it yet,i'm looking, doctor. okay. how many children do you have? not bad, i've 7 altogether.4 girls and 3 boys. and i think one is on the way. 'no more sons now, after2 or 3 say never more!' go in for a vasectomy now.

operation for a man?you'll castrate me? not at all. it gives you the joysof youth without the penalty.. ..of an expanding family. here is the prescription,take the medicines. give it 3 times a day.- okay. come. greetings, doctor! the manager has sent him. okay, you may go.

hey, aren't you nitish, i meankanchu's younger brother? - yes. why are you standing, sit down! well then, you're myyounger brother too. kanchu and me studied inst. pontius together. does your brother still sing? sometimes. he was an amazing singer! your brother called me yesterday.everything will be fine. mr. chaudhary is busy,he sent me here.

i would've come myself.- what is the matter? i'm a bit worried. you mean he is too affectionate. are you married?- no sir. well then, his affectionwill know no bounds! please rescue me fromthis wave of affection. see, i can cure everythingexcept cancer. but i think even the god ofmedicine won't have a cure.. ..for a father's excessivelove for his daughter.

still, do something. i'm not so young. but he didn't let me gotoo since i'm a bachelor! that is why i got hitched to awidow and somehow got rid of him! you can't do that! anyway, i'll speak to kanchuand find out some solution. i'll call him today. you gostraight back to kolkata. okay, i'll meet talukdar and go. please inform mr. chaudhary.

okay, i'll call him right away. bye!- bye! greetings! hello, dr. gupta! yes.did you see shitesh? you've given him leave. okay. what! what's this? why did yousend him to kolkata? darn it! you could'vesent him to our house! my wife has prepared soup, steweverything! what a shame! has he left already? oh.he'll meet talukdar?

okay, okay, i'll see. what an irresponsible doctor! mr. roy, mr. roy.. come in, mr. roy. mr. roy, i've seen a place for you.- but here.. here, i've seen an amazingplace for him! right next to my house! mine too is next to my house! mywife and daughter like it a lot. i heard you're ill. soi had to come running.

i've sent you a tender coconut. my wife has made barley. no need for barley! thank you! come to my house.- your house? my house. i've already paid an advanceand hired a place for sir. hired it? next to your house? yes. well ventilated. awonderful open balcony. that is in a small lane. withbuildings breathing down on you.

he'll go to my house. your house? that's wherecleaners live. where pigs play about everywhere! do you know sir suryavansh hadcome to my house?! come. sir, if you come to my talented daughter will.. at your service. me first! how many daughters do you have?- 4. i've half a dozen, 6! allwaiting for him. come.

i've 8! they are 8 timesas eager! come sir. your daughter is no good!look at him! your daughter is short like you!- what? yes, your daughter is no big deal.- how dare you! she is short!- no, yours is worse! i'll take him!- no he is mine! he'll go with me!- no, i'll take him! no, he is mine!- no, he goes with me! what's going on here? whereis everybody? oh here!

oh dear! please get up. whatare you? humans or what! what did you think you were doing? you behave so badly with him!don't you've any sense! even little boys are more sensiblethan you are! - yes. what do you mean 'yes'? atyour age you should've.. ..better sense. you'rea labour officer. you've created so much trouble here! what do you think of yourself?go do your work! go! i'll take him with me.

no, he'll go with me. no, he'll go with me to hisown house in kolkata. get it? go!- go! go!- yes go! they left. now you leave.- okay. what do i do with this? what will i do with this? darn! out! look, sorry, sorry!

please don't mind. youcan't blame them. they all have daughters. theminute they see a bachelor.. ..they become vultures! what do i do now?- you don't need to do a thing. you go straight home, i'll arrangefor everything here. you know what. if you see theirbehaviour it does seem.. ..extreme, everyone laughs.see, they're laughing. but i think, one should feelbad for these people. yes, do you know why?

you feel bad for them? they all are middle classfathers' tragedies. they all carry the weightof unwed daughters at home. whatever that might be,you better leave quickly! once chaudhary is here, it'll bedifficult to free you from him. come on. hey kalu! younger brother! what happened? nothing. get me my cigarettes. sister-in-law! come quick!someone hit brother!

who hit you? what happened? you've hurt your arm! who tore the sleeve of your shirt? father, first catchhold of my sleeve. oh dear, listen to this! is brother home?- yes, he is in. come. now what? come quick. listen! open the door quickly!come see what calamity.. ..has occurred.

not more than you! stop fooling, i don'tlike it! open up! open up, quickly! i was only in the bathroom.why all this commotion? what is the matter? - see, see whatthey've done to your brother! girls' fathers. oh. what about the girls' mothers? quiet! brother-in-law, didthe girls' fathers hit you? no, they fought over me. therewere many girls' fathers.

they beat you for nothing? no. they fought over whichgirl's father's house.. ..i would stay at. leave that job! don't do that job. why leave the job? we should teach those girls'fathers a lesson. how will you do that? are they girls' fathers,they're hoodlums! was chaudhary part of this scuffle?- no.

but his attitude iseven more dangerous. go, change your shirt.- come. what?- dettol. what will you do with it?- younger brother is hurt. give it to me. trouble. where are you hurt? hold this. wait, let me see. listen, we've to tell chaudharythat father has..

..already seen a girl foryou at jalpaiguri. get it? why tell so much lies? gethim married to my cousin. look at that. this is calledfrom frying pan to fire! as if! my cousin is notto be taken lightly! go ahead, get him marriedto that chaudhary's.. ..old daughter! brother-in-law, don'tyou like my cousin? your cousin, you mean kopila? kopila?

kopila? that is a cow's name! urmila? brother-in-law, what are you?you spoke to my cousin for.. long that day andyou forget her name! this rascal khocha has losthis memory after getting.. ..beaten up by girls' fathers! how can you call sharmila as urmila? sharmila?- yes sharmila. not our film star sharmila tagore.

your cousin sharmila. no! my cousin is neither urmilanor sharmila. she is mridula! same thing! we all gotconfused in la-la land! okay, what about yourstaying arrangements? nothing at all. now chaudhary too hasfixed a place for me. oh. just to please chaudharygo and stay at the place.. ..he has fixed for now. i'll come later and makeall arrangements.

who has given this furniture? i hired all this on mr.chaudhary's instructions. my face looks like a cartoonin this mirror. you need to change it. you are? i'm the landlord. i'mmr. janardhan hor. he is related to me. you're chakravarty, a brahmin?- yes sir. he is hor. did you marryout of your caste? oh no! i may be a hor,but i'm a brahmin.

i have never heard ofa brahmin named hor. never mind. rs. 125, right? i live next door. there.she is my daughter. i've decided to give this houseas dowry to my son-in-law. i don't say it because she ismy daughter. my daughter.. fine, fine! i get it. khocha, come! if you need anything do tell me. i hung the portraits of all thesegreat persons on the wall. feels good you know.- really?

yes. you may leave now. youwent out of your way for us. okay bye!- bye! gupta is not here. yes. the servant went to themarket and never came back. gupta said he'd come. you should've broughtsister-in-law along. she is sulking about yourmarriage with her cousin. she fought with me. there he is! the nincompoop!

hey listen, what is your name? i'm radikar roy.- pure radi? yes sir. what did you bring? tender meat. potatoes,brinjals and gourd. few radish and raw bananas. no need to mention raw bananas. make some tea please.- tea? sure. yes, we'll have some tea. greetings! you must be mr.roy's elder brother. - yes.

they're my colleagues. oh, hello. ultimately, you took a stranger'shouse on rent? this is not a bad place. i'll tell you something in private. hor's ancestors were dacoits. pure dacoits. yes. my grandpa, mr. ishwarnathbandopadhyaya. he disciplined and controlled them.- is that so?

what's this? i see a glowon your forehead! glow? - yes. seems like godhas blessed you specially. then how could he put my brotherup in a dacoit's house? don't worry. as long as i'mhere, i won't allow any.. ..misfortune to befall your brother. take a look at my forehead. you'llsee a glow similar to yours. you know, my marriage wasfixed by c.r. das himself! which c.r. das?- deshbandhu chittaranjan das. i was into serving thecountry with him.

with us were, netaji, dr.bidhan chandra roy.. ..prafulla chandra ghosh. do you've any picture? why? what will youdo with my picture? you're a great man! your picture shouldbe with these people. i came here to invite your brotherand you for tea today. we'll see about that. no, my wife said, since you'vecome. do meet my daughter.

come, let me tell you something. don't get my brother marriedin a great family like yours. i'll tell you in private. mybrother is an alcoholic.. ..gambler, hoodlum who lies drunkjust about anywhere. - what! now tell me, can you allow yourdaughter's life to be.. ..ruined after knowing everything? oh no, shame! maitra!- yes. let's go! how did you get rid of him?- by lying like him. - how?

i told him you're a drunk, gambler,hoodlum et al. - what! don't worry. i'm preparing a base. i'll speak to gupta and.. ..start a whispering campaignfrom today. - what will you do? we'll start spreading talk thatyou're a drunk, gambler.. ..hoodlum etc. we can'tsave you otherwise. but what about my job? don't worry. characterlesspeople never lose jobs! nowadays character hasa new definition.

oh god! chaudhary! take care of him! here you are. nima! where is nitesh? i hear he has come. yes he has.- where is he? i think he has gone to your place. my place? i see. good. your house isnot bad. what say? so this one and.. 2 rooms? 2 rooms.

that room is a little's a bit.. dirty?! haven't they cleaned it? what nonsense this is! come,let's have a look. yes. this room can be made a bedroom.what do you think, mina? there is no privacy. everything can be seenfrom that house. you can put a is the bed? i'll give you a good teak wood bed.- why?

i wrote to your fatherat jalpaigudi. i'm here to talk to nitishabout that. - pardon? you'll have your lunchat my place, okay? i'll keep nitish back,you come over. our servant has broughtstuff from the market. servant? where didyou get a servant? dr. gupta arranged for it.- oh. he'll eat here, that is why. i see. okay, i'll leave. nitishmust be waiting for me.

okay, better not keep him waiting. good place. quite an advantage. listen, don't mix withgupta too much. he is not to be trusted. yes. don't mix with him. okay bye! all is done?- almost. - good. send daddy a telegram. tellhim not to reply chaudhary. he has sent a letter indeed!

brother, another hassle! at this rate i'll suffocatein the wardrobe. dear radikar, let's see. now we'll see. here, take this.- what! pretend this is let's get drunk! we're drunkards now. brother!- who's there? roy?

what boy? are you the boy from the court?-i heard your brother is here. oh, so you're shitesh's brother?- yes. i'm everybody's elder name is nitish. niti and ish. the godof moral and law. you? i'm d.r. ghoshal. d.r.? my dear ghoshal.what do you do? i'm the labour officer. labour officer?

have you ever felt labourpains a mother undergoes? a mother's labour pains? shame! what kind of a labourofficer are you? bye! your work is done. don't drink in broad daylightlike this. - what? people will criticize. ''does love ever stop, if thepitcher hurts in intoxication?'' ''if jagai and madhab were not here,who would know nimai?'' ''they say all life's pleasuresare present.. this goblet of joyous drink.'' ''the tiny spark will turnto a raging fire and.. ..the entire farm willturn to ashes.'' ''then why does beingan alcoholic make.. ..everyone talk so much?'' ''if jagai and madhab.'' they lied to me!- yes. come, let's have a look.- come. ''so many worries bother me. thatis why i drink, you see.''

''what better salve to soothea man's sadness?'' ''what do they say aboutintoxication?'' ''what can they say about it?'' hey anita! what are youstaring over there for? at the apple of my eye. your new tenant? how is he? as innocent as a babe! not wet behind the ears i hope?! you said it! but heis so good looking!

i can see that. he is unmarried, single! really? in that case,grab him immediately. i mean jump at him! else mr. chaudhary will traphim for ms. leena! yes, better go for him. nipa!- yes mother. i'm going, i'll havemy bath and come. go on till then, it's hot baby!

radikar, hey radikar. radikar! you're really something,give me my food. i've been waiting with yourfood since a long time. the omelette has turnedcold and the milk too. you must tell me. i did call you but you weredrawn like a magnet there. quiet! go get the tea. should i go to the kitchenagain for tea? what's this?

keep it here. go now. you'll stare at beautiful womenand put the blame on me. hail goddess durga! daddy! oh dear, i called you back.- what? don't you've a holiday today? what for? why, our college is closed today. colleges remain close9 months in a year. i can see what studies you're doing.

hey, can't you seewhere you're going! sorry. you're the schoolheadmaster. - yes. greetings!- greetings! i'm the tenant at the hors. oh, you're from outside?what do you do? i work in the mill here. in the jute mill?- yes sir. what work?- overseer. how far have you studied?

i've passed my anddone jute technology. first they had illiteratepeople working there. good. excuse me! one moment! did you call me? yes. there is no one else, i'm calling you. why do you stare at ourhouse on the sly.. ..from your window? me?- yes me. if it was your servant, i'dgive him a tight slap!

if you do it again, i'll be forcedto tell leena everything. who is leena? as if you don't know! your millmanager, mr. chaudhary's daughter. what!- yes. the leena chaudhary that you'regoing to get married to. i'm talking about her. i'lltell her everything. lies! i'm not gettingmarried to anybody. i don't know about that. i'msaying what i've heard. i'll tell her everything.- but..

no buts here! i warn you. don't look atour house on the sly ever! can you remember? 'why do you stare at ourhouse on the sly.. can you remember?' sir, open this west facing window.we'll get some fresh air. it's suffocating here. don't ever open this's banned. go. oh here you are! look, i didn'tmind at all about that day.

getting drunk is a signof the aristocrats. all big shots do it. why is this window shut? it is a window you know. who is this throwing stones? i don't know. oh god, it's continuinglike a machine gun! stones again! quick, shut the window.

shut it?- yes. are there labourers close by? there is a slum. a slum?- yes. see, a few days back some labourerstold me they'd beat me. really?- yes, they warned me. oh.- i think they've attacked me. oh! that must be the case. you think so?- yes.- in that case, i'll go.

okay, come, come. come to my house some day.- sure! you see tepi and her motherwill both be happy. - sure. let's go, or they'll stone me again. you must come to my house. look mr. roy, i've somethingto say to you in private. private, with me? oh yes. beginning from mr.gandhi to mr. jinnah. i've had private chats witha great many people.

really? now let me speak. shitesh, if you come, mywife will be very happy. my daughter tepi, she is astalented as she is beautiful. she says she'll impressyou completely. now you may speak. have you seen ghoshal's daughter?- no. if they drape a sari aroundgoddess durga's demon.. ..he'd look like her. is this your private talk?- no.

the other day your brother,i mean your respected brother.. ..said your character is flawed. i gave it some thought.i realised most men have faults. how can a golden ring be crooked? don't worry, one bit!i didn't mind any of that. nor my daughter or my wife. sir, sir! you've an invitationat the doctor's. dr. gupta!- oh yes. oh, will you eat at dr. gupta's?

well, let the two ofus leave together. no, sir has to have abath and freshen up. he has to pray. it'll take time. i do a bit of pranayam. i've brought flowers!- okay, okay. so, please leave for today. okay, i'll leave now. youmust come to my house. you don't need to mention that.- okay bye! bye!

i say, why was that bannerji here? you? the other day what i sawwas really something! you folk are very interesting.but do take care of your liver. not to worry. my daughterwill take care of all that. are you feeling hot?- yes. shall we open the window?- yes. what was that?- a riot! no, there is no riot.

i think somebody is behind me. are you free this evening?i mean, in the evening.. do you work at the mill? yes, i do. there is a boy outside saying,send the baldy out! now?- yes. is it haranath or chitta? hara baldy. your wife hasfainted in a fit. - what! yes, she fainted in a fit.

fainted in a fit?- yes. i'll take your leave now.- okay. i'll come another dayand invite you. - okay. my wife?- she fell flat in a faint! flat? call me if you need me. radikar, has his wifereally fainted? nothing at all! now you know my predicament.

don't worry at all.i'm right beside you! why do you keep your windowclosed all the time? meaning? meaning, why do you keep yourwindow shut at all times? just in case my eyesstray to your house. so what? what's the problem? my eyes will behold you. so what. don't peoplelook at each other? why would you look on the sly?

look at me bravely, eye to eye! what, bravely? yes, straight at me! can you tell me who stonesmy west side window? what do you mean? i stoned it? no, i haven't seen it. then why are you asking me? so what if i ask you? no, don't ask me like that.

if you keep your windows shutlike that why just pebbles.. ..large rocks will fallon your window! oh dear! does he know? ami caught? never mind. ''very good, i've fallenin love, i will.'' ''if i've to die like radha, i will.'' ''when the heart is seton the honeycomb.'' ''you may as well stealthe heart of honey.'' ''since you've opened thewindow that was shut.'' ''then i'll be found outlike the blue sky.''

''if you've loved me too.'' ''why fear to get two hearts close?'' ''when the misdemeanoris out in the open.'' ''i'll wear it as an adornment,i sure will.'' what do you want? sir, turmeric!- turmeric? is this a grocery that you comehere to ask for turmeric? no sir. i began cooking andrealised there is no turmeric. i came to borrow someground turmeric.

see, if they can help you inside? okay. are you okay? wait! what is this? ms. nipa. it's reeking of perfume! who wrote this letter?- not me. tell me who wrote this letter! ori'll make turmeric paste of you!

you're kalidasa's messengermeghdoot, that you come.. ..with a love letter. don't say such things! kalidasais my father's name. the goddess of my heart, nipa. nipa, nipa!- yes father, did you call me? who could've written a letterlike this to you? a letter?- yes, a letter. my daughter, you dare fall in love! nipa!

nipa. i heard something about you.and i'm very upset. it seems you're quite characterless. a drunkard, gambler and hoodlum!.. you don't like that at all. i won't listen to you, not at all. no, i won't listento you, not at all. promise me, you'll give up allthat. please say you will. okay, i promise, i willgive all that up.

go home now. so formal again? please speakto me familiarly. please. okay, i will. how good boy you are. nowlet's sit here and chat. who is this woman?- who are you? i'm his father's friend. theguardian of this house. i don't like any woman to stayin this house. out, get out! she'll leave right now. please go. uncle,she is leaving now.

okay, i'm going. bye! bye!- bye! how did you do it? radikar,you're a genius! sir, this is my duty. i will do it. go and shut the door right now!- right away. 'see me off but this one time,mother, i'll be back.' 'i'll die willingly for the countryand my indian brothers will watch.' 'give me a chance mother, letme go and come back quick!' sir, someone's at the door again! even if it is god say i'm not in.

even if it is god say he is not in. where is your master? he is not here.- where did you hide him? he is not home. hey, what's that? what's that? that, is a cigarette.- cigarette? i was trying one of master'scigarettes. smoking you see. smoking? you sit at homeand waste his cigarettes? please don't tell him.

then tell me, whereis he? where is he? you won't tell me like this? i'llbox you and break your bones! tell me where is he? please don't shake me, i've malaria. malaria, my foot! i'llbox you, tell me! come out of there. you?- yes, it's me. i didn't know you're soshameless and indecent! what have i done?

you know what you've done!next time, do your love.. ..scene with leena behindclosed windows. or i get disturbed in my studies. that wasn't a love scene! wasn't that a love scene?- no. she embraced you tight and yousay it wasn't a love scene? when a bear hugs you how do youfeel, i felt just like that. where did you see me get nervous? no, ms. chatterji.

no, i don't like listeningto miss and all. you can use that languagefor your anglicised girls. what should i call you?- i don't know. hello, yes give it. give! hello, khocha! what's up? not very good, brother. the campaign you startedabout me being a.. ..characterless person,is a complete failure. why? what happened?

the girls' fathers haverenewed their attack. ask gupta to get in touch with me. we've to start a postercampaign now. but..- what but? don't worry.- really? okay. i'll hang up. these girls' fathersare like mosquitoes. i've to get a mosquito net. sir, you're here! i've beenlooking high and low for you!

why? what is the matter? nothing so terrible. it's important. this time you've to lead usin the municipal debate. no, no.- what no? i'll stay in the background. what are you saying? such anice face, a lovely smile.. ..and a sweet voice andyou say you can't sing? i'm a bathroom singer. mister, i just promotedyou, you're now..

..a drawing room singer! last time that head master'sdaughter completely routed us. we've to beat them this time! sorry, sorry!- it's okay. i get carried away sometimes. look jokes aside, you've to lead us. don't worry, i'll be there too! agreed?- agreed. silence! we'll beginthe program shortly.

the most favourite item of ourprogram, the musical debate. 'are women better or are men?' that is our topic, we'll beginsoon. please be patient. why did you send for me? i get courage when you're here. hey young man, buck up, buck up! don't forget you're my brother. gupta.- what? i've to tell you something.- what?

what happened to theposter campaign? i couldn't start it yet.- why? i can't figure out whatthe matter will be. you're totally hopeless!give me a piece of paper. we now present to youour musical debate. ''men and women.'' ''they're always at odds!'' ''men and women are companionstill death.'' ''an elephant!''

''men are like the sun's rays.'' ''women like the crescent moon.'' ''you spoke to soon!'' ''men and women go to makeup the garland of.. and sorrow.'' ''what an idea to borrow!'' ''hold hands and take 7turns around the fire.'' ''like the horse's eggs!'' why such arrogance?

we don't give a damn! khocha, i'll cover you,just move your lips. give me the mike. ''don't you know where the asylumfor mental patients is?'' ''do horses have eggs, andcan you make cheese of it?'' ''let there be no cheesefrom horse's eggs.'' 'but your eyes sure are squint!'' ''women and men can never get along!'' ''how much ever women try tobe like men, their clothes..

..give them away.'' ''will a woman's curvesand ways ever go away?'' ''which is why in the scriptureswomen are not allowed to.. their face!'' ''women become rebels dueto man's torture.'' ''rebels, they're rebels!'' ''what women want is respectand their rights.'' ''in the olden days, all theygot was to live in the barn!'' ''in the barn, in the barn!''

''look at them now, theycome and fight with us!'' ''a wild cat from the jungle triesto act all sophisticated!'' is that possible, madam? ''don't you know where the jailfor mental patients is?'' ''in days bygone, oneman had 1 0 wives.'' ''he used his force andmade her a slave.'' ''you should know today's womanis not foolish any more.'' ''do you still insist onill treating them?'' ''those days are gone, nowwomen rule the world.''

''now it's time for you to look forthe mental patient's asylum!'' ''if you weigh them trulyin your heart.'' ''you'll know whether manis greater or woman.'' ''not at all, not at all!'' ''men and women are equal,there is proof of that.'' ''okay, i'll deign to believemen and women are equal.'' ''how much ever you earn,you'll never grow.. ..a moustache and beard!'' understand, woman?

hurray! why did you help your brotherwin from the wings? elder brothers always help theiryounger brothers win.. ..from the wings. youtoo sang very well. shitesh, is brother here? brother, mr. chaudhary is waitingfor you with his car. sister-in-law is with him too.- oh. he has asked you to hurry.- okay. will you go too?- yes.

no, no, we won't let him go. he'll dine with us and then leave. we wouldn't have let you gotoo, it's only because.. chaudhary insisted. i'll see brother off, youtake care of things here. yes, even though i said howmuch ever you earn you'll.. ..never grow a moustache and beard. the moustache and beard is nota man's only inspiration? a man's inspiration or strengthyou might say, is the one..

..and only, woman. how's that?you won now, isn't it? okay bye, bye! your brother is much smarterthan you are! - yes. any girl will fall in lovewith him. - oh yes! what! you know what chapu, i'mkrishna and you're radha. i'm a musical instrument you an ass! i keep washed clothes on myback, i've to press them. really?

i'll keep you in my heart,you'll be my heart press! you've turned to a poet! when you fall in love, anass too becomes a poet. 'this love that they speakof, is only for them.' let me go! i'm in love!- oh lord! shame! champa!- sister-in-law! i'm in love with you! who, who are you?

i'm, i'm, greetings! what are you stuttering for? are you an owl? stop stuttering! wait, i'll show you! what did you think, eh! you can do what you want? sister-in-law, don't hit him! you sit in my house andflirt with my maid?! take! you dare greet me!- i'm dead!

up, get up! i'm sorry, i won't romanceher any more. you won't romance any more? what will you do? let me see, what you can do! wait,i'll show you, wait. please don't do this, please. wait,come here! - no please don't.. stop, i tell you.. no, please don't. - wait, wait.. what's going on here?

i saw it with my own eyes. stop him. hey, what is it? i'm not a thief. i'm a taxi.. you're a taxi? champa's taxi.. oh, champa is your taxi. you know, he put his head in herlap and was romancing her. i'll go home. don't worry. romancingis good, love is good.

loving someone keeps youboth happy and well. what is your name? my nickname is pachu andchristian name is amu. you're okay.- what? romeo. will you marry champa? i'm ready, champa is objecting.- why, champa? she says brother and sister-in-lawwill get.. ..inconvenienced ifshe gets married. did you say that?- yes.

didn't you think of thatwhile romancing him? never mind, we're happyyou said that. do this romeo.- amu. yes omeo, meet me tomorrow morning. go home now. it's okay! let me take my shoes. do come tomorrow.- yes. no! i'll run now!- yes, do come.

champa has been hitched now. what are you doing aboutbrother-in-law? in our country, just like it isdifficult for girls to get married. it is just as easy forboys to get married. mum and dad have writtenfrom jalpaigudi. they say they're okaywith what we decide. well then, go ahead and fix it. get him married to manjula. who is manjula? who?

how many times do i tell you?my cousin sister! oh, brothers are siblings, andsisters-in-law are cousins! your head! hey peanut seller, come here.give me peanuts for 25 paise. peanuts, peanuts! want some peanuts?- yes. will you stand and eat?- no. why are you sitting on my sari?- sorry. this is so silly!- what?

you keep gaping at me. i can't take my eyes away. in that case, i'll leave.- no. don't do that. shameless! nima is the one. hey, you look good together. a squared plus b squaredplus twice ab. silly, it's not a + b, it's n + s. how come?

don't you get it, it's simple! that girl you see is nipaand the boy is shitesh. the boys of the localityare so indecent. when we go out the next time,we won't return together. okay? what is all this? i hear thatyour brother is an alcoholic.. ..gambler, hoodlum.i don't believe it. brother-in-law an alcoholic,hoodlum? yes, everybody is saying, itseems he is characterless. what are you saying? menare never characterless.

men are never characterless? no. a man can drinkand spoil his liver. but character, that can never spoil. that is interesting, eh! i'll be off now. please getshitesh's birth chart from your dad. i'll get it. your father didn'treply to my letter. i think it got lost in the post. yes, i think next time, i'll sendhim a registered letter. - yes.

i'm not bothered aboutshitesh's character. there will be canards abouthandsome bachelors! once he is married to leenaeverything will be fine. exactly! right, we'll see you then.- okay. bye, bye!- bye! okay. darn it! it's dead! whom are you calling?- aunt. why? - i want to fix manjula'smarriage with brother-in-law.. itself. do you've to do it today? again it's engaged! darn it! yes today, i've to do it today! or those chaudharys will dumptheir old daughter on..! nipa's mum, nipa's mum, nipa's mum! nipa's mum! why are you shouting like that?

ask nipa not to look at thathouse by mistake even. - why? why, look at that! oh dear, now what! shame! will we invite a drunkard,scoundrel in our home? shame! what are you staring at? shutthe window! close it! where is nipa? my exams are ruined, i can'tconcentrate on my studies. same here. i'll lose my job,i've no other job.

what say, we sit here for a while? keep going, mister! hey, that's some hot item!bobby, bobby! bobby, bobby! shut up! why are you so excited? what's in it for you? you mean they're in love? don't you see, there is novermillion in her hair? yes, their relationship is notsanctioned yet, i think.

you're right! the beehiveis spilling with honey! that's what i said! come,let's try our luck. let's see if the honey trickles out. one wants to talk in peace, nochance of that. come over there. daddy! now we'll see the fun! if daddy sees us.. what will happen? if he sees us together like this..

..he'll probably kill us.he is very rigid. come, let's go that way! oh! chaudhary!- chaudhary! oh dear! it'll be total ruin! there is danger here too. i don't know what will happen. here, give me some money. hey! give me two masks.- take. give me, hurry!

your change, madam! keep the change! wear it, quick! let's go there. dad, i want this snack. i want an ice cream. no eating this snack.- okay. have an ice cream, go. give me some of that.

kids these days aretotally shameless! true, what can you say, it'sthe trend of the times! it's not just a wave, it's a storm! true. you're old now. look sir, the tigers aredrinking water together! not water, butter milk! theirthirst is something else. they can't do a thing! no, they're quite worthless! how are you?- fine.

out for a walk?- i made a mistake. why, what happened? look at that! if you see the youthtoday, it feels horrible. what can you do? one hasto move with the times. what say, mr. pranab? you're right. if my daughter openly romancedin parks like this.. ..i would skin her alive. get her married. my daughter,leena, she is grown up now.

i've fixed her marriage.- where? shitesh roy. he livesin front of your house. i've fixed my daughter'smarriage with him. - oh. jhontu, dhuntu, come soon. take off your mask, we'rein a hassle free zone. take it off, one can'tromance a tigress. what is the use of loving you? why? is it for what chaudhary said? yes. mr. chaudhary and allthe other men at the mill..

..are after you like maniacs. who knows what willhappen in the end! don't worry. brotherknows very well.. to get rid of these pests. wearing masks like these? howlong can we continue like this? what do i do? what else can you do?go and tell my father. i can't live with herdisguised as a tigress. and you go tell your brother youcan't live disguised as a goat!

fine, i'll go to your fathertomorrow. - tomorrow? yes. hey, what did i tell you?what had i told you? didn't i say, we won't enterour locality together? do this, go from the mari area. i forgot what those loafersat the tea stall said! you're coming tomorrow?- yes. don't forget. listen, tell your mothernicely. okay? sure thing.

your patient lives here? yes, my rented wife.- what? my junior wife.- junior wife? a father of 7 and you'vea junior wife? a father of 7 and ihave a moustache.. ..can't i have a junior wife? still. at this age.. so what! my outside is old, insidei'm a youth! come, come. tuli, tuli!

what's this! doctor, doctor! come!- coming! yes, shitesh, shitesh!- he is not here, sir. marriage?- yes, marriage! can't you hear me? marriage! tell shitesh thathe should come here tonight. okay sir. got it? i'll hang up. okay sir, bye!

hey you, what is themeaning of sister? sister? sister means mother-in-law. sister means mother-in-law! youchanged the entire family! stand over the bench! have you done your task?- yes sir. show me. sister doesn't mean mother-in-law,it means sister. got it, silly? mother eats after my father.

mother eats my father! what? is this translation? idiot, rat, ass! all you wantto do is play and play. then talk and talk! i'll beatyou black and blue today. show me your hand, show me. give me your hand! you! i've been waiting for you with abit of good news since so long! what news?

your brother called urgentlyfrom kolkata. for your.. my? marriage.- my marriage? and i know nothing about it? that is what i'm here for. your brother has solvedall problems in one shot! now see, none of the girls' fatherswill be interested in you. stop! i can't understand anything. it's natural.

when i heard of my marriage,i lost my head! can you tell me how i can get high? what's this? haveyou really lost it? you've heard your marriage news,you should be dancing.. ..with joy! and you askme about getting high! yes! scotch whisky, l.s.d.,hooch, or country liquor. which one gives youthe biggest high? i think marriage givesyou the biggest high. get married and see. no high willcome even remotely close!

listen mister, a wife as a habit,is the deadliest habit. now forget all this. acton this piece of news. tonight go straight to kolkataand finish this ritual. who's there? send a cupof tea for the priest. soon please. what have you done? i don't seeany of the things we need. may be they sold off thethings and ran away. is everything set?- yes. then we can carry on.

did you call brother-in-law?- yes. why isn't he here yet? kanchu, kanchu! come in, uncle. uncle is here. come in, uncle. -come in, uncle. please sit, i'll beback in a moment. where is khocha? he'll be here any time now.

what? isn't he here yet? when is the engagement? we'll be done by 8 o'clock. look at that. a power shutdown at this time!god knows when.. ..the lights will come back. nimai! get a candle. something touched my foot. what was it? was it moving?

yes, it was. then it is grass etc.for the engagement. oh dear! what fell? - tea, it's tea. oh my tea! quiet mister, my clothes got soiled! hey, you're still here,didn't you go to kolkata? no? it's your marriage. marriage? exchange garlands, witha noose! till death do us apart. what is the matter?

my goodness, the eyes are bloodshot! when eyes are red,they're blood shot! after some time tears will rolldown and the eyes will gleam. bannerji, a calamity took place.- what happened? i think roy has lost his head. what! - yes, i hope hedoesn't commit suicide. i think he has had a lot to drink. i know, when i was with netajia man had done the very same.. with whom?- netaji.

you went to daddy, got frightened.. ..and couldn't say a thing. on the other hand, you hadno business making your.. helpless like this. for whom do you think i've donethis? for you, isn't it? the one your brother fixed formarriage with you, must be.. ..even more nice looking than i am. yes. sister-in-law's cousin,i know her. a walking model for foundation..

..lipstick and face powder. has your mother spokento your father? yes. father will never giveme in marriage with you. why? i'm good looking,good natured too. i'm also a brahmin. bah! it's not about the caste. father heard from someonethat you're characterless. someone has spread this. oh no, now what do i do?

oh god! he listens to onething and lies down again. come on, why not go to kolkata? listen, we've to decideon some plan. neither of us can thinkstraight right now. right.- okay. do this. come to the parkin the afternoon tomorrow. we'll calm down and come tosome decision tomorrow. good.- good. you'll come, right? yes. don't forget.- okay.

i'll wait for you.- okay. khocha didn't come forchampa's wedding. has he changed so much? let me touch your feet. enough, no need to touchmy feet. no need. why are you crying? you used to get beatenfor laughing too much. now do you want to getthat for crying? oh, mr. nitish! what happened?whose marriage?

this girl's, champa's. champa? she used to work at our house. you can say she is our daughter. now why didn't my younger brother,khocha, i mean.. ..shitesh come? i've some bad news. what! bad news? please come here.

shitesh was drinking all night.i think he has lost his head. what are you staring at?i'm losing my head now. kanchu! you've to come with me now.- why? or khocha can't be saved. has he really lost his head? not his head, his character. khocha visits the mari,red light district. i mean, he goes to prostitutes. i think he has gone mad.

khocha lost his headand character, both? now what?- what? now what will happen? i must go now. if i had a taxi.. come in my taxi. no, you're the groom can't go.. don't say that. i'm a taxidriver for all time. you helped me so you're in trouble.

come, sister-in-law. nipa was in the park that day! nipa's mother, nipa's mother!- what happened? do you know your daughter disguisedas a tigress was.. ..romancing this silly goat! why would shitesh be a silly goat? quiet! don't take hisname in front of me! that sort of characterless boysuits in the chaudhary house! i'm sure bannerji has puta spanner in the works.

the bluff! this must be that fatso ghoshal'strick. - right, right! how could shitesh avoidsomeone like me? - right. do you know what sri aurobindohad told me? what did he tell you? that hor is at the bottom of this.- yes, hor. he is offering the house asbait for his daughter. - yes. what is he showing? i'll show him! shitesh, i wanted to speak to you.

no, i can't talk now. brother, you? champa you're married? yes, that is why you were called. talukdar had told me, but hesaid it in such a way that.. anyway, now you're here. i'm sure we're inconveniencingyou. - oh no.. ..come to that room. yes, you wait here. i'll..

no, we'll leave right now. champa, go sit nearpachu in the car. where is the servant?i need to talk to him. brother, please sit in that room,i'll be back just now. no need to go anywhere. comeinto that room. come. tell me, where you keep the bottles! you don't know? wait, i'll get it out of you.i don't like all this! i'll slap you hard!

since when did you reallystart drinking? since when did you startall this indecency? indecent? i got it, see this! i gotthe bottle of booze. darn! it's phenyl!can't you smell it? the servant too isstubborn! i couldn't get a word out of him! brother, just because i didn'tmarry sister-in-law's cousin.. her marriage has been fixedelsewhere. let that go.

where do you go after work everyday? me?- yes you! whom are you waiting for? how does that concern you? oh! what an attitude! quite something! hey, i warn you! betterwatch what you say! brother-in-law, you drink alcohol? you visit shady places.

i take an oath on you, i don't.. stop, don't touch her! oath indeed! come, let us go sailingon the ganga! oh god! you slapped him? very good! if he misbehaves,i'll hit him again! are you trying to say, guptatoo is lying? - yes. oh no, sir! he saw youwith his own eyes! no. you see, when we leavethe park, it looks bad to.. ..return with her, so i..

her? who is her? where are you? what happened? why didn't you come? i was waiting for you shamelesslythere for so long! those scrums came and insultedme in so many ways! i tolerated all that only for you. i kept waiting for you despiteso many insults! - wait. my brother and sister-in-law.they came all of a sudden. you?- yes, we came.

she is..- i know, nipa. lives next door.- keep quiet! was this boy with you in the parkyesterday afternoon? - yes. he travelled through the mariarea on your say so. - yes. hold your ears, brother-in-law,hold your ears! - why? why! he makes a girl like thatwait in the park and.. right. hold your ears! hold them! what can i do? you camein all of a sudden. i'll go, my folks must be worried.

nipa, is your father at home?- yes. well then, come along, let'sgo and settle this matter. any more delay and thedrama will fall flat! brother, because of yourwhispering and poster.. ..campaign her father thinksi'm a drunkard and hoodlum. you, do you think so too?- no. but daddy said he'd never giveme in marriage with him.. he'll skin your brother if hecan lay his hands on him. what! this is ridiculous!let's go and see. come on.

here's the milk. greetings, headmaster! hello, hello! i'm nitish roy, i'm shitesh'selder brother. do you know him? i think i do. yes, he lives in frontof your house. the thing is, i've broughta proposal for marriage.. ..between your daughterand my brother. impossible!- why?

your brother is a drunkard, hoodlum. that is false, a lie! you'll obviously say're his brother. if he was my son, i'd beathim till his skin came off! you're right! spoken likea true school master. come here. why do you want to hithim? why hit him? keep quiet! brother, please let him go.

how can i? i can't disregardheadmaster's command! brother, no! -what are you doing? darn! i don't like all this! what, what? whatever you say, idiot,i won't let you go. how do you know my brother-in-lawis characterless? how did you know? that poster. i had that poster put up.

to rescue my brother fromgirls' fathers. - you? yes sir! but still, i'll beat the skinoff my brother's back. that's my mission! nipa, is what he says true? yes daddy, it's all lies,none of it is true. - brother, let me go! please! it's all lies! that's terrible! why is he beatingup the poor innocent lad?

brother, let me go. excuse me! what have you done? what did you think?what did you think? you miserable fool, i'll finish you! sister-in-law! help! listen, i'll start crying now! help me someone! mr. nitish! can you hear me?

listen to me, listen. shameless boy! you'lldo what you want! it's your fault.- mine? yes yours. you stand therelike a fool now! give me the key. i didn't know somethinglike this could happen! how innocent! you didn't know,right? i'll explain it to you now! he is a very good boy, mum.i beg of you, please save him. listen, do something.

his marriage has been fixedwith chaudhary's daughter. yes, he'll marry my daughter.- no! he'll marry my daughter. marry my daughter! never! he'll marry my daughter! he'll marry my daughter!.. ..he'll marry my daughter!.. ..he'll marry my daughter! no! he'll marry my daughter!

yes! shitesh will marry my daughter! mr. nitish, mr. nitish! mr. nitish! let him go! mr. nitish, i'm ready to give mydaughter in marriage with him. let him go, mr. nitish! leave him, mr. nitish! mr. nitish, mr. nitish!open the door! yes, open the door! listen! they're opening the door.

shame on you! what are you doing? everything is a lie!- are you sure? yes sure. now who is the culprit?- what! stand up.- m-m-me? yes, stand up on the bench. stand up on the bench! stand up! aunt, you come too. you.- why?

give me a hand. nipa, come here! idiot, touch their feet. hey, i'm falling! it's okay, no needto touch my feet. radikar, radikar. tearthe poster now.

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