modern living room sims 4

modern living room sims 4

hey guys james here today and welcome back to another house building video we're doing another tiny home i've done a lot of these in the past you know of varying sizes like three by threes four by fours like all the tiny varieties you could possibly imagine so i thought i'd do this one as a starter home so it's under 20 thousand dollars in total so you can move into this right from the beginning of the game so you don't have to worry about that. i don't think that it is using i mean i'm using like a lots of different packs again i don't think there's i didn't really specifically avoid using any packs

so i don't know what it requires probably a lot of stuff, but i just had a bit of fun with it i kind of got when i was building this i got to the point where like i was just having a bit of fun with the design. it started looking fairly like industrial almost and near the end i mean you'll see it sort of all come together it kind of started looking like almost just a random little garage somewhere that had been converted into a tiny home and that's kind of what i imagined it to be. i don't know why this would be a garage i don't think it's big enough to fit like a sim 4 size car in it but that was kinda like the inspiration of it anyway so i kind of roll with that

it started to end up being this industrial... garage kind of style place that maybe used to house someone's car... like maybe just like a little shelter somewhere i don't know why there'd be a random garage but you know what i'm getting too far into the lore the lore and the history of this property of which there is none because i built it today and that was all the lore that you ever need to know anyway, keeping it pretty modern like a lot of the time with these tiny houses. i do actually... make the windows and all that fairly private by adding like screens or something like that because because they are so small i typically want to have

really big windows just to make the place feel bigger like you know have way more light coming in through the windows because we had small little porthole windows it would feel way more enclosed than it would then having a big glass window so i used those but because they are so small having a big glass window someone could very easily just like see into your entire home so it's like on the side there, that's why i've sorta put those concrete sort of i guess dividing walls? and then like the the ivy screen and all that kind of stuff just cuz it doesn't completely screen obviously from the outside but it it gives it somewhat of a buffer

so you can't just see straight in but you can still have the curtains open on the window like that that's the kind of thing i'm going for there so the kitchen very simple, very very simple just as you saw before, the fridge the counter and the stove we actually do have a dining table in this place. just there you see a two seater dining table using that little corner for the bathroom, which i do change up in a little bit i was originally gonna have the diagonal door but then i thought hey we could probably fit in a double bed into this space because originally i was just gonna do a single bed but i was like then when i pulled out the bed just then

i was like it would be nice to have a double bed in there, but i was like hey we don't actually any make its place bigger we're just gonna rearrange the layout a little bit because you can actually just sit on a bed like a sofa so they can sit on there and watch the tv when we put that in so it acts as like a sofa as well. i mean that bed is typically... actually called a futon anyway, so it's like kind of makes sense like... i don't know, seems like something that you could you just sit on happily with no worries it'll be all good

so there isn't any - there's no computer in this place but there is you know, i got the tv got the kitchen the bathroom. there's a bin! i didn't forget the bin there that's actually in here for once so that's something. i typically do forget, and then we have the full bathroom as well see, there's everything your sim actually needs to live and sort of progresses well we also do have a bookcase in here too. which is really good so you know, got the bookcase, got the tv you know, you can have fun at least but there's no computer anything like that so you'd have to add that in but yeah, we have a fully functional bathroom you know shower toilet sink all works perfectly fine

i do actually put something in here that doesn't work, and i'll tell you what it is when i do it, the bathroom also it's very like almost... prison like. i realized this near the end because the walls are all like concrete and it's like very sterile and white it wasn't meant to end up like that but it kind of did by accident. anyway that little clothes hamper that i put underneath the sink: it doesn't work i actually removed that in the uploaded version to the gallery. oh also, to the left of the door you can see that unpainted wall? don't worry about that i don't paint it in the video but i do paint it before i uploaded it to the gallery which of course,

now that i mentioned it multiple times you can click the link down below to download this house it'll take you to the sims 4 gallery and you can save it there, or you can search for my origin id which is the same as my username here on youtube which is: thesimsupply - no spaces, all one word, you'll be able to find it there. so kitchen! just adding a little detail so yeah i decided to make the kitchen all black just because i don't normally do that and i felt it actually really it went really well with this colour scheme because we have the exposed bricks on the wall and that sort of dark slate floor tiles and then all black appliances and counters. i don't know i actually really, really like the look of that

i sort of follow that theme through there to the curtains and the window frames i don't know why, but it looked nice. it really did. although if you watch a lot of my videos you know that i like the black and white color scheme because it's a very contemporary style that's very popular here in australia, and that's why i always use it. [laughing] it's just as it heads up. yeah, it works well because it all goes together, and it's and also those colors are very, just very industrial as well especially paired with the wall and the sort of exposed bricks at all it all kind of flows together quite nicely with a sort of concrete and all that yeah, so that bin and that bookcase actually worked fine. i did fully test this house with a sim before posting it

that's why i actually removed that hamper in the end because it just didn't work i tried moving it around a little bit to shove it under the sink a bit more, but it just, it just didn't wanna work so the front of the house as you can see is actually pretty private, and that's like what i was saying before about these smaller homes. i like to keep them pretty private... because they are so small, like if i was imagining this to be real i wouldn't really want people walking past the street see in a huge window and that's why we only have the smaller one there just at the front and then the two large ones on the side and i think it actually works quite well

and the interior, i actually really like the interior of this place like, when we go into the screenshots... ooh, ooh boy! it looks good! so 'round the back now. i had to figure out how much i could actually spend. 'cause i thought for some reason i thought it was â§16,500, but i think that's the sims 3... i think it's sims 3 with one sim as that, but i even tested; i created a new sim just a single sim household, and it was â§20,000 we had. so i was like oh, okay... 'cause i i had used that whole budget there and i didn't have actually any room i didn't have any more money to do any landscaping i was like: oh that kind of sucks...

but then i realized i did! so this is where the idea of it becoming like some sort of converted garage came from is because i really wanted to use that garage door from city living just because it has so many cool like murals and colourful designs on it, like that looks really cool. like it'd be awesome to imagine this used to be some little maybe even like a storage unit or something maybe that makes more sense. yes! let's go with that! converted storage unit. but maybe it's like a portable storage unit or something and they just turned it into a house for reasons.

i dunno. i think that makes more sense just because if you look at the scale of the car doesn't actually really fit in there also it doesn't make a whole lot of sense that the garage door would be in the back and you have to do like a u-turn to get into it, so storage unit it is! hooray! we've got the reason for it now well, the backstory to it anyway. so i wanted to make it all this flooring outside look a little bit worn away and like, quite old like it's been around for a while so i decided to use terrain paints instead so that we could like paint over it with grass and dirt like it's been overgrown and all that. i tried to, i tried to stencil the terrain that didn't work there

so we just had to cut it out by hand because you used to be able to in the sims 3 and the sims 2 if you put floor tiles down, and then you started painting the ground it wouldn't paint underneath it. you can do that in the sims 4 but it has to be a room not just plain floor tiles down there. so just there i was actually using the dirt to make it look like tire tracks had been like, driving like leaving dirt tracks behind the tires like that's why it's kind of in that sort of u-turn kind of shape that's what that was supposed to be. i wish we just had like some sort of burnt rubber texture. i don't know why that'd be useful to anyone else, but if it was just like a black terrain paint then you could have like, tire screech marks. screech marks? no, tire marks

i dunno why i added the sound in there! "the tire screech marks" to be precise not to be confused with "tire marks" [laughing] that would be the one useful thing i could think of that terrain paint for. but you know, hey, dirt was fine, it worked out fine. so i originally put a barbecue in here which i thought was kind of good but i didn't have enough money in the end so i did remove it [laughing] because i wanted to put a fence around this place like it had been fenced in so i actually did that. i was like, hey a basketball! a basketball hoop could also be cool but then again, in the end it was a little bit, too...

it almost looks like the basketball hoop outshines the size of the house. it looks bigger than a house, so i was like, ok maybe not. yeah, and then here i just got like some sort of barbed wire fencing around it like it'd be some enclosed little, little unit. and that fence actually ended up being too expensive, i didn't get rid of all of it but i got rid of the side one because i didn't have quite... i didn't have enough money left in the budget which kind of sucked because i wanted to keep it there, i was like, it's kind of cool but... if we can't afford it there's no point trying to force it in. like it's just not gonna work. so in the end we just didn't do that.

and then just... i was like, where do i want to put this? i was like, i don't know where i want to put the ute i tried a few different places, and i just kind of left it but... oh, oh oh... ...there! cool all right screenshots! obviously there it is! lil' tiny home. that's all it is. that's a small one. it's a nice short little video, little build i love doing these man! 'cause they're like a little puzzle to figure out every time and you get to sort of play around with different styles that may not work on a larger home as well so it's always fun to do these smaller builds and because they don't take a whole lot of time too so you can

really just get 'em done. i could do just a whole bunch of them in one day probably. maybe i need to do a whole tiny town... that'd be kind of cool maybe that's something i should do. i really do like the kitchen actually. the kitchen and the living area in this place... yeah, i think this build turned out pretty well, but like i mentioned before: if you do want to download it it is available on the sims 4 gallery so you can check it out there and that's about all there is! make sure to leave your comments and feedback down below. if you have any other ideas for any other builds in the future, put that down below as well and it might just happen. but thank you so much for watching guys! click a link on-screen if you want to watch more builds or subscribe to the channel

that's all there. go to my website as well. but that's it! that is the tiny build in the sims 4, that is also a starter home, and you can live in it from the beginning of the game. that's pretty cool. thanks watching guys i'll see you next time and have an awesome day.

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