living room furniture sims 4

living room furniture sims 4

hey guys, james here today and welcome to let's play the sims 4 city living (kind of rags 2 riches) this is frederick bigwallet he was born in the sims 4 dine out rags 2 riches series, this is actually a new save game because the other save game, this is like the fourth or fifth generation in that save game, so i was like you know what that's probably a good idea to start a new saved game so that we don't run into

any crazy bugs or issues because if you've been watching the previous series we ran into lots of bugs and annoying things at the end of that series, so i thought, let's just start a new save game. we do have his uncle and his mum here but we're gonna get rid of them, i don't actually want them here that was just to transfer them into this save game so they still exist they're just in another save

so you know, they're still there anyway! so this is fredrick, he you know has some new aspirations city native which is under the location so he's got the little home turf, these sims become happy when they're in their home neighborhood good, he is also good, he is also unflirty which is a new trait these sims get tense around flirty sims and seldom get flirty themselves it is difficult for them to be romantic in public and he's also got the vegetarian trait which is a brand new one i mean, it does exactly what it sounds like it does

they will prefer to eat vegetarian foods and makes them feel a little bit sick if they have food that has meat and all that kind of stuff in it so that's really interesting so we are going to be playing with that. as you can see he is wearing one hell of an interesting outfit. i had a bit of fun doing this. it's his formal, i mean look at the pants matching and the stripe it's so stupid. athletic is just tacky. pajamas ah it's pretty normal, that's fine. his party outfit is a really eccentric cowboy, i dunno.

and then swimwear, that's also kind of normal. so there you go, that is frederick bigwallet so this is gonna kind of be.. because we've done so many rags 2 riches series i thought you know let's go back to sort of more of a general flowing let's play of course we're still going to have the goals of achieving all the new kinda things obviously we are going to live in san myshuno now as well. we've got to go into one of the really tacky apartments, right? 400. 600.

600. that one's occupied. so that's the cheapest one. but it has gremlins. so that lot trait is actually "stuff breaks here a lot, it's like there are tiny goblins that come out at night and smash things... but that's ridiculous, right?" yeah, but that does happen. the other ones, i'm actually kind of more interested in this one.

just 'cause this apartment has the needs tlc trait, which is actually a special trait that is only on a few apartments. i think it might be on that one. uh, it's not on that one. this one's also got the historical one, which is a special trait as well for that apartment. which means you can't change certain things about it. anyway, it's kind of interesting. but this one!

it has like the pipes and all that on the wall, it's kind of, it's a bit more expensive. this one's cheaper, and it has gremlins. we can add gremlins to this. you know what? we're going to create a death apartment. that's what we're gonna do. furnished? hell yeah! i think one of the coolest things about you know, city living, is

all the lot traits. and they did come in the free game update, but they didn't have nearly as many. so if we go to build mode, we can actually have a look at a bunch of them. so in the update came some of the basic ones, but then we have new ones like quake zone, "occasionally there's a minor tremor here. probably nothing to worry about..." that one's interesting. so you get earthquakes of varying magnitudes.

there's a bunch of other really fun ones as well. so gremlins, for example, basically break the sink, the stove, the fridge, the microwave, anything that can be broken will break. every so often. not all the time, obviously. otherwise that would be ridiculous. but every so often. and then, the other ones that are fun... yeah, haunted. that's also good. "locals say this place is haunted.

what do they know?" what's the other one? is it like cursed or something? where is it? maybe it is just haunted. i thought there was another one that i can't remember what... that one for some reason no, this one gives you a higher chance of having twins. it's really weird. i reckon we're gonna go haunted.

we'll add that on. and we'll get gremlins as well. yeah, so that's the permanent trait that we can't remove. so we got gremlins and haunted, which i think i'm mistaking that for cursed for some reason. i dunno why. uh, grody, ooh! "things get dirty..." anyway, so this, basically, could end up killing our sim. and the reason for that is

if you go around repairing everything, and it gets broken constantly, it's fun. it's fun! anyway, so... here is- we've got a thousand bucks, i think realistically, our goal in the series is gonna be to work our way up to a penthouse, right? that's our goal. and obviously we'll experience the pack along the way.

so i think first things first, we're gonna get a job. well, actually, we also to do the new aspiration and all that, but let's join a career. they have the new social media career, which is, i think, what we really should do. is there another one as well? so we have social media, politician is the other one. i haven't actually played that one, which could be interesting. i can't imagine that in a politician career you'd make more than you would in social media,

and we're all about money, so... oh! you can also be a critic. i forgot about that one. that'd be fun. you know what, let's um... social media. we're gonna go social media. because then we can basically become a youtuber, which is a bit of fun. so!

our work task is to create a social media profile. i think we will. social networking, create a social media profile. for frederick bigwallet. i wonder, do we have, do they, no. it doesn't save his family tree. it does say that he had a parent, somewhere.

because it's a new game save i guess that makes sense. anyway, so, what do we have to do for work? that's all we have to do today. so we're not gonna worry about that anymore. introduce yourself to someone new in three different neighborhoods. so city living. these are the pipes, by the way, that can't be removed. that, and that drain.

these will occasionally break and make a mess and all that stuff. actually, the welcome wagon will probably arrive in a little bit. now i think for, if i'm not mistaken, we probably need to get charisma up at some point in this career. do we have a mirror? do we not have a mirror in the bathroom? okay, that's weird. okay! let's get a mirror. decorations, mirror.

oh! yeah, i haven't actually looked at any of the new items in the game yet. this is me literally jumping in. i have played it before though, at the event, obviously, as you may have seen my video the other week. right. let's um... practice speech. 'cause people will rock up at me door soon. they'll be like "yo! what's up, let's have a chat!" and i'll be like "okay!"

so for now we're not gonna bother redecorating at all, 'cause we don't have a lot of money anyway, so... and we used all our money to buy all this furniture. we'll redecorate eventually, but not right now. we don't really need two bedrooms. we might end up getting rid of- oh, you know what? we should probably do that now. actually, which bed is better? i think that one is. uh, that one versus, yeah...

energy 4, energy 5. yeah, so those are the new beds. cool! alright, well let's get rid of this. not the room, that was an accident. let's get rid of these, get rid of that. so we'll keep the light and that. we're gonna move his computer into this room. we might as well use it as an office, right? 'cause we're not sharing with anyone.

although that could be an idea. i think maybe we should share. you know, share our apartment. i don't know that you can actually have a roommate. can you? i don't actually know what we can do. can i just like, have a roommate? get roommate! acquire roommate! i don't think you can. i think it's just you can have someone move in. and they can also have a job. but i don't know! we'll see how we go. hey, what's up? no! god, they need to- so that freezing is from the patch

before this game came out. it's so annoying. so raj, this guy always appears, i swear. invite my neighbors in. every time i play he's like the first guy that appears in city living. ooh, fruitcake! hello! alright, so hey guys. what's up? oh my god. what are all these outfits people are wearing?

they're almost as crazy as my outfits. fruitcake! oh, can we like..? call to meal, yes. everybody go grab a piece of fruitcake, and let's mingle! hell yeah! actually, you know what i want to do as well? i want to make sure that we... don't have aging on. because i don't want aging on in this game i don't think. i don't think i want anyone to die. not yet. i want everyone to stay my age, you know?

hope you like the fruitcake, it's a family heirloom! well okay, we shouldn't be eating it. do you mean the recipe's a family heirloom? thank god it's vegetarian-safe. yeah, that's actually a new thing as well when you hover over it. it's like vegetarian-safe. which is kind of cool. so these are all me new neighbors! i don't actually know any of them. i know you apparently, whoever the hell you are. are you one of these people? no, i don't-

i don't know when i met you, but anyway. i should probably... say hi. complain about dish? apparently i know raj somehow, even though i don't. there we go. let's make sure i know everyone. apparently i kind of know him, but... i don't know him? because he's not in my friends list. i guess i'll have a chat. if i chat with you, tell outrageous story. there you go. so, what are you guys? you're a young adult. oh! hello!

uh, that was weird. everyone just kind of teleported around. interesting. interesting. let's see. get to know. get to know raj a little bit. is he in my friends list at all? oh there he goes! i finally know him. i finally know him... what!? why are there plates everywhere??

what are you guys doing? ask about food. let's talk to you. i'm pretty excited about, um... is that an item? 'cause that's really cool. i love that that's an item. do they have different variations? please tell me they do. awww...

that's really cool that that's a decorative item. that's the kind of stuff i like to see in the game, just random... random stuff. oh, look at that. that's cool. little bookends. hehe. that's cool. i like that. cool. he's a foodie. alright. good 'ole raj, thanks for coming. thanks for coming by, guys!

you aren't even talking to me, or making an effort. so that's kind of rude. but i'll thank everybody for coming. you know, it'll be nice to get to know you all. when do i have work, actually is a pretty good question? 21 hours. so not soon. alright. i should go meet some new people. i'm gonna end this up. yeah, get out, get out of my place. we're gonna travel to two other neighborhoods and introduce myself to some people so that we can get

the aspiration done as well. i need to give my apartment key to a friend as well. i've got to make a friend. i think we need to find someone that's like-minded and equally poorly dressed as me. uh, ha! to share my key with. so we live over here in the spice market. uh, maybe the arts quarter we could find someone that looks like me. in terms of the style of clothing, which is poor.

poor as in bad quality, not... like poor as in bad choice, not as in cheap. 'cause i don't think his clothes look cheap at all. his clothes look quite expensive. but poor as in they just look pretty bad in my opinion. maybe he's the height of fashion. i dunno. depends on how you look at it, really. okay, who have we got here? oh, we can paint the mural. oh! hello. oh that's cool! i love the pigeons.

when they added them in get together, so ridiculous. ah, there's a kid. oh yeah, i forgot we had all these like food markets and that now. i love this, because now we no longer have to make food ever. we can just buy food everywhere. life is good. oh mortimer goth, what a shock that you're here. why are you... so insistent. insistent?

persistent? probably persistent. you're just- you're here all the- in everyone's sims game, you're always just there. you're the guy that doesn't go away. is there someone cool here though? what about this guy? 'cause he's playing the guitar. i like him. let's go talk to that guy. stop talking to me. oh, he came all the way over to me.

hey what's up? i like your outfit. it looks pretty bad. let's talk about being a vegetarian. that'll be fun. ask about his career, you know? i kind of don't want to be talking to mortimer anymore. can you get out of this conversation? go away. go away, i'm bored of you now!

oh, i already asked about his career. i would like to actually know... just go away, no more mortimer! get to know, here we go. there we go. get to know. so, he's unemployed. interesting. get to know again. so you are jealous. interest- oooh, you're insane. i don't know if i like him anymore.

haha, i don't know if i like him anymore. awkward hug. too unflirty, that's good. deep conversation. let's get that last trait out of him. 'cause so far you sound pretty awful. as a sim. what is your last trait? look at all these colorful clothing! i like your hair.

nice color. can you tell me what that last trait is? or not? no, no, come back. hang on. i guess we could do, hang on. deep conversation. that should give me the last trait, right? what is? i just want to know who you are! oh, maybe it doesn't give me the last, i thought it did? oh well. ask about day. deep conversation. gossip. i really just want to...

you know what, i don't care about you anymore. let's travel somewhere else. let's go over to the fashion district where i belong! because i look great. i've gone from thinking my sim looks terrible to thinking they look great. in the space of about five minutes, so... that's good news. alright, let's see if we can find

anyone as cool as me here! who are you? you look cool. not as cool as me though. [laughter] you look about as derpy as anyone can look! [derpy noises] that's how you look. okay, yeah. i don't like you, i've decided. oh, we've got some protesting, what's up! oh, this guy. he's one of the sims from get together, that's for sure. hello. i'll go introduce myself.

oh this guy again! what's he doing back here?! uh, i'm gonna watch your protest as well. hey what's up. 'cause then we've achieved that. so we've got to order three times from food stalls. which should be pretty easy as well. uh, no, i'm not gonna give you $100. i don't have a hundred bucks to give you. i need to talk to you, because i need to know what your last trait is.

i didn't think you'd be here, but... get to know. here we go! let's go find out what his last trait is. 'cause i'm intrigued. he's a geek. okay, so he's an insane, geek, what was the last one? he's an insanely jealous geek. don't know if those are the best but really the insane one is the one that gets me. jealous and geek...

ah, the jealous is also pretty annoying in this game. let's get uh, tofu with pork? no, that is not vegetarian-safe. uh, egg rolls? it should tell me, right? i thought when i hove over those it tells me. oh well. you know what, let's go get it! i think egg rolls are okay. oop, hello. there's the little update freeze. there it goes. how's that? that's vegetarian-safe, isn't it?

it doesn't tell me. okay. oh that one is. wait. then this one isn't. 'cause that one says it is. hang on. don't eat it! don't touch it! oh yeah, it's not. 'cause he feels very sad.

hm, well maybe it tells me... no, okay. right, i see how it works. it'll only pop up if it is vegetarian-safe. well... that's my bad. yeah, see. this is what happens. yeah, it says "tainted with meat, yuck!" i feel like he didn't actually take a bite, so i'm not really sure how that managed to happen. anyway, grab that food. there's a lot of people hanging out here now, look at this!

where'd your food go? did someone take your food? 'cause we ordered. 'cause it says ordered 2/3 times. uh, okay. let's try again. apparently now i've tipped him. not that i wanted to, 'cause i don't have that much money. that's alright. so now i've just got to find a friend. you look like a friend, hello. what's up?

i'm gonna talk to you. do you want to grab your food for once? there you go. hey what's up. do i already know you? no, i can't know you 'cause i just introduced myself. nevermind. do you want to come sit over here with me? we can have a chat, get to know each other. maybe you can be my friend, my city friend! "looks like frederick is having a bit of trouble with those chopsticks. he should eat more chopstick food, like sweet and sour eggplant, to develop

the finger dexterity." i think that is a... one of those hidden skills in the game. like, not really a skill, but you'll see them be pretty crap at using chopsticks at the start, and then later on they'll get better, as it mentioned. same with eating spicy food. that's like a tolerance you can build up. anyway, let's get to know. let's go, enthuse about the meal, 'cause it's great! he's really good at, complain, no, don't complain about the fruitcake.

gossip about coworkers? i haven't even been to work so i don't know how i could do that. friendly. she's ambitious. good start! good, good start. i would like to ask her what she does for work. discuss work, deep conversation? discuss some interests. just a general conversation, you know? tell a dramatic story, maybe? that'll be a bit of fun.

friendly, how about... i want to ask you about your work. i can complain about my work, not that i've been. i mean, all i've done is create a social media profile. how could you complain about that? discuss work. anyway, let's try a deep conversation. so all we know about her so far is that she's ambitious. oh, she's a coworker of mine! oh that's- of course, sorry.

because we can complain about work, and discuss work that means we are coworkers. right, okay. that's good. that really opens the door. she's outgoing as well! this is good. this is good! discuss interests? oh god, you're both terrible with chopsticks. can we discuss how bad we are with chopsticks?

tell a funny story. uh, what about... what about... i don't want to do an awkward hug. i feel like that's not going to help us out. who are you? get out of my conversation. do another deep conversation. and then maybe brighten your day a little bit? oop, they're closed up. alright. acquired the comedy skill apparently. 'cause i'm so good.

i still don't wanna try an awkward hug. i really wanna... discuss world peace. yeah, i really wanna discuss world peace. that's what i wanna do. no, i really want to... get that last trait out of you. oh, romantic! ooh, okay! okay, so we know everything about her. she is a winner! like, as far as roommates go,

she beats that other guy so far out of the park. i like your style though. i do like your style. you're cool. [laughter] i very much like your style! oh, hang on. i very much like your style. you're cool. i wanna meet you. heartfelt compliment. i do need to go to the toilet though. let's just compliment her, and then we'll go to the toilet. sorry, excuse me. are you gonna...? oh, hang on. are you...?

right there, yep, there you go buddy. right. so i think that was a successful first day in the city! we've uh, actually. is old mate still here? where's old mate gone? are you old mate? yeah, you're old mate. can i give you my key yet? am i...? 'cause that would just... i don't think so. what i will do... can i ask you to hang out? come back! what's up old mate?

let's hang out for a bit. i want to... can i give you an awkward hug? i wanna see what that does. i wanna see what the animation will look like. if it's different or what. oh, she just wasn't even into it. "unflirty sims get tense around flirty sims." yeah we already know that. we already read that bit. but it didn't even successfully execute a hug. let's uh, if we just do a cloud gaze, that's always a good way to get relationship up pretty quick. there we go.

it's karaoke night, oh, that's not right. "it's karaoke contest night at the karaoke bar! sims can test their silky singing skills by selecting sing on the karaoke contest on any of the karaoke machines!" oh my god! how many times is "karaoke" mentioned in that sentence? or that paragraph. 1, 2, 3, 4... 4 times. "the winner will be announced at 11 p.m." well, i think we've got to go to karaoke.

i think we've gotta do it. can we do a, um... do i have to wait 'til you're done or something? 'cause i wanna... let's go chat here, hang on. okay, get up. let's get in there 'cause it's karaoke contest night. sing in karaoke contest. yeah, run to palomino, sure

oh, hang on. where'd old mate go? did she leave me? i think she left me. that's alright. maybe we should get a drink to loosen up a little bit. oh, he's already, he's way ahead of me! is that my other old mate? yeah! my insanely geeky friend, or whatever he was. jealous geeky friend. he's probably jealous that i have a new friend as well. anyway, have you got your drink?

is that yours? yes. what did you order? what did you order? you got a wrench. good. i assume that's just a screwdriver. it's an alright choice. this guy's like singing his heart out, and there's one person standing in front and they're looking over this way. [laughter] that's how disinterested absolutely everyone is in their singing.

alright, i want to do run to palomino. c'mon. let's see how they sound. let's get a nice little view here. okay. here we go. oh yeah! look at those moves! i can't really- oops, that's the wrong button. that's not what i meant to do.

like i was saying, i can't really hear. so what i'm gonna do is, actually. i needed to do that anyway. uh, options. because i believe the audio for objects is down. so if we turn that up. i assume we'll hear it a lot louder. i saved the position so we can go back. that's a bit better. still not great. the thing is, i'm listening to this and i'm like

it's pretty bad, but like he's got the basis of singing there. you know, he's not the worst. i mean, these guys could be less interested. actually, they probably couldn't be less interested. nobody's listening at all. i reckon we're doing pretty well though. oh god, what is going on with the camera? could the walls go down? there we go. [laughter] anyway. he's pretty bad.

you know, he's building his confidence. so we've got work in 10 hours. 9 a.m. we got 8 out of 100 points. oh dear lord... yeah, you won with 78. so we did not win that one. uh, let's head home. i mean he's feeling really inspired though. i think all in all, it's been a really, really good day! it's been a really, really good day. i mean we made a bunch of friends, well, i don't actually think we have any friends yet, but

we've met a lot of people. got our brand new apartment. we've got our gremlins lot trait and our haunted. i'm actually really interested to see what happens with those you know what, i feel like he's a dirty sim. we're gonna leave all this here. also, we're gonna do autolights. we don't need all the lights on. let's go to sleep. i'm gonna claim that side of the bed. let's see if any gremlins visit tonight. that'll be really interesting. oop! yep, there they go! speak of the devil!

or i guess speak of the gremlin. oh my god, i didn't realize there were keyboards in this game. that's incredible! okay, so now... i'm not gonna- we can fix the plumbing ourselves, because we're not gonna die from fixing plumbing, but all the- like, i had my sim die, if you watch my preview let's play that i did the other week, my sim had died from fixing the electrical stuff. and then a handyman came and died as well!

it was crazy! penny pizzazz is calling me. did i read that right? is her last name pizzazz? oh my god! how can i not be friends with you? i mean, we are friends, but i mean how could i not absolutely love this sim? penny pizzazz! are you serious? that is the most incredible sim! i think i've ever met!

that's ridiculous. i love it. uh, get up. hang on. get up. alright, so you're gonna have to... ugh, we can't even have a shower or eat food. okay, so we need to, wait we claimed that side of the bed right? yeah. okay, so we need to- oh, we can't even have a shower anyway. repair that. we're gonna need to hire a repair service anyway. guess i'll get on that. hire a repair service. we're not gonna have time to do all this. the good news is

we don't have to worry about food. because hopefully someone will be down in the square. yes, there's a couple of food stalls! so we are good with food. curry, vegetarian-safe. curry for breakfast? i guess. we can't make our own food so... i'll fix the tub. when is work? 2 hours. we can do this. so call a repairman because we can't do this ourselves.

we cannot do that ourselves. alright, they'll arrive at 8 a.m. so 10 minutes. we're gonna go down and uh... get some food before work. auto save. that is actually a mod, in case you're wondering. now this is actually really cool. i really love this feature. so with city living, you can either send them to work or work from home. so it kind of works, like you'll get a bunch of tasks to complete.

kind of like get to work, but you do it at home. or you can take paid time off from this little option which i think is really cool. i think we'll actually keep him at home today. just 'cause it's new so we can have a look. oh sorry, they pop up down here. so we get these two tasks. we gotta be playful and we've got to be funny to 5 different sims. apparently that's my daily task. do you want to eat your food? oh, there you go. no, hey! ho- hold up!

hold up, she definitely just stole my food! i swear that was my- no, that's not curry, never mind. sorry, i'm the idiot. what's that? super chocolate tummers bomb cupcake. i'll eat that. i don't know whose it is, and it's on the floor, but i'll gladly eat that. i will eat that. give me that.

uh... [laughter] here's my repairman. they're up there fixing it. luigi, as you can see. little reference to nintendo there. alright, so apparently you're eating that. so we've got to be funny to 5 different sims. so that's quite easy. funny introduction. ask baby's due date. i don't think that's being funny. i think that's just being rude, or mischievous. let's not do that. funny, tell a funny story.

okay, so doing a funny introduction did not- oh, maybe it did count. it did count actually. cool. alright, so that person's back. so, have i told a funny story? takes a while, apparently. are you done? we're listening to a funny story, what? shut up. i wanna be funny! hang on. be funny, do an impression.

we'll do that 'cause it's got to be 5 different sims. funny introduction. i might've already, maybe that was you. maybe funny- oh, no, funny introduction does count. no, i know you. funny, tell a joke about engineers, go do that. there you go. oh, he's come over to me, okay. there, 3 out of 5. i don't know you. oh, apparently i do know you. apparently i met you at some point. tell joke about aliens, there you go. i'm just mr. funnyman today! uh, 4 out of 5.

hello, funny introduction. that'll get me going. so we also need to get into a playful mood. which we can do multiple ways. how're we going? you're still alive, that's good to know. right, let's keep being funny because let's keep being mr. funnyman because that will actually get us into a, uh... into a playful mood. we could also go watch the comedy channel, but i don't know

do i even have a tv? i was gonna say, if i even had a tv i didn't know, no, it's not fixed yet. all my stuff is just broken. we're almost playful, but he's too happy to be playful. oh no, actually no. there we go! alright, so we've completed our work tasks for the day. we can come back up. let's go use the toilet in our house, or in our apartment i should say. i really, really want... my...

handyman to die. just so we can see them die. they've got a lot to fix as well. i don't even know if they'll have time. sometimes they just disappear after a while. they're like "eh, i'm done." also don't know how much this is gonna cost me. oh, the tv is fixed too. $140, yeah, they've just given up. it's like the maximum amount of time they can work or something. i don't know. like workers' union or something. union rules, we can't work any longer.

hire repair staff. i'll have to do that again. "everything looks," what, i don't- i got two of those. that was weird. hey what's up man, you leaving? anyway, 12:54 p.m. they'll arrive. okay. so we have got to give my apartment key to someone. where is old mate? old mate pizzazz, i like the pizzazz. penny pizzazz, come on over. send a playful text? ooh! that'll be a bit of fun!

what's cookin' good lookin'? is that what he sent? 'cause that's what i would send. oh he loved it. he loved it. but no, i will actually hang on, are you here? 'cause i can't invite you here. so you must be here. hang on, i didn't even- could we play basketball with her? if she's here?

i don't know, i've actually never uh, dunks, shoot around, challenge. is penny pizzazz here? can we challenge her? we can challenge her! let's challenge penny pizzazz! hell yeah! where is she? oh, she gave up. oh there's a protest. i'm pretty sure we have to do something with protests in the next level of aspirations,

so if we can- is penny pizzazz here or is she gone? she must be here. i don't know where though. challenge, hoops competition, i want to challenge penny pizzazz! there she is. oop, okay. there she goes. penny pizzazz, oop, and she's gone. invite to hang out please. she totally just dissed me.

she'll be right over. okay, so she should appear somewhere over there, right? oh hang on. did she spawn in the apartment area? yes. why, why would you do that? oh, give apartment key, yes! 'cause this is actually, i really like this, 'cause if you give someone your apartment key, they'll actually just randomly show up every so often, which is good 'cause then we don't have to invite them, and they can just show up, and it's really good for social as well. uh, can we go sit?

actually, you know what? no, no, no, no, no. you know what? i still want to challenge penny pizzazz, whoa, where am i? i'm so lost. i still want to challenge penny pizzazz to the freaking hoops competition. 'cause i assume both of us are crap. let's go do it. c'mon. come on, penny. oh she's already there. oh my god, look at her outfit. she- i swear this is like a match made in heaven.

go away! get out of here, lily feng. oh yeah. she's excited by that. you guys are all, all pathetic at basketball right now. alright, here we go. acquired the fitness skill. oh my, oh gee- oh, okay. that guy just absolutely stacked and probably just broke his coccyx.

anyway, let's see who wins, 'cause i'm actually intrigued. 'cause i assume neither of you have any fitness skill at all. okay, can you guys, [sigh] do you mind? we're trying to use this. i feel like we bagsed it. do this end, or is it just forever? i don't really know how this works. oh it's over. uh, take a picture together. there you go.

i can, oh! i never gave you my apartment key, what happened? maybe they got distracted. oh, i like how it freezes as well. the game just like froze as well. there's my apartment key. yes, she's got my key! penny pizzazz! she's like oooh, oh my god, look at her. she's actually like "um..." she's like "ooh, this freak has given me his key." "this freak has given me his key. what am i gonna do?"

she's not impressed. i really don't think she's impressed. alright, achieve level 3 singing. alright, i think we're gonna leave this part here. i think this is a pretty good starting point. again, this is semi-let's play, semi-rags to riches. we're gonna be going to the top of the career. i think the top of the social media career is the endpoint for this particular series. but, you know, along the way we're gonna be living our life. maybe getting with penny pizzazz. 'cause i think she's my favorite sim so far. although this guy looks pretty cool.

victor feng, you look awesome. but anyway, thanks guys so much for watching. make sure to leave your comments, feedback and suggestions down below. i will see you next time, and have an awesome day.

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