living room furniture zimbabwe

living room furniture zimbabwe

do you believe in ghosts? i only believe in money. why? i have one question for you. if there really are ghosts,why do they always have clothes on? where's the location? here. on the top floor. if there really are ghosts.

i wouldn't mind catching oneand take a look myself. that's exactlywhat we are trying to do. film with menger sponge coating? japanese government spendinga lot of money on this project. everything the same as before?or you have any special requirement? same as before. exposed for 15 seconds at a time. no flash, and only aroundthe furniture once every hour. yeah right,same as before.

nothing. what the hell? secure the area immediately. evacuate everyonefrom the building. mr. hashimoto. how about the authorities? authorities? what authorities! japanese scientist inventsmenger sponge:

a black hole forelectromagnetic wave walking on ceilingis possible 1997 anti-gravity award tojapanese scientist hashimoto large-scale menger sponge isthe key to anti-gravity effect anti-gravity researchgroup founded with members fromdifferent countries su. 28. chinese. ren. 24. malaysian-chinese. mei. 23. taiwanese.

development of large-scalemenger sponge failed scientist's dream shattered the apartment which containshigh radioactive contaminants... discovered by inspectors last weekhas been evacuated of residents... but as of today, no residentrelocation plan is in place... miss? when did youreceive notification? miss. radioactive contaminatedresidence has been the job... of the urban development commissionand the atomic energy bureau. however, the emergencyevacuation mandates...

was approved and signedby the foreign affairs division... which makes the evacuationan odd move. questions regarding this evacuationhave not been answered. one statement to warn the publicnot to enter the area... you used the bureau's name... to request the taiwanese officeof the president to evacuate a building? and the reason isconfidential matter regarding... the treaty of mutualcooperation & security... between the u.s. and japan?

you've been wastingthe government's money. how many foreignconsultants have died?! this is my reason. large-scale menger sponge? not yet. it's the only one in the world. don't belongs to the government. if you give me more time. i guarantee you.

i will be able to talk to youstanding straight on the ceiling. - i need one more favor.- what? taiwan joint crime crackdown unityeh qi tung. to move someonefrom the jccu. we'll need authorization fromcentral and military intelligence. you can do it. why him?what's so special about him? he can see the featherson a flying bird. every individual faceon a speeding bus.

he can see everything clearly. not only does he have sharp eyesightbut he can also read lips. fine, i'll help you one last time. if you make one more mistake... your crippled leg will go back tojapan teaching high school physics! team, 3rd floor flat c.under control. 4th floor status? on alert. we found the hostagein 3rd floor flat c!

evacuate the building. get the bomb squad! tung, hostage found,but no sign of any suspects. all hands to 4th floor, left wing.clear the hallways. attach unit ready!bomb squad ready! 3rd floor secured,4th floor secured. bomb squad ready. tung, where is the target? still drinking coffee.

anti-tank mine c4. closed-circuit wiring.remote access detonator. can you dismantle it? there's a code for the activator. can you decode it? it has a 12 digit code,practically impossible. try your best. - set up a bypass.- do it. secure the targetand get the code.

copy that. hello. police? police. when did this happen?are you still there? chiu, somebody informed him.he knows. bypass ready. you'll be fine hiding there. i'm going to give you the code.detonate the bomb.

he's going to detonate the bomb.the detonator is inside the room. find that person now! u team standby. a team move. activate. listen carefully. what is the code?we need the code. first set of numbers is... 325...

325. second set of numbers... - 508.- 508. 012. - 012.- 012. last set. what's the last setof code numbers? 1... 7...

what's the last set? last set of numbers is 179. what's the last number? dad? dad? secure the scene.clear the building! give the phone back to me.i want to talk to my dad. take away the kid. dad, where are you? dad!

for your mother's seizure attack... we had to use four timesthe regular doze to keep her stable. she is suffering. her muscular andneural stems are deteriorating. she could fall intoa coma at any moment. if the patient's glasgowcoma scale is below 4... next of kin have the right to disconnectthe life support system. dr. ma. my mom won't die.

- hello?- hello wei. tung, you are early don't have to work? i was assigned to a new unit. i like to buy some flowersfor my mom. sounds good. what kindof flowers would you like? choose for me. can you have themdelivered to the hospital? sure. tung.

are you free tonight? do you want to go toa concert with me? i have two spare tickets. the nurse is not available tonight. i need to be therewith my mom tonight. okay.i will go with my sister. thanks for the flowers. you are welcome. the 4th floor.

there's no contamination. do not enter anti-gravity unit? doesn't look like it right? you see? put up a sign and we haveour new headquarter. why did you ask for me? would you like coffee or tea? what do you want from me?

coffee? wait. my name is hashimoto.i'm in charge of this team. the main mission of this team isto find a way to achieve anti-gravity. we have tried for four years. - anti-gravity is impossible.- really? do you believe ghosts existin this world? follow me. hashimoto.

are you sureyou want to tell him? i'm sure. there is no one in there, right? it's just eye drops. like this. pay attention to his hand. it seems that he likes apples. perhaps he is full now. what's he saying?

it's raining. he says, "it's raining." raining? no reaction to sound and image. can't see. can't hear.can't haunt people. not what you imagined. this is definitely a world first. we've caughtthe world's first ghost! why can i see it?

this is the menger's made out of human protein. it can capture differentelectromagnetic wavelengths. ghost is just a form of energy. when the menger sponge absorbsenough energy it can defy gravity. electromagnetic wave isa form of energy. we sprayed a thin layer of microscopicmenger sponge on your eyes. it acts like a lens filter... giving you ability to see imagesat different wavelengths. it's 4:30 p.m.

he wants to go outat this time every day. that's an instinctive reaction. the whole room is coveredwith menger sponge. even the door knob. the menger sponge absorbsany energy... so he's afraid of going out. so you've caught a ghost. but why am i here? i want you to find outwho he is...

when he died... why he died... and where his body is buried? i refuse to take the job. find someone else. answer me. you don't know what to say becauseyou have no reason to refuse. what about your mother? what are you going to dowith her?

do you have the rightto keep her alive like that? how do you knowshe doesn't want to die? am i wrong? how do you know thatdying isn't better than living? let me remind you. amyotrophic lateral sclerosisis hereditary. don't bring my mother into this. aren't you going tothe concert? my little sister went to the concert, sothere's no one to deliver the flowers.

and i want to visit your mom. so i came instead. thanks. and you?how was your day? nothing special. how is she doing? not bad. we had a long talkmostly about you. my mom's been like this for a while.she can't talk.

when girls talkwe don't always have to speak. so what did she tell you? it's a secret. did mom say she hates me? because these past few years,i've let her suffer. did she ask youwhy i'm torturing her like this? did she say she just wants to dieso that she can escape from this pain? she's your mother. what do you want her to say?

tell you that"i've ruined your life?" "let me go." "let me goso that you can be free." is that what you want? what she really wants to say is... she wants you to be happy. i'm leaving. i still love her. no.

i don't think she would accept. if she says yes... will you open your eyes? run! wait for me! i've interviewed all the past residentsand the police. store owners and teachersin the area. even the breakfast vendor.nobody knows him. good is the coffee.

- what about the landlord?- landlord? the landlord died 3 years agohis descendants live overseas. even so this place has gone througha dozen owners and residents. no one knows the kid. he's talking again. what is he saying? the window is broken. he said,"the window is broken." you've come to work.

hashimoto! let him do it. he's the expert. before i get started, there'ssomething i need to know. is he dangerous? what do you mean? ghosts in horror films usually kill. if you're scared then leave. su.

it's just following a kid.anyone can do it. you haven't answeredmy question. there was a foreigner who spentone night with him and died. his name is james carmen,canadian, 45-year-old. he's hired as photographer. how did you knowwhere to send him? wherever there are rumors of ghosts,we send him. we've send him to japan, new zealand,zimbabwe and london. ends up we find one right herein taipei.

if it wasn't heart failure... could he have been scaredto death? it's not that easyto be scared to death. do we need to magnify iton the computer? no. what are you doing? hey! what exactly are you doing? the body has alreadybeen examined.

i want to take a look athis heart. look. if this is the thumb... and these arethe other four fingers... looking at the size,doesn't it look like a child's hand? it does. that night... after looking at this picture... the photographermust have felt strange.

why is there a child? so... he turned. looked at that corner. could it be... that the child doesn't liketo be stared at? where is the child? i let him go. this research meanstoo much to you.

you won't let him go. you know this,why are you stopping me? i wasted four years of my life,with a cripple like you. we finally gave some results.and you bring in an outsider! i don't want to argue with you. i don't know. let me out! why is su inside? where's the child?

what?what are you saying? what are you talking about? we can let you out. but you need totake off your clothes. open up your coat. want to see more? is this enough? the child is a form of energy. energy can expand and shrink.

you sprayed menger spongeon the newspaper... and wrapped the kidin your pocket. didn't you? let's see your pockets. he's gone. listen to me, don't move. - what's wrong?- listen carefully. whatever you do,don't turn your head to the left. do not turn your head.

why can't i turn left? that strand of silk! where? - what're you talking about?- did you see that? i his hand. his hand is solidifying. hurry! open the doorhurry! when you die... your energy can only lastfor a short period.

and then it disappears forever. no matter how muchyou love the world... or how muchthe world loves you. why doesn't he disappear? i want you to find the answer. mom! mom... mom, do you really want to go?to be free? precisely on time.

it's 4:30 p.m. the eye drop from this bottlewill last the whole day... but bring another one,just in case. i've saved all our numbers inside.keep in touch. why are you bringing a gun? stop! stop! are you crazy?this is dangerous. do you want to die? he was waiting to take this bus.does it mean he's conscious?

no. we call this inertia. inertia? yes. he's just repeatingthe daily routine of his old life. even though he is dead... his energy keeps on livingthe patterns of his previous life. child - su silk silk is the connectionbetween two energies. hey, ticket?

chi lischool of special education check out chi li schoolof special education. he might have studied here. grade 3 class 6 student pick-up area mom.the daylilies are in bloom. daylilies? no one will everpick him up again. does he get hungry?

does he have to eat? no. he doesn't need to eat. but we don't knowwhere he gets his energy either. why ask? because i am hungry. one order please. i'm getting something to eat.want anything? - i'll go sign in first, be right back.- okay. now we know which school he went to,finding out who he is should be easy.

and next we're going to find outhow he became a ghost. why is it important to youhow he became a ghost? only someone who understands deathcan truly confront death. energy, facial disorder,hatred, burial location? damn it! ren! - what's going on?- he raised his hands! he's about to attack someone.what should i do? try to distract him.

how? - how?- i don't know! spray your bullets withmenger sponge and shoot him. you! get out of there! hurry! don't move! drop your gun! drop it!

how dare you shot a police! no matter what,don't look into his eyes. he'll see youif you look at him. you shot a police! now! - cuff him.- drop your gun! get down. he's back! don't you think he's wonderful?

he will never grow old and die. he is free from agony. don't haveany responsibilities. no puberty,no peer pressure. don't have to worryabout college. don't have to work,pay taxes, or find parking. free from sexual desire. please excuse us. see you.

i envy you. it's all too difficult living. director, there's beenan accident. it can't be hashimoto again. there was a shootoutin the city. two civilians anda police officer were wounded. tung was theone who fired the gun. hashimoto forged your nameto bail tung out. the foreign affairs officejust called.

they want you tocall them back immediately. hot shot. someone issued national documentsto bail you out. who are you? the presidentmust be your father. sign your name,and you can go. let's go. we need to find outwhere the child's buried. don't you ever get any rest?

after i'm dead,i'll have plenty of time to rest. do you haveany recollection of him? did he jump off the building? how did you know? his name is yao. in the history of our school... he's the only onewho's tried to suicide. our school specializesin disabled students. yao was stricken with somethingcalled multiple tumors syndrome.

it caused tiny tumors to erupt aroundhis chest and neck area. even after surgerythe tumors kept recurring. is that the reason he jumped? his tumors beganto move to his face. he couldn't standthe other kids laughing at him. his mother's name is chun? actually, the day yao jumped,his mother was also here. i remember she was a veryskinny woman with long hair. that day.she was standing right there.

are you out of your mind? a few months later... chun sneaked her sonout of the hospital at night. no one's ever heardfrom them since. we suspect... you suspect thatchun murdered her only child. some people saidshe went back to her hometown. her family have a field of flowersin the mountains near taipei. are they daylilies flowers?

this is the only daylily fieldnear taipei. why do you believethe body is buried here? it's just a hunch. - hashimoto.- director. i've warned you more than accidents, no deaths. now, two citizensand a police officer wounded. you're fired. i want your teamshut down right now. director, listen to me.

i don't want to hearanother word from you cripple. hand overthe menger sponge now. bring hashimoto in. restricted area national radiationsynchronization center you sure you want to do this? don't worry,hashimoto will take the blame. there they are. danger:high magnetic flux

we can't reach himon his cellphone. you're the only personhe wrote down as a contact person. how's his mom doing? she's got a blood clot in her brain.a very serious blood clot. doctor, what can we do? if we go into surgery now, there'sa 15% chance of success. if we don't, she won'tmake it through the night. we need a family memberto sign the release form. it has to be direct family.

he doesn't have anyother family. - are we really going to dig?- of course. but we need to knowwhere to start. right over there. joint crime crack-down unitextension 107... yeh qi tungis unable to answer the phone. for operator,please press one. he was choked to death. by his mother?

it's possible. murdered by his own mother... he must have diedwith very strong feelings of hate. mom. look! the daylilies are blooming. my teacher says... that the daylily isthe flower of mother and son. son.

mommy doesn't want youto live in pain. i don't want to see you... looked down uponby the whole world. i'll take all the blameand suffering. let me help you find a way out. thank you mommy. how did you knowthe body would be here? that's the national radiationsynchronization center. it's covering the whole hillside.

the center is encircledby an electron accelerator. the violent magnetic field createdby the accelerator... is the source ofthe ghost's endless energy. this spot is the very centerof the magnetic field. i finally know... how to become a ghost. you promised me. if we humans have rights,ghosts should have rights too. do you agree?

you've unlocked the secret... it's time to isolate him forever. what's wrong? don't do anythinguntil i get back. looking for tung? hi, is he here? he went'll have to wait for him. is everything alright? it is about his mother.

provincial deep comatosestate patient care center zheng chun give her with adrenaline now. tung's girlfriend? i know. she's hot! is that the only wayyou look at girls? i'm hungry. wanna go grabsome beef noodles later?

i don't eat beef. - why not?- religious belief. my mom says that if you eat beefyou'll go to hell. look at him. do you still believe in hell? never seen him like this before. what's happening to him? it's 10:55 p.m. i officially announcethe death of patient chun.

you. follow me. ren. sorry it's best if you leave now.i'll tell tung you came by. the big earthquakefew years ago... she was found crushedunder a building. she wasn't rescueduntil 16 days later. 16 days? we thought it was strangeas well. no one can surviveunder those circumstances.

when we checked her heart... we found as if... someone had been massagingher heart to keep her alive. it's very hard to explain. what is that? it's better if you don't know. he said, "the window is broken." she can communicatewith her son. where's hashimoto?

hashimoto? mei, what happenedto the signal? we've been shut down.the project is dead. - where's hashimoto?- i don't know. he disappeared suddenly.i think he left with the child. by the way, your girlfriendcame by looking for you. wei was looking for me? i think it had something to dowith your mother. mei.

why did hashimototake the child? you know,hashimoto has diabetes. he already lost one leg.the other is not looking good. if he had the kid, evenwithout both legs he could-- i'm going to eat beef noodles.want to come? no. i'm going to clean upand go home. ok, i am leaving. - bye- bye. where could she go?

one super-sized bowlof beef noodles. here. beef noodles.enjoy it. i've found yao's mother. you know? i can see that strand of silk. you can see it? to be exact... - that silk is a strand of hate.- what are you talking about? yao became a ghostbecause of hatred.

it was also out of hatredthat he killed su. you knew this all along? - where's the child?- your task is over. it's not over untilyou hand over the child. go see your girlfriend. if you go now you might getto say your last words to her. what did you say? what the hell? who ever heardof dying from eating noodles? hello?

i know why hashimototook the child?! what's going on? - quick! get out!- why? i don't have time to explain. did you hear me? mei? mei! director... director. director.

you want to know... what it takes to stand on the ceilinglike this and talk to you? what does it take? well, first you have to havea strong sense of hate. next, you have to want to die. finally, you have to diein the right place. since i was a child, living has neverhad much meaning for me. i've wanted to die every day. now i know the location ofwhere i should die.

the only thing i'm not sure of isif i have enough hate. that's why i camelooking for you. do you understand? now i just want to make surei have enough hate toward you. - wait.- you see this? a total of 744 times. every time you called me a cripple.i pressed the button on this counter. wei, don't say a wordand listen. wei, do you trust me?

yes. what i tell you. don't move anddon't ask any questions. now take a step to your left. a little more. good. stop. now close your eyes. no matter what you hearand no matter what happens... don't open your eyes.

- tung.- don't be afraid. trust me. where are you? i'm walking on the pathtowards eternal release. mei is dead. yao's mother killed her. listen to me. chun is searching for her have to let yao go. everyone will eventually die. it is important that...

at that moment to taste deathand experience it completely. don't run away from it. let the child go! if you know how peacefuland beautiful the afterlife really is... you wouldn't say that. i'll see you in the next life. shit! get out! i don't have toever envy you again.

so this is what i'll look likewhen i die. yes, it's me. what is going on? it's very difficultto explain right now. are you okay? how about you?are you okay? same as usual. this afternoon... your mom went into surgeryto remove a blood clot in her brain.

the doctor saidtonight is critical. i know that you can'tlet go of your mother. she means the world to you. but if she leaves,you'll have to face your own life. what will you do then? both your mom and i,we all want you to live happily. wei. i have a favor to ask of you. will you please seemy mother tomorrow?

and tell her... that i just want her to live on. ask her not to hate me. and ask her not to forgetthat she had a son in this world. i just want to go onliving with you... and really enjoy each day. i love you,but that doesn't make you happy. want to be alive. want to be happy.

want life to change. and see you every morning. here is the release paper.take care of yourself. she said yes. isn't it time for youto open your eyes? surgery releasesigned by du wei relation:daughter-in-law mom. do you hate me?

is that whyyou don't want to leave? hashimoto. i want to thank you. you have helped meunderstand life. i wonder if hate can live foreverand release us from suffering. yao's spirit did not remainbecause of hatred... not because of wherehe lied in the daylily field. it was the lovebetween mother and son. i call to tell youthat i am resigning.

i will enjoywhat life has for me. no matter where you are. i wish you well.

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