best interior design photo gallery

today we're hanging a photo gallery wall inevan's aunt's house. in this hallway. right here. this one. as with a lot of projects, starting is themost intimidating part. so hopefully we can break it down into a feweasy to follow steps that anyone can follow along. there are a lot of gallery wall layout tricks,but we think the easiest way is to measure your wall, mark that out on the floor, andarrange your frames there first.
131 inches. let's see the height. that's about 3 feet, how does that look? we have our measurements. first we need to decide: do we want the bottomof the frames to form a level line above this chair rail, do we want the top of the framesto form a level line, or do we want there to be like a mid line that they're comingup and down from. i think that'll help make it not look toocrazy if there's some method to the madness. this is our chair rail.
hehe you don't have to whisper it. i have 2 more when you're ready. thank you. you're welcome! with this the bottom runs parallel to thechair rail. that looks pretty good. that looks good. here's an option if they're all top alignedand the bottom is more of a staggered- you're doing bottom aligned on this again.
you're doing top and bottom. hehe! here it is if we somehow magically have theperfect sizes to align both! shh that's what i'm doing now, change of plans,this is another option. ok yeah, that would be nice. here's one where it's top aligned. i like the bottom aligned better. i kinda like bottom aligned better. let's try center aligned.
ok. this is the more organic option, but it'salso harder to do without it looking messy. i still kinda like the bottom aligned. yeah. what do you think? yeah i like the bottom aligned. ok, cool. we'll do bottom aligned. there's about 3 feet of space in between these,our visual divider for planning it out.
should we change up the angle? we'll pretend that this is the chair railat the bottom, yeah. so let's just start laying some things out. we lined up the bottoms, kept the spacingas even as possible, and tried to balance large and small frames. it might take a bit of rearranging to getit where you want it. now flip them over so you can measure thespacing between the hangers. so in this gallery wall, there's a few differentframe sizes that are repeated. so i'm gonna go through and measure the heightand width of every frame, and determine the
center hanging point for every type of frame. so we ended up with a master list of whatframes went where, and where the nails went for each frame. ps_ shoutout to our patreon supporters! if you wanna support us too, go to,thanks! it's time to mark up the wall! i mean, put nails in. so what we're gonna do is we want the firstframe to be 8.5" in, 3" from the top of this to the bottom of the frame because that willcenter the whole arrangement.
we're gonna start in this corner and workour way over. it's easy to mess up your measurements 'causethere's a handful of things you have to take account of. this is our pretend frame, and this is whereour pretend nail needs to go, here's our little hook. we've measured the size of this paper frame. the nail needs to be an inch and a half fromthe top in order to hang in the hook. and it needs to be five and a half inchesfrom the side. knowing that we need this to be 8.5" and thisto be 5.5" we know our nail is gonna have
to be 14" over from the side of the wall. in addition to that we know that the frameneeds to be 3 inches above the chair rail. so to that 3" we'll add 7" to get to 10" here. so our nail needs to be 10" from the bottom,14" from the side of the wall. and that's where we need to mark our nail. so basically we'll follow the same conceptfor every frame. some frames have 1 hook some frames have 2hooks but it's still just doing the math. worst case scenario you add an extra holein your wall. so this is tricky.
once you get started, you start having touse the other frames as your reference point. we're no longer using this as a referencepoint, we're using this as a reference point. and we're leaving 1 inch in between frames. definitely hang as you go because you don'twant to make all your nail holes, realize one measurement was off - one inch - and haveto redo everything. hehe, oh sheet. when evan has to go on his tippy toes, youknow it's serious. haha. three more nails left.
two more nails left! let's see if i got this one right. every time i'm like uhhhh. if we only messed up 1 out of 14- i messedup one more- if we only messed up 2 out of 14, that's not bad. yay! yesss. hope that made sense and gave you enough confidenceto try it on your own. hahaha.
it's a easy project but it's kinda hard toexplain all the numbers involved. i think this project would only take a couplehours if you were doing it yourself. it took us significantly longer because wewere filming it. for you guys! but now it's dinner time and we gotta go. bye! ow. what, what am i saying? you're gonna say, ok, look at me i'm evan.
let's switch sides i have to be you. as with all projects, getting started is thehardest part- i'm not that short hahaha! as with all projects, getting started is thehardest part, so hopefully we'll come up with some followalongable steps that are easy tofollow that anyone can follow! so well said! i mean, so well said! hahaha
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