interior design for living room mumbai

interior design for living room mumbai

we are going to discuss interior design ofa 1bhk home. a usual 1 bedroom hall kitchen home is ofsize ranging from 350 to 500 sq ft. there are many videos on internet where theywalk you through rooms & show lot of creative work. there are so many interesting ideas. but today we are going to stick basics. i am from team & we provideinterior design service. we must have designed more than 1000 homesnow. after working with so many home owners whatwe have learnt is

good design is as little design as possible let me repeat again when you start planning interior of your home,you are excited, you have lot of ideas in your mind and you pick up so many ideas bydoing research. most important question you have to ask yourselfis "will that idea look good in your home fornext 10-15 years ?" all the work that happens as part of homeinterior design in your house it will stay in front of you eyes for next 10-15 yearsmay be more. so this question is very important.

there are good design practices which if usedcan solve these problems. we will talk about about soem of these pointsin following videos to make things easy we are goign to talk about3 aspects. this whole series has 4 parts. this is the introduction part.and following this there are 3 more videos in which we are goign to talk about look & feelfunctionality budget now these 3 aspects are most important aspectsof interior design project.

look & feel menas how rooms is goign to look? how they are going to appaear. functionality - what all facilities you want? budget - budget is budget. how much money you are goign to spend. and that decides lot of things. you cannot plan your 1 bhk home interior withouttaking care of any of these aspects. if yoou ignore any one aspect then whole projectis going to fail. so alright this was first part this was introductionpart of "1 bhk home interior" series . there are 3 following videos, each talking about'look & feel', 'functionality' & 'budget'.

i will see you in second part.

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