living room furniture 1930's

living room furniture 1930's

thirty-six mid-century modern coffeetables that steel center stage ever since author kara greenberg penned her1984 book mid-century modern furniture of the 1950s furniture styles from inand around that period have risen in demand the title of that book was thecoining of the phrase mid-century modern which has become a term that rolls offthe tongue zuv interior designers and home design enthusiasts still todaynowadays the term has morphed to cover anything that is inspired by fashionsfrom all the way back to the early 1930s and stretches up to the mid 1960s justlike this collection of 36 mid-century modern coffee table designs of allshapes and sizes number one noguchi

style table a classic organic triangleshape that is strongly associated with the mid-century modern aesthetic thistable was designed by sculptor isamu noguchi who created his first furnitureprototypes for herman miller in 1942 before this one in 1948 the creationconsists of a thick glass top upon two interlocking curved solid wood legs thatcan be selected in black cherry walnut white ash or solid white this is anattractive reproduction that offers both form and function if you would like toget your hands on something more authentic the original is available herenumber two noguchi rudder table imagined by isamu noguchi for herman miller in1949 this authentic designer mid-century

coffee table features in a symmetricalform that matches with the renowned noguchi table it is available in evineyes maple walnut or white ash veneer over plywood all coupled with chromesteel the two hairpin lake superior lee they're giving the third solid leg thelook of being a rudder and thus giving the table its name number three m stylemolded plywood coffee table with over 70 years having passed since charles andray eames began experimenting with molded wood using their chasm machinethe molded plywood coffee table stands as testament to their signaturetechnology this reproduction is based on the indented surface design from 1946the original design by charles and ray

eames for herman miller is availablehere number four saarinen style lowe oval coffee table this oval mid-centurymodern coffee table has a chip resistant fiberglass top and a powder coated metalbase that is organically shaped in timeless form a time magazine storypublished in 1956 quoted eero saarinen as saying the underside of typicaltables and chairs makes a confusing on restful world and went on to documentthat he was in the process of designing a new collection to clear up the slum oflegs in the u.s. home later that year he completed his pedestal table inspired bya drop of high viscosity liquid the original is available here number fiveplanners

i'll coffee-table chrome look steel wireforms the base of this glass top mid-century modern coffee table which isbased on the plattner collection from 1962 warren plattner believed there wasroom in modernism for the kind of decorative gentle graceful design thatappeared in a period style like luis 15 and so devised the structure andproduction method for the steel wire furniture that requires a huge 1,000welds the original is constructed of steel and finished in bright nickel or18 karat plated gold with a clear lacquer protective coating and isavailable here number 6 mid-century modern oval coffee table with bronze topif you are in need of a less

budget-busting mid-century coffee tablefor sale online then how about this version finished in bronze number 7mid-century style coffee table with spiraling base a more modern adaptationof the plattner style this glass mid-century modern coffee table has achrome colored spiraling trunk number 8 drum style coffee table originallydesigned in the 1970s by milo baughman for thier coggan the drum table issophisticated yet simplistic with a sleek cylindrical design that ismanufactured by hand so that seams are well blended constructed in stainlesssteel and finished in bronze the original can be sourced from herenumber nine semis farah coffee table a

wooden mid-century modern coffee tablehas a warm nostalgic appearance and this half spherical shaped example inreclaimed peroba wood has a smooth tactile look to boot the table isintended for indoor use but is sealed with a clear lacquer to protect itagainst moisture from occasional spills and light cleaning number 10 m styleelliptical coffee table another based on a design by charles and ray eames forherman miller this was nicknamed the surfboard table for obvious reasonsoriginating in 1951 the elongated elliptical table was reissued by hermanmiller in 1994 and can be purchased here number 11 wagner style coffee table asolid american cherry wood top sits on

three angled legs to provide structuredsupport and an understated aesthetic the original compact designed from 1954 bydanish modernism pioneer hans wagner is available here number 12 mag table theflexible design of this transitioning table means that it would make a greatpiece of furniture for small spaces this singular item is low enough to be usedas a seat as well as a coffee table and when flipped on its end at places asurface at an ideal height to be used as a laptop stand even though this wasdesigned in the late 90s it fits well with a mid-century aesthetic numberthirteen scanned oh table matching the same undulating profile as the previoustable this mid-century modern sofa table

is a much bigger design large enough tofit two stacks of magazines side-by-side in its built-in rack number fourteenmid-century modern coffee table with star-shaped base an american walnut basehas been crafted into a star shaped design that is viewable through a clearone half inch tempered glass top number 15century weather drowned coffee-table this walnut' mid-century modern coffeetable has a fan of six slimline arched legs the weathered finish of the woodcoupled with crystal clear glass makes this equally suitable for either arustic or contemporary setting number sixteen cardial mid-century modernplywood with glass top coffee table

american solid walnut wood has beenuniformly killed ride to a stabilized moisture level and triple sanded for thesmoothest possible surface the inherent nature of solid and real wood veneersbring changes in wood grain and color that make each piece unique number 17mid-century modern style black and white coffee table manufactured in wood andiron this monochrome coffee table would look great in any setting number 18circular black and white mid-century coffee table around mid-century moderncoffee table makes a perfect center point in a living room with no sharpedges to catch legs on number 19 round gray mid-century modern coffeetable recycled leather upholstery covers

this tabletop on solid walnut legsnumber 20 small round mid-century style tray coffee table 30 inch roundmid-century modern coffee table with a 2 inch deep lip this resembles a servingtray perched on wooden legs at only 17 inches tall it's an ideal modest size tocomplement a small-scale sofa or chair it could also be paired with anadditional table for a flexible arrangement number 21 simple andminimalist mid-century modern coffee table a rectangular mid-century moderncoffee table crafted from natural rubber wood and reinforced with metal number 22metal and glass mid-century modern table a gold-tone metal frame and smooth glasstabletop gives this design an elegant

air number-23nesting mid century coffee tables durable solid mdf finished with smoothuv paint these tables look the part either nestled together or utilized asseparate end tables they are a lightweight to make it easy to chop andchange between layouts and rooms number 24 multi-level mid-century style coffeetable the rockit coffee table is a modern take mid-century styling inspiredby iconic 1960s silhouettes a pecan wood finish featuring a hand painted steelpatna number 25 mid-century modern style coffee table with magazine display racka great one for keen book readers or for those who covet their magazinesubscriptions this glass topped coffee

table has a display rack built rightinto its stand number 26 mid-century rounded rectangular coffeetable hidden storage is always a plus point in furniture design and this tableoffers a choice of two cleverly disguised side drawers that can also bepulled out completely to double as servingtres for drinks and snacks number 27 minimalist mid-century modern coffeetable made of metal glass and wood this table has the option of hiding awayitems in drawers or putting them on display beneath the clear glass topnumber 28 two-tone mid-century modern coffee tablewith drawers made of dark brown acacia

wood with a contrasting cream-coloredstorage drawer this table is part of a collection that includes a matching endtable sideboard and desk plus large and small bookcases number 29 mid-centurymodern walnut veneer finished coffee table aloe coffee table with a mirroredglass drawer and side cubby number thirty-three tone mid-century moderncoffee table with glass top featuring an open shelf beneath a smoked glass tabletop and a drawer that can be finished in espresso gray or navy colorways number31 mid-century style coffee table with top tray reading like a danishmid-century modern coffee table this matte white and oak veneer finish wouldwork well in a scandinavian setting the

oak box can be removed for use as a trayand reveals hidden storage beneath simple yet somewhat quirky form andfunction is something that mid-century modern and scandi design have in commonmaking an interiors mix of them a marriage made in heavennumber 32 mid-century modern lift top coffee table from a lift off tray to alift up top the elevating tabletop transforms a low coffee table up intodesk height number 33 century modern oval lift top coffeetable this lift top coffee table has a contrasting wood and white finish overan elliptical shape number 34 mid-century modern square coffee tablesitting above a black metal base the

surface of this square mid-centurymodern coffee table is made from reclaimed elm wood number 35 mid-centurystyle coffee tables with metallic accents the metallic base on this designhas a geometric look that would complement many a contemporary interiorscheme number 36 reclaimed wood coffee table this live-edge mid-century moderncoffee table is covered with unique characteristics

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