living room apartment interior design

alfie: look at these curtains. this is too much. it makes me think ofbarbie's house. natassia: i always wanted tobarbie in barbie's house. you knew that about me. alfie: i never wantedto be ken. natassia: i don't know what'sgoing to happen if we don't get help, so i think at thispoint it's either we get help, or we're just goingto be living in a
constant state of war. please help us makeover this room. alfie: we need some help. [doorbell] vanessa deleon: hi, guys. alfie: hi. natassia: hi. alfie: how you doing? nice to meet you.
natassia: so glad you're here. vanessa deleon: niceto see you. whoa. limbo. natassia: i know, we reallyneed your help. vanessa deleon: that'spretty low. alfie: i know, that'sthe problem. vanessa deleon: i assumethis is the space. there's a lot of estrogenin here.
it feels like barbie explodedin the room. alfie: yes. natassia: i mean, itdoes a little. alfie: that's exactlywhat i was saying. natassia: but i mean,look at all of this. vanessa deleon: there isa lot of spaghetti going on over there. alfie: i have a lot of cords,but she has a lot of pink. it's too much.
vanessa deleon: natassia, whatare you willing to part with? natassia: i love alfie,and i just want the space to be for us. so i think out of everything,i'm just not willing to part with the chandelier. vanessa deleon: alfie,what about yourself? alfie: i'm willing to take awaythe headphones, and try to hide some of thewires if i could. but this is a bigpart of my life.
i really play the games,i'm real big tech guy. vanessa deleon: if i bring acompletely, totally different color palette, you'reok with that? natassia: yes, we'd becompletely into just having a totally new look. i mean, as long as it stillhas a touch of femininity. vanessa deleon: ok i love thesound on that, because you're talking my language. i'll see you tomorrow, and i'mvery excited because it's
going to be an overall amazingtransformation. and this place is nota deal breaker. all right, guys. big day today. so what we're going to dois clear everything out. we're going to bring somenew furniture pieces. we're going to slide thiswhole living room over. we're going to build a beautifulwall unit so you can house all your stuff.
i know you're happyabout that. and we're going to createa little dining room section over here. and guess what? that chandelier is goingto be swagged over a dining room table. we're going to clear out theroom, and we're going to start bringing new pieces in. and i think the first order ofbusiness is those drapes.
what do you think? vanessa deleon: i think so. i think we're ready. vanessa deleon: all right. you'll do the honors. natassia: ok. alfie: i'll take that. vanessa deleon: yes,here you go. alfie: i think when natassiafirst saw all the pink gone,
she might have a littleconcerned. but she knows it's veryimportant to me. natassia: i was a little bitapprehensive to see all the pink go, but honestly, afterseeing what vanessa's doing to this space, i think it'sstill feminine. it's still modern. i think it's even betterthan the pink. so we're just really excited. i feel like it feels likeboth of our spaces.
alfie: i really like theentertainment system. i think natassia's going to likethe entertainment system because it hides all the wires,and that is what she wanted, to hide all the wires. vanessa deleon: yeah. all right. good. we're on. alfie: we're good.
vanessa deleon: contact? natassia: wow, thatlooks amazing. vanessa deleon: whatdo you think? alfie: i think it's awesome. natassia: it's so much betterthan it was before. vanessa deleon: this isnot a hazard now. natassia: this is incredible. alfie: don't gotta worry aboutworking in the house and hitting your head.
natassia: i know, or everyoneelse hitting their head. vanessa deleon: voila! tassia, check out thesepier 1 pillows. natassia: amazing. i love them. vanessa deleon: socute, right? they're a bit of flower. natassia: they're so girly,but yet there's no pink. vanessa deleon: right.
natassia: no pink. vanessa deleon: i think it'sa good compromise. natassia: i think this isan amazing compromise. vanessa deleon: ok, so we havean elegant, sophisticated, cable free, no pink, beautiful,classy apartment on the upper east side. who's better than youguys right now? alfie: nobody. natassia: nobody.
alfie: i don't thinkanybody right now. vanessa deleon: over here wehave a little credenza area, and look at this chandelier. natassia: it's absolutelybeautiful. vanessa deleon: is this crazy? alfie: i love it. i love the location. natassia: it's perfect. we love it.
we can't believe howbeautiful it looks. it's perfect just for us. vanessa deleon: tassia, you'revery stylish and really elegant, and that was your wholespin on the whole room. so i wanted to keep everythingkind of monochromatic. clean, simple, modern, and ahint of glam, of course. masculine and femininityat the same time. alfie: no more bubble gum. natassia: no more bubble gum.
vanessa deleon: i know,he's so happy. alfie: i really like the wayeverything came out. i love the hand. i feel like givingit a high five. natassia: oh, yeah? well, maybe you shouldput a ring on it. alfie: maybe we'll savethat for another show. vanessa deleon: i'm vanessadeleon, and you're watching spaces.
i hear you're having a littlegathering here tonight. natassia: we are. vanessa deleon: arewe all invited? natassia: i think everyonecan come. i mean, there's more horsd'oeuvres for everyone. alfie: sure. vanessa deleon: allright, good. so maybe i'll just hang out hereand lounge on the blue chair until all yourguests arrive.
natassia: perfect. alfie: sounds good.
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