interior design living room rugs
hello! my name is judy williams on behalfof expert village and today we’re talking about different ways to decorate your livingroom on a budget. okay, you’ll notice my cushion here on the floor and what i havedone is gone ahead and laid my cushion down and folded back the excess. then i’ll tiltmy rug back and cut off what i don’t need. i wanted to make sure that i had that in placefirst. this cushion is just purchased at a local home supply store, it’s very inexpensivebut wears extremely well. you’ll notice that this rug is folded in half right now.what i did was quarter my rug, i had it folded over and then pulled it back and i’m centeringmy medallion, the center pattern with the fireplace. as you pull the rug forward, ifyou’ll have someone on the other side just
provides some tension pull it against youand walk together. it’s very easy to install one of these rugs. thank you. you’ll noticenow, that my medallion is centered with the fireplace. once i have my rug in place, ihad already predetermined the color of my walls because that is my large space and iselected across between the color that runs around the border of this rug and is repeatedthroughout the rug. that is the color that’s on my wall, just one shade deeper to add alittle depth. there’s a lot of light in this room, so i wanted a little depth of coloring.
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