interior design living room video

interior design living room video

erica storm wasser: hey, guys. how are you liking "your placeis a deal breaker"? i think mika and banditare awesome. and i can't wait for them toget rid of the cobwebs. [music playing] vanessa deleon is coming over towork her magic once again, this time, with the complementsof pier 1. thank you so much. they sponsored this episodeof "your place is a deal

breaker." so all of the amazingfurniture that you see in the makeover episode isactually available at pier 1, so you can bring "spaces"in to your space. check out our tumblr in therecreate this episode section, where you can see exactly whatitems they were and where you can find them at apier 1 near you. enjoy "your place is a dealbreaker" and more from the new jersey showhouse next. vanessa deleon hey, guys.

i'm vanessa deleon. some of you may know me from"your place is a deal breaker." we're here todayat the showhouse of 2012 in new jersey. and we're in my sittingroom, which is a coco chanel-inspired sitting room. this room is where a womancomes to relax. it's her oasis away fromthe rest of the house. and everything in hereis tailored,

high-end luxury, and beautiful. in my room, we have beautifulquilted wallpaper, which, of course, is reminiscentof chanel's handbags. and that's throughout the spacein a black gloss finish. on the ceiling, we have abeautiful shiny gold vinyl. that's my inspiration. it was a black white and, ofcourse, the accent of gold. over here, we have this consoletable, which happens to be gold, an antiqued mirror,which also is very

glamorous and luxurious. on this corner flanked on eitherside of the sofa, we have beautiful oversized lampswith a black shade, again, keeping with my whole blackand white theme. over here, we have thisandy warhol print. it happens to be a series offour, but i used the one pop color that i wanted. it was like a fuchsia orangefeel color combination, which happens to accent my chair inthe far left of the room.

the window treatments behind meare actually functional, so it feels like you'rein a stage almost. you open that up, and you havethe light from the outside if you wanted some light. if you want to keep it veryprivate, you can close that. and that was from evelyn'screations. right underneath our feet is abeautiful wall-to-wall coco chanel-inspired carpetingfrom the rug importers. and if you notice, in thecenter is the emblem.

right on top of that sits abeautiful coffee table, again, with the cc's. you love my space? you want to see more? be sure to subscribeto "spaces."

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