home design and decor shopping website

home design and decor shopping website

there's lots of choices around here, rebecca,for making this table look the way you want it to, so we just have to decide. you thinkyou wanna use those plates? i do -- i think they bring in the color of the sofa. yeah,well, they're better than the white kinda pulls the room together. that's just too boring.yeah, i think these are good. okay, now listen, the closets are full of stuff around here.i know. so we'll just go through and drag out whatever you want to make this come together.let's pull together an amazing table. looks like we're just about ready for guests. ithink so. it came together beautifully. you know, just using what you had, and even thingsin the garden, i think we did pretty well. it looks so abundant and full -- it's be perfectfor a holiday. you know, can you imagine for

thanksgiving -- this would be awesome. andthis is something that people can do themselves. you know, it is. i mean, you should look aroundto see what you have and build it from there. that's what we did here. yes, now, not everyonehas gourds --you can pick those up -- but just the leaves. and these are the fig leaves,right? right. you based it with that. you took those off the big fig tree and then sortof laid up a base, and then on top of it, just placed pomegranates and some of thesegourds and things from the supermarket. it's amazing what you can pick up at the grocerystore. it is, and i think it's also so bountiful it's gonna make people feel good when theycome to sit here and eat and enjoy a nice meal together. well, that's the whole idea:to comfort and just enjoying the conversation

and company of friends. i really like theway these plates work with the white plates. the napkins you choose, i think, look reallygreat. you got these color echoes going with all the different golds, these different flowersand napkin colors. and one of things i use a lot when i do my tables is i put a votivecandle in a different kind of container, but they're all the same. and each -- what itdoes is it makes each plate separate and special and it makes it light up, especially at night.but i also use candles in the daytime. yeah. do you? i do. and it illuminates it. and whenthey get ready to sit down, you can just move it over. move it on over. and it becomes partof the tablescape itself. yeah, good job. yeah, right back at you. i love how the arrangementsturned out, and just using three, that's really

all you need. it's perfect. simple, stylishand homegrown. listen, we'd love to have you subscribe to ehow home, where we teach you,every single day, something new you can use. if you learned something here today that youcan use in your own home or you have an idea to add, please leave us a comment below. we'dlove to hear from you. we'll see you next time. bye-bye. i'm gonna go ahead and pourit up. alright.

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