decorating ideas for small living rooms with brown furniture

decorating ideas for small living rooms with brown furniture

hi, i'm ann myrick and today i'm going totalk to you about simple decorating tips and advice. i'm a decorator, and i work with whatpeople have. and, first thing i want to tell you to do is, buy what you love. don't worryabout having it have to be a certain thing, or, because so and so has it, you want it.or you need it. buy what you love. and buy from different places. a lot of times i willwalk into a house, and i will see that they have....well the house will look like a certainstore. and, you don't want your house to look like one store, you want your house to looklike you. you want your house to have wonderful memories, and you want your house to havegreat pieces in it, but you don't want it to look like the house down the street. so,get some great pieces. a couch is a very expensive

piece of furniture, and you need a reallygood, substantial couch. buy a really nice couch, but then go to junk shops, go to fleamarkets, find other pieces. i love mixing old and new. it creates more interest. a lotof times people will have all new things in their house, and they really need to bringin old. i love formal and informal, so you want contrast. you always want to use textures.example of the textures, is i love these old pillows. they have great texture, they havea black trim, and i can just put 'em with everything and they just pop with the green.another thing to remember is, i'm really big on the house. the house can be decorated incredibly,but it could be really dirty and really need some updating, as far as you could go intoa great house, and there's a shade that has

burns and cobwebs all over it. so, i'm realbig on the whole cleaning idea, too. dust your furniture, clean really good. if youhave pieces that are moth-eaten or burns, or you need to update...the lamp's great butyou need to update the shade. go around and update, and make it look fresh and new. colorschemes. be careful on your color scheme. pick out two or three colors that you love,but don't.....don't kill it. don't just beat it to death. bring in...always bring in somedifferent colors to add new life. this is ann myrick, and those are simple decoratingtips and advice.

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