classic red living room

classic red living room

hey, guys, welcome back to my, channel, today i'm gonna do the look that i had in my one chip challenge i put that look on snapchat and on instagram and obviously from the video so many of you requested to see the look it's super duper easy, and obviously the star of the show is the red, lipstick, which so many of you wanted to know what lipstick i was wearing in that video because it withstood the test of time i hit myself with the water faucet gallons of water rice milk which i know wasn't gonna do anything because it's the lactose in milk that really helps kind of combat that burn but i don't drink cow's milk

and rice milk and water were the only things that we had in refrigerator so that's what i was chugging i was even eating, like, cold, ass puddings, which wasn't on the video it held up through all of that so the lipstick that i was wearing? was the i love sarahii and colour-pop collab in the color arriba and i feel like it went good because i was like galloping. through the, whole video this is the lippy that was ride-or-die with, me that one chip, challenge you the real mvp this look is really easy, you can pare it with any color lip you, want it does not necessarily have to be a red lip i'm just gonna go with the red, lip i can bump it up if you

want with the eyes i'm not gonna do a lot on the eyes it's basically lips and lashes for this look so if you guys, wanna hang out and do your, makeup with, me for like the next ten minutes 15 minutes or so then just keep watching also, before we jump into the video a lot of you have asked what's up with this diamond on my tooth and so many of you i feel like are just now seeing it and i've had this diamond on my tooth for a couple months now i got it when we were at beautycon la, no gen beauty, no, we were at beautycon it was definitely beauty con la that i got this this is from tooth candy and it is a swarovski

crystal she has a ton of different ones and it'll stay on there for about two years and if i want to get it taken off? sooner than that i have to go to the dentist to have it removed i like it i don't even notice it's there anymore but a lot of you, were like curious, like, what's on your tooth? its a swarovski crystal so shall, we prep the face so the first thing i'm gonna do is moisturize myface and i'm using the tatcha water cream this is my favorite kind of moisturizer to prep the skin before i apply my, makeup as you can, see she is almost empty and we almost need a, new, one? this, technically is too much you're only supposed to use like a little tiny bit like

maybe that much. but i like to make sure i'm moisturized what is this? clearly halloween is trying to hang on for dear life got him halloween is over sir i want to christmas, oh wait there's thanksgiving so i'm gonna, do my, makeup the exact, way that i did it in the one chip, challenge video

because i wanted to really try, the joue' foundation in the next video because i remember i told you on a vlog the next video will try it but i didn't use that foundation in the video so i'm going with the exact, makeup that i use because that shit, was foolproof so i'd like to let, my moisturizer sink in for a good minute or two before i move on to priming the face because i feel like if you just slap all the products on too quickly things can, end up like slipping and sliding all over the place and your makeup won't stay so make sure if you put on a moisturizer that you really let it absorb into the skin before you move on to priming so, we'll just sit here i guess

okay, so i'm going, to prime the face and for this one i'm going to use this ysl primer this is a blur primer so the majority of the product is gonna go on to our cheek area and then whatever is left over i'm just gonna kind of work around the rest of the face just so i have like a nice smooth even canvas to work on so the foundation that i was using, was the d you are forever foundation this is a perfect? makeup everlasting we're paw refining effect, with sunscreen. that sounds good to, me and i'm gonna use it in the shade and i'm gonna use it in the shade 25 and we are going to apply it with a beautyblender beautyblender

so i like to do like two pumps on the back of the beauty blender and then just start working this like into the skin so i'm just, using light pressure what is this a breakup, what are you doing up there i really, like this foundation, i like the coverage of it and i also like how, the skin looks when i wear this foundation looks, healthy as you can see the difference this is no foundation foundation i have to sneeze bless you so i do about two pumps for each side of my face and again i just start like on the cheek i just like to do it like this

kind of working, my way out? so like the least amount of product is on the like jaw, area, make sure you blend that down i think you just gonna make his cauliflower tacos for the vlog today if i did those tacos are really true it i like that foundation so for my, brows i've mainly just been wearing, my natural brow i'll show you, obviously, what i'm about to do i like to go in and brush all my hairs up we're getting pretty good so we just need this to fill in like a little more i haven't touched them in weeks once how. long's it been i don't know, but, what i've been, using is this brow conditioner primer from

benefit you got to be careful with it because it will kind of move your foundation so just use like a light hand and then just brush it through i feel, like it's almost like a gel it kind of helps lock everything in place clearly this brow is not gonna be for everyone if you wrote it me like, what are you, doing it's, my life let me let it so i brush everything up and then i starts to just kind of move it all over to the side so what you do if you have an itch pounce it out and that's all i've been doing one it's saving, me a, whole bunch of time - i'm over the fact that, my, brows look crazy, like in the beginning i thought, my, god my, brows. no look, at them now people are like, oh, your, brows i'm like, what i'm trying to grow, them out

okay, this, is what i've been doing obviously is not going to be for everybody but i like it and when i have fly-ass balls for eyeshadow. this is going to be the easiest eyeshadow ever of life i'm using the queen of hearts palette by coloured raine and we're gonna use a one shade in this palette and it's going to be this kind of? fleshy, tone a color right here, and we're just going to sweep that all over our lids if i go i'm british, so i'm sweeping it over the lid, and kind of up into the crease a little bit just to make sure that the foundation kind of doesn't like crease up there i really, like it cuz, it's like a fleshy color could that have gotten any easier, no next i'm just wanting it to curl. these lashes

to, prep them for our pulse ease and then i'm gonna hit them with some mascara and i'm gonna use the l'oreal voluminous carbon black don't you hate when you have like one eyelash it's like crooked it's like, going the other, way, like can you just hang out with your friends the right way so i really just do like one coat of mascara and i'm gonna put falsies on because they're, gonna get covered up anyway and i'm gonna use these guys, these are christina these are wispy lashes i get them from amazon, carli turned, me on to. these but what if i squirted this right, my eye and give them a, little push up and we have a lush, oh i just want a whole lash off

quick you, won't even have to put a, new, lash glue on kaduche it will still be tacky so i'm gonna take a, liquid liner and i'm just going it to run a straight line we're not gonna, wing it out or anything i'm just doing this to kind of disguise the lash man a little bit and since we used dark tone lash glue and don't have a lot of eye shadow happening on our lids i'm gonna use it to, also disguise any lash, glue, that might be peeking up, above the lash, line so much out of that guy, looks and this guy right here without just the thin line, and will come back and hit these lashes with mascara towards the end of the look right now we're going to

conceal and my concealer is out up here of course, so i'm going to use my favorite concealer ever it is the tarte shape tape i'm using it in the color light/medium honey but i'm a little more tan i use light medium but i feel like this is just working a, little bit better these, days this i'm gonna pinch the beauty blender so that we can get in here because i like to take this up into the inner corner of the eye as well as down the side of the nose and then just a light pressure make, sure you blend really good around that nose area so that there's not like a lot of product. build-up there it's a set i'm gonna, use my laura mercier secret brightening powder

can't live without it dab everything out one more time before, we set so we're not setting the creases into our makeup they, continue to look up and i'm gonna start from the outer corner and work? my, way in coming from the outer corner into the inner corner and then down the nose and then up and then i kind of just sweep it away so to set my, face i'm going to use studio fix powder from mac usually i set with the charlotte tilbury i just can't find it anywhere at the moment, so i'm just gonna set with this studio fix powder i'm not gonna use a lot i'm just going to tap, my brush into it like this and then push the product into the skin i

stopped using it for a little bit because i thought that, was the reason i was breaking out a lot but i think it was um just a lot of iced venti soy, chai's so that picture that i had on instagram when i said i spent tea soy, chai, that was a last wish i never gonna drink because soy, makes me break out in soy is not that good for you. anyway it's like, to go just back under the eye real quick there's no extra product on here it's just product. that's left over from when we set so to contour i'm gonna use the shade

and light palette from kat von d and i'm just going to use the middle shade clearly, and then i'm gonna, do it into the temples as, well just kind of all the way up to the forehead and then i like to, add what's ever left, over? to, my chin i feel like it's the only blush that i use and i've been using it for so long so long if you're, familiar with, my channel you know that i use this blush basically always this is the charlotte tilbury cheek to chic this, is the sex on fire and i'm just saying that i use this blush so much and look it's there's no, pan it doesn't even look remotely close to it i just love this blush i think complements any, makeup look i'm gonna go back in with the brush that, we used to set underneath our eyes and just kind of run that at the

of the blush just so that it melts perfectly in all right so for highlight what i've been doing is just using this, hourglass this, is the strobe lighting powder and this is in euphoric and i'm gonna, use this morphe brush i think this is a 509 but i can't really tell i like that it's like super fluffy, and doesn't like deposit like a lot of color, so i'm just gonna run this in here be generous don't be nervous and then i'm gonna just kind of put this here like on my apples area go, over, my nose i basically put this everywhere and then i do here, above my brows and we're gonna take our beauty blender spray the shit out of it and then just kind of dab over everything so it looks more melted into the skin and doesn't look like it's just

sitting on top of our skin yeah so a lot of product at the root for the beasts closest to the lash line is where i like to put it all and then just hit the tips so moving on to lip i'm just gonna go over this as, well with the brush so i'm just, gonna use cherry lip, liner but any red level in our will do you know it doesn't not have to be this one and then we're, gonna fill everything in with our yeah this liquid lip whatnot around so after your lip is complete this look is complete i did add a?

lower lash mascara though i don't think i've owned that but i did add it so yeah i love this look it is one of my favorites as of lately i'm really into a red lip because i feel like it just like amps up any, makeup look, and looks like, oh girl look at her but it really is just the red, lip it's just a red lip and don't be scared to, wear a red, lip if you're scared to wear a red lip put it on when you're in the house walk around get comfortable in it and again it's just makeup if you don't like it you can wipe it off you can, obviously, wear this look with, any mob viously, wear this look with, any lipstick that you feel comfortable with, but i don't know the word i'm looking for

strongly recommend you try a red lip especially for the holiday season i feel like it's a good excuse to, wear a red lip so that is it for me guys i hope you enjoyed and? i will see you in the next video

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