interior design for small spaces pdf

interior design for small spaces pdf

hello clean my space nation, and welcometo my new and improved laundry room. this week, i am going to give you guys a tourof this new space because many of you have been asking for me to walk you through andshow you what we've done. the cool part about chad and i filming these videos inour house is that every now and then we do get to upgrade these spaces, not only tofilm in but also to use for our own selfish little purposes. so this week, weare going to check out our laundry room. let's go. just a quick reminder before weget started on the tour, if you haven't done so already, subscribe to clean myspace, button's right down there, and we promise to deliver you only the mostefficient and effective cleaning

information. all right, on with the tour.this is a stain chart and it was chad's idea, and i gotta give the guy credit, hedesigned it himself. the reason we decided to put this here was because, i mean,there's a lot of symbols and sometimes you don't always remember exactly what eachone means so it's great to have a handy reference chart and then that way, anytime i have a piece of clothing and i have to treat it a certain way, i can quicklyreference this, it happens to be located right beside the iron, which is oftenwhere i need this. now i can probably twist chad's arm enough to get him to postthis on if you guys are interested in downloading your ownprintable version. so please, if you are

interested, let me know in the commentsdown below and i will have a little talk, a little husband and wife talk, with myhusband about getting this up for you guys online. i don't always iron, but when ido, i come to my ironing station. and the reason we've set it up this way is becauseit helps keep all of the ironing gear out of the way since it's infrequently used,but then when we need it, we can easily take the board down, take out the iron,and boom, it's right there. just to show you what i have, i have a really goodquality iron, which is an excellent investment, honestly makes the job a loteasier, as well as a good ironing board, this one doesn't scream when you open it.

i also have some spray starch. recently ishared a really good recipe for that and we can link that video for you down below.and before i move on, i did want to talk about the wall color because i know youguys are going to ask in comments so i figured i would just tell you. it is behrultra and the color is explorer blue. and we chose something that was really brightand super colorful because you gotta feel good when you're doing laundry, i mean youneed something to make you feel excited. i would love to open up these doors and showyou guys like a beautifully organized something-or-other back here buttruthfully, these are just concealment cupboards. they cover up our ugly fusepanel or electronic business that nobody

wants to see. it's simple wood paintedwhite with handles that match the other cabinetry in our laundry room. it's reallyclassy, nice way to cover up all the business, and the credit for this ideagoes to kevin, who is a guy that built the laundry room. hanging out in your laundryroom is not something you want to do but it's definitely something you want yourclothes to do, and that's why we left so much space available for just that. not only do we have one of these wiredryers, which is some of you guys call them, or air dry racks, which is, by theway, foldable, and we can store that away when we're not using it, but we've alsobuilt in this cabinet here and this is

something we picked up from ikea. it's gota couple of shelves on the top but the important part is this hanging space herebecause that way, after we've ironed or steamed something, or even if we pullsomething out of the washing machine and want it to air dry, we can utilize thisspace for that purpose. and then down below we also have some storage shelves,which is where we keep our off-season shoes. we've really thought out the flowof this laundry room space and one of the things that i'm super proud of is the factthat we decided to put our steamer right here, which is right next to our clothinghanging rack so that way we can easily steam something. we also keep thedistilled water, which is what you're

supposed to use in a steamer, as well as alittle pouring container, and all of the attachments right over here. so, like,talk about convenience. we got it now. the other thing that we have is a kettle. thisis my old kettle from upstairs, i've since upgraded, but we like having it down herenot only because we use it for shoots, but also because every now and then you needsuper boiling hot water to deal with a stain. this is quite a step up for themaker-reynolds household. we've come a long way since our plastic, rinky-dinksink that we used to have. so i want to walk you through some of the stuff that wehave over here and why we chose it. first off, we have this really heavy-dutyindustrial faucet. it's got this nice

spray hose, which is great for waterfights but also any other cleaning tasks or laundry tasks that you have to do, andthen it's got the regular faucet as well. we've opted for a cast iron sink,partially 'cause it was on sale and it was really pretty, but also 'cause it's huge,it's got two basins, and it's really good for cleaning and laundry. i love how italso has this built-in soap pump, super important in my world. and for our counterspace, we opted for a thick piece of bamboo that's varnished so it's quitedurable and it's also stain-resistant. and if you look, we have just enough space fora laundry basket over here and we've got room for some folding action over here.underneath, we have our cabinetry which we

use for a multitude of smart laundrystorage from vinegar to a bucket where we keep our dirty cloths. make sure they'redry if you're going to store them. then we also have a plunger and a garbage can downhere. and then in here is where we keep all of our extra laundry detergent. so asyou can see, this counter space area has been effectively laid out so we have themost important stuff exactly where we need it. since your laundry room is definitelyone of those spaces where you need a little bit of artistic inspiration, we hadkept our eyes open for some cute pieces of art that would really make this space feela little bit more interesting to be in. so we have a couple of cute pictures, onesays "wash away your worries" and it has a

little soap bar, this one says "at thecleaners it's loads of fun, " that's arguable, but either way it's a cute pieceof art. and then over here, the whole reason why we do laundry, "laundry todayor naked tomorrow." if you don't like these things, you can always put uppictures of your family, kids' art, cute animals, as long as you have somethingdown here that puts a smile on your face, that's what matters. this, obviously, iswhere our washing machine and dryer live, and we decided to design the space in sucha way where we got a lot of surface space on the top so this special little nook wasbuilt for the machines specifically. now, up top is where i keep all the cleaninggoodies. i have two baskets here with all

of the stain removal solutions you wouldever need in a laundry room, everything from hydrogen peroxide, to dish soap, tochalk cleaning toothbrushes, lavender oil, which you guys know i use in my detergentto help deter any of that mold or mildew. i've got some oxi, some baking soda, somestain remover, then i've got my detergent in my vinegar, you know i use this for myfabric softener. and then here we have one of these little carts where you canseparate things out. we've got some cloths, some fresh tablets to keep thewashing machine clean. we've got a multitude of dryer balls, 'cause i lovethose, everything from wool to plastic to tinfoil. and then this is where i keep mydelicates bags. and of course, the main

attraction, the co-stars of the laundryroom show, is our laundry pair. and we opted for lg machines. we did a lot ofresearch online and we felt that this was the best for us in terms of size andfunctionality, and we've been really happy with them. the thing i want to point outto you is that kevin built us these custom risers and we decided to do that insteadof paying for the full-blown ones with the drawers, you know, we built anotherstorage. it's really quite a delight if you're talking about laundry, to able tostand, at least at my height, i'm about five foot five, and i can easily openthis, do my laundry, put it in here, and i don't have to crouch down, stand up, breakmy back, you know how it is. and one of

the most aesthetically necessary things inthis laundry room was this folding door to conceal the furnace room 'cause, you know,it's cold, dark, and creepy in there. we finished the space off by painting theceiling a nice bright white, installing six led pot lights for really, really goodlighting in the laundry room, which is super important, and then we installedsome of these beautiful, matte-white porcelain tiles. all in all, the spacecame together perfectly. we are so much happier using this laundry room to do ourlaundry than we were trying to jimmy-rig everything together in the old laundryspace that we had. since laundry rooms are not usually the largest spaces, it'sreally important to be smart about the way

that you design them and what you put inthem, which brings me to this week's comment questions, "what would you love inyour dream laundry room?" would you like a tv, would you like certain organizationalproducts, or certain laundry pairs, accessories? let me know in the commentsdown below. i'd be quite curious to hear what's on your mind. also, a quickreminder, if you do want that laundry chart print-out, let me know in thecomments and i will see what i can do. if you're interested in seeing what i'm up toduring the week, you can follow me on instagram, i'm @melissamaker, the guy whodefinitely wants a tv in his laundry room is @thechadreynolds, and we are@cleanmyspace. there's a button down there

that let's me know you care so click it ifyou liked this video and click this button right here to subscribe and begin yourjourney to a cleaner life. thanks so much for watching and we'll see you next time.well it's that special time of the week where i get to throw you to a couple ofother videos i think you're going to love. the first one is all about ironing andironing tips, be sure to check that one out if you're a fan of the iron and evenif you're not, this one's a good one for you to see. the other one you can checkout is our video on dryer tips, which teaches you how to best use your dryer orto properly air dry your clothing. you definitely want to see that one, it isover there. you can also visit our website

down there, it is, it'sgot all kinds of good information on there from tips, tricks, recipes, checklists,product reviews, celebrity interviews, we've got all kinds of things going onthere. anyway, be sure to check it out. thanks guys and i will see you next week.

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