modern living room tv sets

modern living room tv sets

- we're gonna do somethinga little different today. now, lately, when you've beenseeing most of my videos, it's in this set right here but this isn't actuallywhere i do most of my gaming. that's actually over here. this is the lounge area of our offices. this is where we don't really do a lot of editing or anything. we'll occasionally shoot up here

but the main point is it's aplace for people to decompress or in my case, playgames in between videos. so let's take a look around. (upbeat music) first, let's take a lookat the wall of peripherals. now, the main point of thissection is the top shelf where i keep all of thedifferent controllers for different systems that i use including some dualshock 4sfor the ps4 in silver and gold.

we've got a number ofdifferent joy-cons here on an actual switch itself. also, on these grips,i never really use them when i actually play gamesbut i like having them as a way to display other joy-con colors. also, a couple amiibos roundingit out, my favorite link one and a cloud which i actuallyjust picked up today. these just launched and further back, there are all the differentxbox one s controllers

we have right now. i just did a video on these plus a couple of designsthat we got before from getting differentspecial edition systems. now, i kinda filled in a lotof space here just for display. there are a number of differentcollectables that i have. some are ones that i boughtstraight up on their own like other amiibos or the pixel pals but there's also some thatbelong to collector's editions

for some more recent bigger games. for instance, i've got aloyover here from horizon zero dawn and further down, themask from dishonored 2 to fill that space down there. now, all of this isn'tnecessarily just for show. we have a couple other thingswe've picked up over time. for instance, i've done a couple of videos ranking all the different colors of different special edition systems.

so for instance, here'sall the other xbox ones. the white one's missing right now 'cause it's actually hooked up to the tv and ps4 slims as well whichi just ranked more recently. on top of all that, we havea few other peripherals aside from controllers. some are a little more for display such as the laserscope here. kinda just a lesson in history of things

not to do when you're developinganother kind of controller. - [narrator] and this gamewill be coming out in april. - i retire this in glory. - but we also have further down the psvr which we do hook up everynow and then to the ps4 pro for playing some games. it's just, it's a big mess of cables if you leave it hooked up all the time so we store it over here in the corner

when we're not using it. now, let's take a look at the back wall. now, this next area mightlook familiar to some of you 'cause we've actually donea lot of shooting up here right here on this couch. so behind me, i usually try to showcase some more of my collectables. right now, i've got the megaman nendo and my titanfall pop. there's also a very smallcollection of games.

this isn't my full shelf obviously. it's just a couple games i bring in that are either recent hitsor stuff from my backlog that i'm trying to get into. now, there's also acouple call of duty games thanks to ralphy which speaking of which, the really big centerpieceson this back wall are these huge lego sets thatralphy has recently built on his new channel, build play repeat

and to kinda round those out are a trio of really awesome posters that i'm so glad have finallymade their way into a video. i've had them for a while but we just haven't foundthe place to fit them yet so really cool that you guysget to see these finally. before talking about the tv though, let's take a look at the setup beneath it showing off all of our systems.

now, this is a shelf we got at ikea. the top row was all of our recent systems. we've got the ps4 pro on oneside, xbox one s on the other although later this yearthat's gonna get replaced when the one x comes out and kinda breaking the comboin the middle is the wii u. obviously, the switch is newer but having it in anenclosed space like that doesn't really play nice with the dock

so we keep that up above and the wii u still getssome use now and then so there, it's right there. on the bottom row are some older systems. some of them are alittle more for display. we were giving sega a little bit of love. - [narrator] genesis does. - [narrator] what nintendo. - with the dreamcast on oneside, genesis on the other

and in the middle is the analogue nt. that's actually a more recent system that lets you do old school nes gaming but in 1080p on nicer tvs. and to really make these systems pop out, we actually have these hue strips set up on the back of the shelf which gives a nice separationbetween the systems and the back wall.

right now, we're rocking this purple color which i think is theperfect accent in this room. and then of course is the tv. this is an lg oled tv. i don't remember the exact product number off the top of my head. we'll put that link downbelow but the point is it's a really pretty tv. i'm gonna be honest with you guys,

it's not necessarily the best choice if you're doing hardcorecompetitive stuff. the latency on it is a bit serious but when it comes to playingjust single-player games, things are focused more on visuals and a kinda cinematic feel,it is an incredible choice. so that wraps up our littletour of the gaming room here at the office. if there's anything youguys saw in the video

that i didn't really talk about, ask me down below in the comments. i'm also gonna linksome of the cooler stuff down below as well andwe'll see you guys later.

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