macy's contemporary living room furniture

macy's contemporary living room furniture

i'm gunnery sergeant r.lee ermey. join me and a platoon ofdedicated professionals for another military makeover.okay boys, i want to hear hammers hammering, saws sawing.time for us to show our appreciation and give back tothose who have sacrificed. this is designing spaces:military makeover and it starts right now.who is robert keefe? what has he done to serve hiscountry? why should he get a militarymakeover?

well, just in case you missedour first episode, you're about to find out.i grew up in okeechobee, florida.graduated okeechobee high school in 1996, and went to a coupleyears of college and then joined the marine corps.before joining the marine corp, robert was working as a producemanager at a local grocery store.i was a cashier, and he worked as a produce manager.i couldn't keep my eyes off of her.i used every tactic just to talk

to her.finally, she agreed to go on a date with me, and first date,first kiss. soon after, robert enlisted andjoined the marine corp. we averaged 6-10 ied strikesevery mission. my truck alone hit five ieds.the first one destroyed the front end, nobody was hurt.robert was lucky to escape three more ied attacks, but his luckeventually ran out. the fifth ied strike was the onethat injured me. the injuries were serious.diagnosis: vertebrae compression

fracture, traumatic braininjury, and post-traumatic stress disorder.the incident did not go unnoticed back home.i actually had a dream and i saw it, and what happened was, ifelt it. wow.i'm alive and i have all my limbs.i feel very very blessed. now it's time for us, atdesigning spaces to give back to robert and his family.with the help of the gunny, we'll transform their home andgive it a serious upgrade.

your wish is our command.the heavy lifting will begin right after this.(hammering). (power tool sounds).while the construction process is in full swing, the backyardmakeover still has a way to go, but new outdoor furniture willcertainly add to the aesthetic. as part of our militarymakeover, we are setting up the keefes with some stylish patiofurniture. of course, they get to choose itthemselves. we wouldn't have it any otherway.

hopefully it's a little morecomfortable than what i'm sitting on here.ahhh... want to go join them?once again, this may, macy's is kicking off a summer celebrationof american icons. a patriotic salute to people,places and things that make america part of american icons, macy's is honoring veterans withan in-store gift bag program to benefit got your 6.we'll learn more about this awesome initiative a littlelater.

this is ron trevone, and he'shere to show robert and bianca some exciting outdoor options.i'm so excited to be here today at the macy's furniture gallery.our back yard has been totally decimated by my dogs, and i'mreally looking forward to having them help me select some fineoutdoor furniture for my patio. hello, welcome to macy's, howcan i help you? hi, good morning.looking for some patio furniture.great assortment, let's go look. alright,, this is one of our newer

collections.why don't you have a seat and see if it's comfortable for, tell me about your style. well, we're thinking aboutdesigns, and i'm more of the traditional type, and she's moreof the modern contemporary type. perfect, perfect choice.lots of seating, lots of color. clean lines, but yet thosetraditional elements. as for a chair, why don't youtry the swivel chair. you look like somebody thatloves a swivel chair. i love swivel chairs.swivel chairs give the option to

spin around and see the personnext to you, opening up the space to have conversations withfriends and family. awesome.i like it. it's really comfortable.we're really excited about the different color options and thestyles. a lot to choose from.over here we have one with an azure blue cushion, which is afun blue, which is more blue. i like fun.i'm going to show you some

oranges and grays, even thoughthe elements are kind of traditional to contemporary tomodern, you can infuse the different colors by adding throwpillows, accents, accessories and all that, so kind of makesyour own personal space. perfect.great. he has shown us fromcontemporary to traditional, which is awesome, because ididn't think traditional could look so good.let's go look at a round table. alright, wonderful.see if you'd be happy with that., here we have a 42 inch round, as ron was taking us to the last table, i immediatelynoticed the orange, the bright orange really caught my eye.of course i thought of the kids and when they're running around,they're not going to run into the can add more chairs to it. you can get six chairsaround here comfortably. you could all have like a greatconversation, friends and family, and really enjoy thequality time together in your

new house.this is super comfy. it is.i like it a lot. i like this the table the keefes are going to go with?we'll find out after the break.time to check back in withrobert and bianca. looks like they're close tomaking a decision. i think the set is going to lookamazing in our back yard. just the color is going togo awesome with our house colors and with all our tropical plantsthat we have.

it's just going to play rightinto it. now that robert and bianca havechosen their dream furniture, let's find out what this gotyour 6 program is all about. in the military, "got your 6"means "got your back" but here at macy's, we got their back.before you go, macy's has an awesome's called #americanselfie. so for every selfie we take andpost on social media, macy's donates a dollar to got your 6program. wow, your 6 supports veterans to

get back into the work forceafter their service, and we here at macy's has supported them forover three years, raised over 5 million six. so, you ready for that selfie?let's do it. cool.give back. thank you so much.what an honor and privilege to be served with such wonderfulpeople and a great organization such as macy's.we feel so blessed. i want to cry for this, so thankyou macy's.

visit to see moreselections available at a macy's near you.boys, looking good getting them cabinets up.we're getting someplace here. hoorah.keep up the good work. now as you can see, the boys arejust beat up. they are exhausted.they need to take a break, so see you next time on militarymakeover, designing spaces. don't make me have to come overto your house and adjust your tv.(music).

for more information aboutanything you've seen n today's show, or to find out how to bepart of the show, log on to designingspaces.tvyou can visit these websites to learn more about theparticipants on this edition of designing spaces.(music).

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