living room interior design sketch

living room interior design sketch

hi, tom here and welcome to this week circle line art school video: how to draw a house in cross-section in one-point perspective, the first step in this drawing is to draw a horizontal line in the middle of your page, next draw a cross in the center of this line for the vanishing point, all diagonal lines in this drawing will end up at this vanishing

point, now draw a vertical line on the left of the vanishing point and then another vertical line over to the right of the vanishing point, next or two more horizontal lines to make a rectangle and this will be the first room, we can add a double line around rectangle to show the thickness of the

walls in this cross-sectional drawing, a cross-sectional drawing is like the house has been cut in half and we can see inside the rooms of the half cut house, but also we can see the thickness of the walls where it's being cut in half next, next, draw four diagonal lines from the corners of your rectangle to the vanishing point in the center of the drawing,

we can already see, hopefully, that the walls, the sidewalls, are appearing in this one point perspective drawing, now we can add another diagonal to make a hallway coming towards us and now we can draw another smaller rectangle using the diagonal line on the right, so that we know how high this rectangle will be, so that the diagonal

line on the right represents the line between the ceiling and the wall on the right, so we don't want the vertical line to go above the diagonal line, on the left we can add a short diagonal line to make this new rectangle into a three-dimensional shape, now i'm going to add an open doorway and then add another rectangle here for

the back wall of the hallway, otherwise it would look endless, going all the way to the vanishing point... next in the doorway here we can add some simple steps, some rectangular shapes that need to get shorter as they go up, they get short on the right, we could add some horizontal lines along this hallway with bigger gaps as the lines get closer

to us, this will help create a sense of space in our drawing, i'll add some more lines on the right here, again starting close together and then getting further apart as they get closer to us... now we can erase some of the guidelines that we no longer need in this drawing, i will speed up the drawing for a moment here, while i go over the lines that we've drawn in pencil with a

thin black pen, any of the pencil lines at this stage, if i need to change them, i can just correct them as i go over them will the pen, next i want to draw some steps, but these i want to make them in front of the cross-section, so first i will draw

a diagonal line here, which is at the same distance that the cross section is at, and then i just need to add, we can add a zigzag line, to create the steps on this diagonal line which is the same distance as the cross section of the room, we can draw a vertical line here and then add a diagonal line from our vanishing point to make this a

three-dimensional shape, to make it look like three-dimensional shape, then if we draw another diagonal line on the left we have another hallway, below our first hallway, that we have already drawn, so sort of one hallway on top of another hallway, showing the two floors of the building that we've drawn so far, again we can draw a rectangle at the back for

the back wall of the hallway because, again, we don't want it to look as if it goes away endlessly into the distance, now we can add a series of diagonal lines from the vanishing point going to the corners of each of the zigzags of the steps that we drew earlier, and we can continue these diagonal lines towards us, coming towards us, so we are creating steps to

come right out towards us, further than the cross-section of the drawing, i can extend the hallway at the front here too, now i will speed up the drawing again for a little while, while i just go over the pencil lines with a black felt-tip pen, next on the left of the first vertical line that we drew we can draw three sides of a rectangle,

and then add a wall on the left, a vertical line here, now to make this open rectangle into an interior swimming pool we just need to add a slightly wavy horizontal line at the top along here, again we can make the swimming pool look three-dimensional by using our vanishing point to find the diagonal lines to give these shapes that we've already drawn a

depth, using 1-point perspective, i will draw a long step on the left along here, we can find the top of the wall on the left and the line up to it, with the height of the first room that we drew, sort of reading across from there... again i'll go over all the pencil lines that i've drawn with the pen, now i want to add some distorted

wavy lines in the swimming pool, horizontal and vertical lines, to give the impression of tiles seen through water, next on the right here i want to extend this line to make an overhang, we can give this the same thickness, and create depth, by adding a diagonal line from the vanishing point,

now we can add some thin columns to support this overhang, the first column needs to go all the way down to the ground and then if we draw a diagonal line from the base line of the ground, that will show us where all the other columns need to finish at, so this diagonal line, going from the vanishing point to the base of the first column

will show us where all the other columns need to rest upon, now there's some space at the top of this drawing, so i'll add another storey to the building and for that, we just need to draw a horizontal line for the height of the storey, but i'll make this storey of the building behind the cross-section of the rooms, so that it's not cut in half as it were, so the

steps that we drew earlier on, are in front of the cross-section and this new storey for the top of the building is behind the cross section, now i'm just going to go over of the lines with this black pen, i'll add more lines in the pool, but i'll make sure that they're all broken lines, i don't want these lines too solid, because

we're looking through water, that want to give the impression of the water could be moving and that it's not the same as the structure, the architectural structure, of a solid wall and i'll add a dotted line for the horizon, in this drawing i use a 4b pencil, a black pen, a gray marker pen and some colored pencils, that mix with watercolor to blend,

if you want to add color to your drawing, any color medium would work perfectly well, so speeding up this video i will use the grey marker pen to add some tone to the walls of the building, starting with all the walls on the right hand side, just giving them a gray tone, i'll add a dark tone to all of the ceilings as well, next, time to use these watercolor pencils, to add some color to

the pool, keeping quite a lot of white visible, so if you use color felt-tip pens, they would work very well for this as well and now just adding some water to blend these colors that i put in this area, i will add a graded blue to the sky, i hope you liked this video and find it useful for your own drawings. please join circle line art school and

i'll help you with your drawings! just click on the links below to find out more information, to receive a new art tutorial every saturday, please subscribe to my youtube channel, circle line art school, thanks very much for watching! goodbye...

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