living room interior ceiling design

no, i'm not putting this on the roof. i'mgonna use it in a very creative way in the house. they say an eco-friendly house can'tbe built in 150 days for $150,000, and i say it can. i'm allen smith. join me, as i pushthe limits with time, budget and creativity with the garden home challenge, exclusivelyon ehow home. okay, looking at this, you might think: "hey, whataya doin', buildin' a barn?"well, no, i'm just trying to come up with a creative and cost-efficient way to put aceiling in this room. this is actually galvanized roofing material. it's very thin gauge. infact, it's the thinest gauge i could find. the reason i did that because it was lessexpensive. these sheets were $15 a piece. and the ridging on here --if you ask for this--these are 12 inch sheets, and they're 2 1/2
inches from this point to this point. so thatgives you an idea of the undulation --or the ridging-- on this particular kind of 'barnroofing'. so, anyway, i decided that: hey, why not use this on the ceiling, because ifi did, i could do the ceiling for about 130 bucks. and that's what we've done. so, ifyou look up, you can see that we've got the entire ceiling complete. and what we've gotis a series of little screws that have been placed in there. and what learned is thatthe size screw that they recommended at the store really didn't work. and it was thisscrew here: this is a stainless steel screw. however, what we were finding is that thisthing was really too big for the gauge of metal. and when you talk about the gauge ofmetal that's like the thickness of the metal.
so this is really a thin gauge metal. so whatwas happening, it was crimping the tin --or the galvanized material-- it was causing littledivots, and it didn't look very good. so went to a smaller head, galvanized screw like this,which is 1 and 5/8s inches. and that seemed to work a lot better. that was tony's idea.and, you can see, you can barely see them along the lines of the ceiling joists acrosshere. and then if you look at the– the ceiling connects to the west wall. he's got a littlejig that he's made that follows that undulation. because he's gonna cut one out that'll fitunder each one of those pieces for this wall. and then we'll have a straight piece that'llrun along the south wall, because they're no undulations there, you can see. and so,we'll use a 6 inch board, and the bottom of
that board will be level on this side andthis side, so it'll look like the crown cornice in here. i know it looks like a mirrored ceiling,but you can't see yourself in it. and, hey, if you don't like it shiny like this you canpaint the stuff. so what i have here is a ceiling that's finished. i don't even haveto paint it. it's ready to go. and it was so cost-effective. if you're enjoying watchingthese updates, check in regularly and tell a friend. and make sure you subscribe to ehowhome.
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